Marian dogmas’ belief

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If the first century Christians were able to be saved without having to believe in Marian dogma’s, how is it that Catholics today need to accept all four of them them in order to be saved according to the Church? Why the double standard? Why would the following passages of Scripture not apply to the Marian Dogma’s which were NEVER implied or taught by the Apostles?
The Marian dogmas were believed and/or taught immediately.
They were not precisely defined though.

For example St. Jerome appeals to several of the earliest Fathers to support the Perpetual Virginty of the Blessed Virgin Mary against the heretic Helvedius (who denied that doctrine).

Marian doctrines are important from a prophetic standpoint.

Jesus is the New Adam. The Blessed Virgin Mary is the New Eve.

Marian doctrines are important from a Christologic standpoint.

As Tim Staples says. All Marian doctrines have Christologic implications.

Marian doctrines are important from a Truth standpoint.

They are true.

Marian doctrines are important from a eschatologic standpoint.

For example, The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is as Dr. Scott Hahn says, a “down payment” on what humanity can expect (getting glorified bodies back for us at the end of time from Jesus).

Marian doctrines are important from an Ecclesiological standpoint.

The Blessed Mother is a type (“typus” see CCC 964 or some such - I am going from memory so don’t hold me to the exact number) of the Church.

So you can study the Blessed Mother of Jesus Christ, and in many cases learn about our spotless (Ephesians 5) Mother of The Mystical Body of Christ, the Church.
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There is one solitary verse, Luke 1:48, that say’s that Mary will be called “blessed for all generations”. Of course I agree with that, her being the mother of the Messiah, however, lets not read more into that verse than what is really there. Surely, there were many other Bible figures who were called “blessed” also.
Would you mind giving me a list of those who . . .

. . . “All generations” would refer to and proclaim such in Scripture, someone in the Bible as “Blessed”?
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