I am 40 and my husband is 48 and both have been married before and had our anullments and had our marriage convalidated in the church. We also have older children with our first spouses. We had a baby together 22 months ago and now my husband is scared that I get preggers again. I don’t want more children but will do what is God’s will. My problem is he won’t have relations with me very often and even once he didn’t “finish” inside of me. I know its not my sin, but he also is very hard to live with when his needs are not being met. He had offered to have a vasectomy just after the baby was born but I told him that it was a sin. The other night we were talking and I told him I thought I was fertile and asked if he wanted another baby. He said he wasn’t in the mood and hell no… He said that he is used to not being in the mood since I can get pregnant. Any thoughts on this . And believe me I have tried telling him what this all means. He just doesn’t get it. He is being very selfish.