This is absolutely truth:
And we are his brothers and sisters, literally, if we do as Mary, our mother, let our actions, words, thoughts, be what he wants them to be.
Jesus was not talking to Mary in the text but to those who needs to know the true meaning of mother, brother, sister, and where our real birth happens and we know who we really are.
Mary is his mother not by the desires nor will of the flesh with her husband but she is his mother, literally, because, as the servant (handmaid) of her LORD, she always and only does His Will; “Let it be with me according to your word.”"whoever does the will of God is My brother and sister and mother.”
And we are his brothers and sisters, literally, if we do as Mary, our mother, let our actions, words, thoughts, be what he wants them to be.
Jesus was not talking to Mary in the text but to those who needs to know the true meaning of mother, brother, sister, and where our real birth happens and we know who we really are.
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