Why is motivation so important? Does intention trump objective considerations?
I believe he is speaking of love objectively, not subjectively. “Subjectively”, a couple can “feel” love as they do an act. However, if an act is objectively sinful, it could not possibly be “objectively” loving, because “love”, in the objective sense, doesn’t lead to sin.Mutual masturbation could surely be acts of love depending on the intention of the people. How can you determine the motivation behind someone else’s action?
I’m not arguing against the Church’s teaching. I’m arguing against how an in proper understanding of human biology, sexual response and psychology leads to false conclusions overwhat the application of Church teaching is.Holiness should involve being close to God. God has given us His Church to instruct and guide us. His Church has told us that sex must be both unitive and procreative.
In going against His Church, I wonder if you might not mistakenly prioritize the self?
But that is NOT what the Church teaches. It doesn’t teach that a “couple” must be “open to life” (although people often express Church teaching this way).A couple not capable of engaging in the fullness of the act are not closing themselves off to procreation.