Marriage or Holy Orders?

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I would just like to throw this topic out there and see what responses I get.

I have been in this forum now for a week, and I have seen many people saying their son,daughter, friends, or themselves ,are in training to be a nun or a priest, or they are thinking of it.

I have seen many people respond to this with this type of reply… “I will pray for you.him/her” or “Good news”.

I even think I have said this too.

However, I sort of feel sad in a way that I cant take up Holy Orders. Everyone makes it feel so special.
Or am I just feeling insecure with my Faith, or self esteem?
I just think everybody seems to be so excited when they hear of a man entering the seminary, but not all of us can do that.

Even men cant all do that, we would have no one to multiply.

This is a light hearted question, I think it would be fantastic to be caleed by God, but does that mean the rest of us arent called for anything ?

Love Kellie

Everyone has a vocation, whether it be to marriage, the priesthood, religious life, or consecrated single. Our primary purpose here on earth is to glorify God, and the most sure fire way to do that is to do God’s will. When you respond to your God given vocation, it is pleasing to God.

The reason the priesthood as a vocation is so precious at the moment is twofold. One is the desperate need we have for more priests. Two is the desperate need priests always have for prayer. As shepards of the flock, priests are under constant stress and, generally, experience more demonic attack than laymen. As the most recent scandal has shown, Satan can maximize his harm to the Church militant through fallen priests.

Have no fear, if God made you female he has something in mind for you that will glorify and please him, it just is not the priesthood. If you are seriously considering your vocation and feel like you may be called to the religious life, I would recommend entering spiritual direction under a priest or sister that you trust.

As a side note, keep in mind that our greatest saint was a woman.
I think that the sadness or frustration about not being able to function in a particular role (like being a priest) in a large part the result of how our society values other roles. The tremendous value of women religious (as well as those who are called to be married and mothers) is often not as visible, but we couldn’t survive without them. If the unique roles of women (which men are excluded from) were understood and valued in our society to the extent that they should, while at the same time the male role was similarly ignored, I’m sure that you would find a lot more men feeling sadness about not being able to be a nun. We each have our unique roles in God’s plan. That is why God created us both male and female.
Thank you so much for your comments.

It has just struck me that God made me female !!! 🙂

He has done this for a reason.

I have had one child, a son, maybe that was His will.

Maybe I will be needed when I am 80 or older, who knows.

Love Kellie
The sad fact is that men and women have different roles in life. I’m sorry you feel that way, but there are many things that woman do that men cannot. For example, woman are called upon by God to take a role in creating life. Men simply cannot do this. I know this isn’t a good example, but we must remember that Jesus chose 12 male apostles for a reason. There are some excellent books out there which show why only males may become priests.
The sad fact is that men and women have different roles in life.
I don’t think this is sad at all. =/
I would just like to throw this topic out there and see what responses I get.

I have been in this forum now for a week, and I have seen many people saying their son,daughter, friends, or themselves ,are in training to be a nun or a priest, or they are thinking of it.

I have seen many people respond to this with this type of reply… “I will pray for you.him/her” or “Good news”.

I even think I have said this too.

However, I sort of feel sad in a way that I cant take up Holy Orders. Everyone makes it feel so special.
Or am I just feeling insecure with my Faith, or self esteem?
I just think everybody seems to be so excited when they hear of a man entering the seminary, but not all of us can do that.

Even men cant all do that, we would have no one to multiply.

This is a light hearted question, I think it would be fantastic to be caleed by God, but does that mean the rest of us arent called for anything ?

Love Kellie
Kellie you are so important to God and it is not a matter of wheather or not you are called but what you are called to. May I suggest you read 1 corinthians 12:14-31 and then go on to read the best part Chapter 13. He wants to use us all for showing his Love and you do do that.

God Bless and know that he is using you and wants to do more still.
I would just like to throw this topic out there and see what responses I get.

I have been in this forum now for a week, and I have seen many people saying their son,daughter, friends, or themselves ,are in training to be a nun or a priest, or they are thinking of it.

I have seen many people respond to this with this type of reply… “I will pray for you.him/her” or “Good news”.

I even think I have said this too.

However, I sort of feel sad in a way that I cant take up Holy Orders. Everyone makes it feel so special.
Or am I just feeling insecure with my Faith, or self esteem?
I just think everybody seems to be so excited when they hear of a man entering the seminary, but not all of us can do that.

Even men cant all do that, we would have no one to multiply.

This is a light hearted question, I think it would be fantastic to be caleed by God, but does that mean the rest of us arent called for anything ?

Love Kellie
I don’t think the general public really knows what the life of a religious entails.
We all know about marriage and babies and homes because we have all been there.
I feel we need more priest to tell us about the priesthood.
Sincerely, Mary
peace be with you!

as someone who believes that he does have a calling to the priesthood and religious life, i very often do get praise from other parishioners at my parish because they are so excited to see that young men (i am 20) want to give their life to this. it is a very beautiful vocation. but i would like to say to you a big THANK YOU to everyone who takes their vocation to marriage seriously. what we need is amazing Catholic families, parents who will devote their lives to sanctity and to the sanctity of their children. being holy is not just for religious. so thank you to everyone here committed to raising children for Heaven!!! Catholic families will be the key I think to good vocations to the religious life.
peace be with you!

as someone who believes that he does have a calling to the priesthood and religious life, i very often do get praise from other parishioners at my parish because they are so excited to see that young men (i am 20) want to give their life to this. it is a very beautiful vocation. but i would like to say to you a big THANK YOU to everyone who takes their vocation to marriage seriously. what we need is amazing Catholic families, parents who will devote their lives to sanctity and to the sanctity of their children. being holy is not just for religious. so thank you to everyone here committed to raising children for Heaven!!! Catholic families will be the key I think to good vocations to the religious life.
I will pray for you in your journey 🙂

peace be with you! thank you so much for your prayers! there is no doubt that i need them! 🙂
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