Marine Corp Hyms and Tantum Ergo

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Tantum Ergo can be sung to the tune of the Marine Corps Hymn ( Halls of Montezuma) and vice versa.
I don’t reccomend this practice, and in fact greatly discourage it.
But it is of ineterest.

Also, all of Emily Dickinson’s poems can be sung to the tune of “Yellow Rose of Texas”
Lately I’ve heard a lot of things sung to the tune of the “Tantum Ergo” --everything but the original words!

“And if the Army and the Navy ever look on Heaven’s scenes,
They will find the streets are guarded by United States Marines!”

(From verse 3…it all makes sense now!)

Semper Fi

Tantum Ergo can be sung to the tune of the Marine Corps Hymn ( Halls of Montezuma) and vice versa.
I don’t reccomend this practice, and in fact greatly discourage it.
But it is of ineterest.

Also, all of Emily Dickinson’s poems can be sung to the tune of “Yellow Rose of Texas”
All right…you asked for this:

Try switching words & tunes to (1) Amazing Grace, and (2) The Theme from “Gilligan’s Island”…

**Someone also told me that you can sing the Gilligan theme to the tune of Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway to Heaven”, but I find that it’s too much work. 😉 **

**But…“Tantum Ergo” to the tune of, “The Hymn”? Conjures up an image of Thomas Aquinas poundin’ the Grinder at Quantico!:rolleyes: **
I sang to Tantum Ergo to the Marine Corps Hymn tune and recommended it for next Triduum. It was good for a laugh. Thanks for the suggestion. (He turned me down)
Binky Brown said:
All right…you asked for this:

Try switching words & tunes to (1) Amazing Grace, and (2) The Theme from “Gilligan’s Island”…

**Someone also told me that you can sing the Gilligan theme to the tune of Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway to Heaven”, but I find that it’s too much work. 😉 **

But…“Tantum Ergo” to the tune of, "The Hymn"? Conjures up an image of Thomas Aquinas poundin’ the Grinder at Quantico!:rolleyes:

And if you play it backward at slow speed it says “Paul is dead…” (the Beatle, not the disciple)
My teacher pointed this one out…
The refrain of “Here I Am Lord” is the tune of “The Brady Bunch”:whistle:
And if you play it backward at slow speed it says “Peter is dead…” (the Brady, not the apostle)
And my daughter and I rewrote Holy Holy Holy (all my socks are hole-y. Mom please go to Target now and buy some more for me! Hole-y, hole-y, hole-y, there are none left for me! I should wear slippers so I’ll stay hole-free!), and then it was the opening hymn. Not cool to be in the front pews, giggling with your 9 year old!
Well, as since I attend the Tridentine Latin Mass and am a huge Marines advocate(look at my name) I find singing either one of theses songs with the other’s words is downright wrong.
How is something wrong in music ? Lots of melodies are used to sing many different songs. I expect you are just emoting, but wonder if there is some reasoning behoind your post/
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