surf(name removed by moderator)ure:
Well, we know that any a*** sex is a no-no, because of Church teaching. But what if any of these other acts are “climactic” for the wife only? And what if coitus is never climactic for the wife, and she is perpetually unsatisfied with the act?
Hi, surf(name removed by moderator)ure.
23 years of married life and reading suggest the following to me…
So long as the intent of the couple, in the context of a particular sexual encounter, is to go to and achieve coitus – genital sexual intercourse – then pre-coital, non-genital sex acts, such as pre-coital masturbation, are
perfectly permissible. As far as I am concerned, so long as the acts are performed respectfully, in a fashion desired by the spouse and sexually-arousing to the spouse, they are not only permissible, they are blessed by God and, conceivably,
morally required. (Some acts clearly violate natural pre-wired taboos, and so are not morally permitted even if they are pre-coital.) My wife and I used to teach NFP. We could always tell who the naive, lousy lovers were among the married couples when, in the course of the instruction, students would comment, with shock, “You touch her *where???!!!” *in response to the basic instruction respecting how the man gathers the Billings Mucus Method sample from between the woman’s inner and outer labia.
If intercourse, no matter how the couple varies the positioning, and no matter how much the partner charges-up his or her spouse before intercourse, does not result in climax, *but other no-coital-but-climactic sex acts do, *in my opinion the spouse with the problem has become a clinical pervert – sexuality has become so “fetishized” for that person, psychologically, that they have lost the ability to engage in normal pleasurable sexual activity.
That person has a medical and moral problem. Entertaining and so reinforcing the fetish with non-coital-but-climactic sexual activity does not respect the natural psychological shape of sex, and therefore is sinful.