I am getting married in July, and am looking for recommendations of good books for FI and I to read in preparation. Thanks in advance!
My wife and I used “Marriage is for Keeps” by John Kippley. There are several editions, get the Marriage Edition. It provides a good overview of Catholic marriage, other practical information regarding living together as husband and wife, and a decent guide to planning a Nuptial Mass.I am getting married in July, and am looking for recommendations of good books for FI and I to read in preparation. Thanks in advance!
I wish I had known about this book when it was first published. It would have saved my fiancee and me a lot of trouble! (We just got married at the end of December, and I found it last month – not a moment too soon!)Dr. Eggerichs book, Love and Respect, is a break-through book on improving your marriage. The revolutionary concept? Show a man respect and admiration, and he’ll follow you anywhere and do anything for you. Show a woman love and understanding, and she’ll never leave your side. In short: let husbands be men, let wives be women.
I completely agree with this. My parents have been married for over 25 years, and they just read this and they said it was amazing. My DH and I will be reading it pretty soon ourselves.I highly recommend this book: Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs, by Emerson Eggerichs.
I 3rd or 4th this. Any books fo Christopher West are great, especially Good News About Sex and MarriageTheology of the Body for Beginners
and Good News about Sex and Marriage, both by Christopher West
I second “For Better… Forever” by Greg Pocak and “The Five Love Languages” by Gary Chapman. I also got a lot ouf of “The proper care and feeding of husbands” by Dr. Laura, but I think it means more after your married so you might want to save it.Three to Get Married by Archbishop Fulton Sheen
For Better… Forever by Greg Pocak
The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
His Needs, Her Needs by Willard Harley