What are your thoughs or experience with the Marian Movement of Priests and/or Fr. Stephano Gobbi? Any priestly members in this forum?
I went to these prayer meeting at the request of my daughter for about 7 or 8 months.What are your thoughs or experience with the Marian Movement of Priests and/or Fr. Stephano Gobbi? Any priestly members in this forum?
I’m surprised at the hand holding and rocking to and fro (not that there’s anything wrong with it.) It’s usually all about prayer, including the Rosary and readings from Fr. Gobbi’s book addressed to priests in particular. Pretty structured I guess is what I mean to say. Did they do that or was more like a prayer meeting, charismatics-style?I went to these prayer meeting at the request of my daughter for about 7 or 8 months.
Then I lapsed, was thinking about going back but who knows, it was all the holding hands and rocking to and fro that put me off, then again no surprise as some of the people there had been to Charismatic meetings.
I have no problem with people doing that but it’s not for me.
Sirach said:**I have belonged to a cenacle for over 10 years. It is a group of women (and children) who come together to pray Our Lady’s rosary and other prayers. We start out with a reading from the Bible and then our prayers. After we are done praying we read one page from Fr. Gobbi’s book. It is a very blessed prayer group. We are 25 women all together and meet once a week. In the summertime the children lead us in the rosary at the park. It is very hard to put into words just how wonderful it is. Jesus and Blessed mother are there with us. You can feel them! Once, while praying the rosary at the park, my girlfriend told me she saw an angel standing behind my daughter! How awesome is that! We call our selves the “Rosary Chicks” our youngest member just turned 5 and our oldest celebrated her 95th birthday. We had a wonderful party for her and gave her a lovely statue of Our Lady of Fatima. The little girl who turned 5 we had been praying for in utero! she had some problems and by the Grace of God is a miracle baby. Her mother joined our group right after she was born. God is Good! **
I know what to make of it, it’s hogwash!I dont know what to make of this… I have read the book…and in it, the BVM allegedly tells Gobbi that the number of the beast 666 can be added and added…and that each PERIOD of this number added… meant certain upheavels in the church…then it stated that 666 x 3 = 1998…in that year certain things would happen… I also read an addendum booklet to the big book…where it was giving DATED prophesy, which again never happened, and we are told not to be doing numerology anyway…so, I am very confused as to this movement…I hear that the Pope endorses it, but on the other hand, it raises questions as to dating certain events…can anyone clairify?![]()
I know what to make of it, it’s hogwash!
This is the kind of thing we always rail against when the Jehovah witnesses try to make prophecy. We never have any trouble pointing this out as a reflection of their heresy.
As noted in another post (#9, actually), the introduction of the book was changed from his claim that these are locutions from Mary to “meditations”. This is snake oil religion.
If people want to have prayer circles and Rosary groups they should do so. There are many similarly wonderful stories of conversion and healing through prayer that do not involve the Marian Movement of Priests.end quote"
I really don’t see the justification for calling this holy movement “Hogwash”. I think it’s a dangerous thing to make such a statement about messages that may be from the Mother of God. Just as its a dangerous practice for the uninformed to condemn the Catholic Church, the spouse of the Holy Spirit. I admit the number play seems very out of place, but do we throw the baby out with the bath water? I was introduced to this movement by the most holy priest I’ve ever met. I think we all need to use caution when dealing with all things spiritual. Does the fact that Mother Angelica stands behind Father Gobbi mean nothing? And what do you mean your not surprise the Vatican hasn’t acted against this movement? Is that a snipe at the Vatican, because I think they have a massive job to do there and who are we to point fingers?Also the fact the the intro was changed will show the obediance of Father Gobbi. St. Faustinas writings were once suppressed as well as St. Pio, two Giants of faith!