I am not attacking you since you misinterpreted the quote. The OP asked what was permissible in the marital act and I offered a quote that supported that. Again sorry that you misread it.Don’t attack ME because YOU misquoted someone else. I have only the quotation as given to go on. I stand by my response to the quote as given. It implies a poor attitude toward women and marital sex.
As the original posting was from a woman, I thought that it was emminantly relevant that the attitude not be allowed to go unchallenged. A husband is responsible for providing sexual pleasure for his wife and anything less in his approach to sex is selfish and is not to be tolerated. Yes, God did create sex and knows better how it works than we do, and no, the position of the penis is not particularly relevant to the woman’s pleasure, the gentle stimulation of the clitoris is, however. God wants Her daughters to enjoy sex as much as Her sons, and has charged Her sons with that task in marriage. How a man and a woman work out the mechanics of her sexual pleasure is a matter for them and only them to decide.
I have to agree with fix, when did God change genders?