Marriage and Birth Control

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and no were not getting married in a catholic church as im marrying into a anti cathloic family šŸ˜¦ we are having a anglican service

in our wedding pics we are gonna be standing in a garden and theres a really cool cathloic church in the background šŸ™‚

. i said no i want it in the background it will look nice. the photos are gonna look cool šŸ™‚
Today is Good Friday. I see absolutely no respect for the fact that Jesus died for your sins (as well as mine). You are treating HIS Church as an accessory. Just as you think the Church will look nice in the background of your photos, you think Jesus can stay in the background of your marriage and your life and that is ok.

Itā€™s not ok. Itā€™s terrible and sad and sickening. I canā€™t believe you chose to have your invalid wedding on the most Holy weekend of the year. Does your Catholic faith mean nothing to you?

**Please, speak with a priest before it is too late. I pray that the Holy Spirit takes over and helps you out of this upcoming disaster and that your heart will be opened to Christā€™s great love. **

These all seem to allow for a Catholic to marry a non-Catholic if a dispensation is obtained. Am I missing something? I thought that you had said it was the responsibility of a Catholic not to so marry.
It is the responsiblity of a Catholic to not so marry.

The Church allows it ***only ***in the sense put forward in Pope Gregoryā€™s encyclical, ā€œBut it may happen that these warnings and admonitions go unheeded and that *some Catholic man or woman is unwilling to give up his perverse *intention of entering upon a mixed marriage.ā€.

In that situation the Church does all it can to protect the soul of the Catholic and his future children.

Thus Catholics are warned and admonished not to enter into such unions.
was just asking because mum was talking about it one day. and no were not getting married in a catholic church as im marrying into a anti cathloic family šŸ˜¦ we are having a anglican service because the marriage celebrant (my old high school teacher ) who is doing our marriage is anglicanā€¦ She told us that the because im baptized then she can marry us but if neither of us were then she wouldnt of been able to do itā€¦ Sheā€™s real pleased to be marrying us and i think its special as she was my fav teacher in schoolā€¦ in our wedding pics we are gonna be standing in a garden and theres a really cool cathloic church in the background šŸ™‚ i got offended when his mum said oh just get the photographer to delete the church in the background. she took as a joke but i didnt. i said no i want it in the background it will look nice. the photos are gonna look cool šŸ™‚
Youā€™re going to upset quite a few people here because for most of us our faith is the central and most important thing in our lives. Itā€™s hard to understand someone treating the sacrament of marriage so lightly. And hard to understand treating a beautiful Catholic church as a prop on your wedding day. But I have to say so many of us Catholics were not educated in the faith very well at all. I married at a wedding chapel at 18 and when I was young my attitude would not have been much different than yours.

Stangers on the internet are not going to change your mind about the anglican service which is only days away. Continue to seek and study the faith. Pray for Godā€™s will in your life. Pray for strength as you will have to endure many years of struggles with your anti-Catholic in-laws. Pray for your soon-to-husbands conversion.

Not using birthcontrol does mean having a truck load of kids. I do not use birth control and I have one child (it is dangerous to my health to get pregnant again). I have used Natural Family Planning for 10 years which is healthier and just as effective as the pill and is approved by the church when used for proper reasons.

If you have not received a dispensation to marry in the Angelican Church -as a Catholic you will be entering into an invalid marriage. Which means until your marriage is con-validated in the church you can not receive communion. This may sound harsh but it is important as Catholics to follow the precepts of the Church and not take it lightly. I had my marriage con-validated three years ago and it is a treasured and joyous memory to me. And such a relief to finally have a truly sacramental and valid marriage.

I know you love you fiance very much. But marriage is not a fairy-tale of I do of happily-ever-after. Life comes full of ups and downs and your faith is what will sustain you. Please continue learning about your faith, praying and seeking Godā€™s will.
I will pray for you and your fiance.
Youā€™re going to upset quite a few people here because for most of us our faith is the central and most important thing in our lives. Itā€™s hard to understand someone treating the sacrament of marriage so lightly. And hard to understand treating a beautiful Catholic church as a prop on your wedding day. But I have to say so many of us Catholics were not educated in the faith very well at all. I married at a wedding chapel at 18 and when I was young my attitude would not have been much different than yoursā€¦
**What a beautiful post Rayneā€¦

and Iā€™d like to apologize to the OP. I really didnā€™t mean to be so harsh. I am a relatively new Catholic and feel cheated out of years of the Truth. So when I see someone so cavalierly pushing the Faith aside it makes me angry. And frustrated that Catholics are still not being taught how amazing the faith truly is and are therefore unable to appreciate it. ā€¦so once again, I apologize for being harsh and will pray for you and your fiance and, most importantly, that Godā€™s will be done.

Have a blessed Easter,

malia **
Hi, I donā€™t know if this is quite the right forum, but I have a hypothetical question.

