It’s really only contentious for a few people.
That’s the case for most Catholics…but you will always have a few people, as you do in any faith or no faith, that seem to think they are “owed” sex whenever they want.
Okay, so for most people this is not a part of Catholic life? I am not saying that I am actually necessarily going to end up becoming Catholic, but if I did, I wouldn’t want to follow a religion that said that I had to give my husband sex on demand or that I could demand it from him (though I guess if he were not Catholic, the obligation/debt would not apply to him anyway). Not that my husband would want to have sex with me just because I was under an obligation to give it to him.
Actually, the more I think about it, the weirder this becomes for me. For me, the whole point of sex is that it’s something two people want to do together. If you make sex an obligation or a debt, isn’t that basically the same as rape? E.g.:
My husband: It’s not too early to go to bed…
Me: I’m really not interested in sex right now, I’d rather do a jigsaw puzzle.
My husband: I can see that, but you are obliged to have sex with me. You owe it to me.
Me: Oh, okay, I really don’t want to do this, but I suppose I have to.
My husband: There’s a good girl. Off to bed with you.
Me: Just so you know, I really don’t want to do this. I am only doing it because I have to.
My husband: That’s okay, as long as I get what I want in the end.
If there are Catholics who think this way, I am truly sorry, and I hope that they really are in a minority. What with this and the thread about women wearing neckties, I think I have stumbled upon a couple of odd threads on here already!
Tis_Bearself said:
If you really want to learn about Catholicism, might I suggest you read the book “Catholicism for Dummies”?
Thanks, I’ll look this volume up.