does anybody know authoritatively what is allowable between a husband and wife in the bedroom? i do not wish this to become crass but it is a very important question for me as i have only been married for one year and also i have experienced a variety of opinions on this question with my friends…
i was always under the impression that anything which is not procreative is sinful… but my friends say that we are allowed to have certain kinds of sex if it is as a precursor or foreplay to procreative kinds…
i live in a new area and i am too embarassed to ask this question of my priest until i get to know him better… does anybody know the answer to this? also could you please provide me with the doctrine, part of canon law, or biblical verse that specifically says what is not allowed between a wife and her husband?
Dominus Vobiscum
does anybody know authoritatively what is allowable between a husband and wife in the bedroom? i do not wish this to become crass but it is a very important question for me as i have only been married for one year and also i have experienced a variety of opinions on this question with my friends…
i was always under the impression that anything which is not procreative is sinful… but my friends say that we are allowed to have certain kinds of sex if it is as a precursor or foreplay to procreative kinds…
i live in a new area and i am too embarassed to ask this question of my priest until i get to know him better… does anybody know the answer to this? also could you please provide me with the doctrine, part of canon law, or biblical verse that specifically says what is not allowed between a wife and her husband?
Dominus Vobiscum