When a couple is preparing to get married, are they sort of required to agree to not use artificial birth control? Just curious. I donā€™t plan on getting engaged for a long time.
not sorta, absolutely required to agree they will not use any artificial means of contraception.
well im sorry if i offended anyone, that wasnt my intention.
if i had my way id be getting married in the church, but then the groom and his family wouldnt turn up, so we settled on white heron ( where we are having the recpiton too) we have to sign a anglican paper (my old teacher the one going to be marrying us, works at verdon college-the cathloic school i went to). i didnt know she was anglican till i asked her to marry me and my fienca. ive been trying to sort out this religion debete with him for like three years, we both beleive in God, and we want to bring our children up christian. i went to his church to explore around churchs, they went all funny just cos i said im gona go to my own faith church 2mrw (easter sunday) .

oh yeah and about our wedding being on monday, its because we couldnt get married on the saturday as someone had that day taken.

i see ur point about the church in the background, sorry if i offended anyone, it came out wrong.

oh and as for the pill its mainly for my face, i was put on istotane for my face and had to go on pill as doctor said. the drug causes birth defeacts. im off that drug now as it flared up my eye . so istotane is no good for me
well im sorry if i offended anyone, that wasnt my intention.
if i had my way id be getting married in the church, but then the groom and his family wouldnt turn up, so we settled on white heron ( where we are having the recpiton too) we have to sign a anglican paper (my old teacher the one going to be marrying us, works at verdon college-the cathloic school i went to). i didnt know she was anglican till i asked her to marry me and my fienca. ive been trying to sort out this religion debete with him for like three years, we both beleive in God, and we want to bring our children up christian. i went to his church to explore around churchs, they went all funny just cos i said im gona go to my own faith church 2mrw (easter sunday) .

oh yeah and about our wedding being on monday, its because we couldnt get married on the saturday as someone had that day taken.

i see ur point about the church in the background, sorry if i offended anyone, it came out wrong.

oh and as for the pill its mainly for my face, i was put on istotane for my face and had to go on pill as doctor said. the drug causes birth defeacts. im off that drug now as it flared up my eye . so istotane is no good for me
You do understand though, that what you are doing is considered sinning by getting married the way you are? That you will be sinning if you sign an Anglican paper on faith or morals.You wonā€™t be able to receive the sacraments. Your children may not be baptised Catholic.
You are the bride. You had complete control over this. Why didnā€™t you stand up for your faith? why didnā€™t your fiance stand up for your right to practice your faith?
This is also somewhat tragic, Why are you doing this to yourself and your child and possibly future children?

You do understand that your pill Estelle 35 can work like an abortion donā€™t you ? Right in the packet it says it makes the lining of the uterus unsuitable for a fertilized egg to grow on. That means if you get pregnant your baby canā€™t implant and grow in your uterus and just flushes out of your body. This is an abortion. Please take precautions against aborting your own children.Itā€™s on page 13 of the following document.

The Good News is if you go to confession and repent you can find Godā€™s Mercy and Love the way a lot of us have. You can rebuild your life and your relationship with the rest of the Body of Christ. I hope and pray you will do so.
well im sorry if i offended anyone, that wasnt my intention.
if i had my way id be getting married in the church, but then the groom and his family wouldnt turn up,
Thatā€™s our point! A practicing Catholic has an obligation to marry a Catholic and to raise their children as a Catholic.

You are marrying a man who hates the Catholic Church. I donā€™t get that. Your faith should be #1, not this guy who hates your faith. How are you to raise your children?

You also did not seek out a dispensation to marry, which means you wil be in an invalid marriage and unable to receive the Catholic Sacraments. YOU NEED TO GO SEE YOUR PRIEST.
so we settled on white heron ( where we are having the recpiton too) we have to sign a anglican paper (my old teacher the one going to be marrying us, works at verdon college-the cathloic school i went to). i didnt know she was anglican till i asked her to marry me and my fienca.
Again, go see your priest.
ive been trying to sort out this religion debete with him for like three years, we both beleive in God, and we want to bring our children up christian.
You have an obligation to bring your children up CATHOLIC.

Can you not see that marrying an anti-Catholic is the wrong thing to do both for your faith life and that of your chidlren?
they went all funny just cos i said im gona go to my own faith church 2mrw (easter sunday) .
And you think this will change when you get married?

Are you going to give up the practice of the Catholic faith? I think you need to seriously reconsider what you are about to do.
oh yeah and about our wedding being on monday, its because we couldnt get married on the saturday as someone had that day takenā€¦
Our point was not that your wedding is on a Monday, but that you are marrying into such an obviously bad situation. We donā€™t want to see you on here a year from now posting about how miserable you are and how your husband hates the Catholic faith and how you canā€™t agree on how to raise your children.

Or, worse, you abandon the Catholic Church because of your marriage.
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