My issues are my husband flirting/crossing boundaries with women and his family. I have caught him using porn over the years. I was suspicious he was masterbating when he struggled with sex. When caught he promised to not do it again. I don’t think he has had an affair but has lied to me about things that involved women. Once playing golf in a tournament with a female coworker(never told me until I quizzed him after) and another time he was planning a lunch with 2 women at work. When questioned he lied and said it was a large group lunch. He apologized, said he would not lie to me again and it was just a lunch. Recently I caught him masterbating and gave him an ultimatum to go to Every Man’s Battle Workshop. He attended the workshop and was remorseful after. He told me he will be more aware of temptations and try harder being professional with women, no flirting etc. Things were good for a few months although he never did the recommended group meetings and didn’t read the book he was told to read. Recently I brought him lunch and his pc was open, he had posted funny memes on the message boards with co workers and had comments and smiley faces from female coworkers and he had commented and sent emojis on theirs. I felt hurt and betrayed all over again since he promised me to be professional at work, especially with women. I gave another ultimatum to attend the group sessions for the sexual issues. He is attending now but seems like he is going through the motions and not remorseful. He says he’s sorry when I force a discussion but will turn it around that things are “my fault, I’m not nice to him, too controlling” etc. We also fight about his family. They live 8 hours away and have not been welcoming to me. Over the years I have been left in the hotel while he would go out to eat and I’m treated as an outsider. Obviously its not my favorite place to go especially since he never sees my side and sides with his family. Not a word has ever been said to them! I put a smile on my face and treat them well. Last time we went was the worst yet!!! His daughter(45) invited her mother(my husband’s ex wife) to the party even though it was only my husband’s side of the family. His ex is still in love with him and gave him a hug with her cheek pushed against his. Years ago she contested their annulment even though they were divorced 18 years and remarried. She said in her view they are still married. The annulment was granted and we were married in church. At this party all of his family were playing a game and picking teams one person at a time and picked his ex wife half way through and I was left for last sitting there feeling hurt and humiliated. Obviously I don’t want to attend this event again and I want my husband to tell his daughter and his family it was wrong. He refuses even though he agrees it was wrong for his ex wife to be there and wasn’t nice what they did picking teams. He says if I don’t want to go he will go without me. I am extremely hurt that he would suggest going instead of being my partner and making me the priority. I feel hopeless and not sure what to do. I do not want to be disrespected or betrayed anymore. Advice?