But even once a month is concerning. He needs to promise you to NEVER again look at pornography. Like never. Not “oops I slipped up last week”. But never. If he can’t do that, then it’s obviously a bigger problem.
Never again.
So if he can’t
guarantee a sinless future, he’s not marriage material? What about the OP? Can she give an ironclad promise she’s not going to slip up and masturbate over the next 50 years? Or that she’s not going to have a sexual fantasy about some other guy?
People are human. We strive for perfection but we’re flawed. If she’s saying “I will view a single slip up in this area as a relationship extinction level event” then the marriage is going to be sitting on a land mine. Again, I’m not saying it’s fine. I’m saying this is the kind of everyday sin she’s going to have to deal with in whoever she marries. Even if not this particular sin, everyone is going to mess up in some form and we need to be prepared to help our spouses improve, not sit there with our finger poised over the “I will leave you if you stumble” button at all times.
I will say, I do agree that his lack of interest in stopping is a concern. If I were her, I would say that she needs him to cut out this behavior completely. But then be understanding if he admits to the occasional slip up. If every misstep he makes in the marriage, sexual or not, is cause for her to melt down, all she’s doing is encouraging him to lie and hide stuff.
But do you think her reaction is unjustified? If so, why? Why do you think she shouldn’t question the marriage?
I think her reaction is too big, basically. I get being less than thrilled with it, but I don’t get the “punched in the gut.” