True. The fact is that getting off of pot is a LOT different than getting off of cigarettes (legal, taxed), alcohol (legal, taxed), and pills (legal most of the time, taxed). And if social services found out anyone had pot in the house, they can lose their kids, even in freedom states.But one problem is that if you make it illegal you create a barrier to treatment. For example, alcohol is legal but it can be abused. If I thought I had a problem I could seek out help without fear of losing my job or house. On the other hand, if I had a problem with an illegal drug I’d have a real fear of losing my job, house, etc. I’d be somewhat fearful of seeking out treatment since it requires me to admit to a crime with real penalties.
I’ve stopped pot after years of using it (its been probably 15 years since I quit b/c it just was too expensive) and its a bit like running out of coke in the fridge. You miss the coke, but oh well.
Cigarettes though… That was pure hell. So much so that I wouldn’t start cigarettes again b/c of the trouble quitting.
I’d rather live with a pot smoker than a drunk any day. Pot smokers don’t tend to wreck cars (you sober up from pot in about 2 hours, up to 12 for booze so pot smokers go home after smoking sober). Pot smokers don’t turn into demons like drunks do. If you’ve ever lived with an alcoholic you know how nasty they can get inbetween DUIs. Yea, we all know the guys who abuse pot too and they are not much better than the drunks. But they are few and far between after they get much past age 25.
Its morally wrong to throw moms and dads in jail for pot while letting people with DUIs get off with probation for a year or a suspended sentence for a year or even have their charges thrown out on ‘1st time offender programs’. Drunks KILL PEOPLE on the roads and yet they get a slap on the wrist for their DUIs. Caught with enough pot to supply one person for one week? Jail.
Christians who fight against drug legalization are putting nails in Christianity’s coffin. Drug problems are SOCIAL problems, not CRIMINAL ones.