Neither does clothing .
You forgot about the fig leaves, now didn’t you.
I was under the impression God was omnipotent.
That is completely irrelavant, since God doesn’t guide you like a puppet on a string. You choose whether to allow him in or not. By discerning how to interact naturally with your wife you are more open to God than mindlessly pulling on a condom whenever you want and ignoring the natural beauty of your wife’s cycle.
I wish you’d respond to the actual question, not create rabit trails and tangents, it’s really frustrating.
And I thought you weren’t trying to be hard headed. Listen, if you don’t want to actually discuss this, then please continue to dig in your heels, we can’t stop you. But if you actually want to open up your mind and discuss this, then do so with out accusing me of derailing this. I am giving you the reasons why ABC is not natural and why it is NOT in line with your marriage vows. If your frustrated, consider why. Is it because I’m challenging your views only, or because this challenge is upsetting because you see something in it and you’ve already made up your mind.
A regular condom doesn’t kill. It merely blocks the sperm.
NFP, again, exists, by it’s own definition, as a method of controlling birth. The two are exactly the same.
NFP = Birth Control. Condom = Birth Control.
I agree that both are birth control, but the ends does not justify the means. So let us start here. Yes they both result in the same thing. Happy? Now, at least you can admit that the way they acheive the result is different. If you can’t, then we have no common ground to talk on and the whole conversation is worthless.
Let us talk about the intentions of the heart. You use NFP so that you may be a good steward while maintaining relations with your wife.
I use condoms so that I may be a good steward while maintaining relations with my wife.
The issue is whether both approaches allow us to live properly within the framework that God created. Please note that I am going to say the next sentance in an ABSURD way. I am not saying you do this, but I am going to exagerate. “You could also maintain relations with your wife by raping her, and just claim that maintaining relations is what God wants us to do” Yes, it is absurd, no I don’t think you do this, but do you get the point? Just because you continue relations with your wife, does not mean that the MEANS is correct. What we are discussing is the MEANS of controlling birth. NFP and ABC have conflicting MEANS.
**Please address this directly! Why do we say that condoms are bad? Is a bandage bad because it stops bleeding? The body would eventually stop the bleeding anyway? We’re interfereing with the natural, God-Created process according to your school of thought! **
Then show me how NFP is not natural. Another poster reminded you that women have NATURALLY non-fertile times. Was that a mistake by God? Did he make us and say, “Darn, added some infertile time, oh well, I’ll just make it up by sticking stuff into the bible” . No, God does not make mistakes. Since there is an infertile time, relations during that infertile time is not wrong. NFP identifies that infertile time. Condoms don’t care about the natural process of the body. They work even when your wife is FERTILE. Having relations during the FERTILE time and using a condom is just like telling God that his cycle means nothing to you. Condoms are not natural.