Marital relations on the blink

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Give it some time. If you’re 40, in just a few more years, your fertility should come to an end; your cycles will slow and then stop.

At that point, your husband can have all the fun he wants, as long as the Viagra prescription gets renewed.

There are advantages to being 50-ish and married!

Will say some prayers for your marriage…
  • Rob
Could you please say a prayer for my cycles to STOP! I’m 55 and have had enough of this.
I say I took the chance because I am the one who was charting but he fully knew I could get preggers and each time before we do the deed, he always ask if everything is ready and I am honest about it with him.** I honestly didn’t think I would be fertile. I obviously ovulated earlier than usual.**
What form of NFP were you using?

I ask because in the methods I have learned (symto-thermal and the Billing’s method) you KNOW when you are fertile and when you ovulate. There is no guessing or assuming.

These types of NFP are still very effective when cycles are irregular (like pre-menopause or breastfeeding etc).

If you are relying on an older method that resembles the “rythm” or “calendar” method, you would both benefit from taking a new class. Once he sees how scientific and effective NFP can be, and if he trusts you to be truthful with him about your fertilty signs, then he should feel less fear.

I wish you luck and offer my prayers for your marriage and family life.

I’m just curious as to why you can’t bring yourself to use the word pregnant?
As for your predicament, is he fully involved in your cycle charting etc.? Maybe that would help him to feel that he has some control over the fertility situation if he followed your charting and temperature taking. That’s great that he’s a good father. Some men at that age would not be very welcoming to a baby. Good for him!
I don’t have a problem with saying pregnant…just preggers is easier to type fast. And my husband would never be involved in my charting…he is too lazy for that…
What form of NFP were you using?

I ask because in the methods I have learned (symto-thermal and the Billing’s method) you KNOW when you are fertile and when you ovulate. There is no guessing or assuming.

These types of NFP are still very effective when cycles are irregular (like pre-menopause or breastfeeding etc).

If you are relying on an older method that resembles the “rythm” or “calendar” method, you would both benefit from taking a new class. Once he sees how scientific and effective NFP can be, and if he trusts you to be truthful with him about your fertilty signs, then he should feel less fear.

I wish you luck and offer my prayers for your marriage and family life.

I was using a book from the library that Terri Welscher wrote on Natural Family planning which I think is the symto-thermal method and although it was either day 11 or 12 of my cycle that we had relations and got pregnant, I had no indication that I was ovulating by any signs other than you are not supposed to have relations before you ovulate. Now after having a baby, my cycles are really weird but at least I am learning when I am ovulating and fertile but DH won’t take the chance anymore. Well at least not since January. He wants to use some sort of protection and I have refused, but after consulting with a priest, he has assured me that its not my sin if my DH chooses to use “protection”. So we shall see… Thanks!!
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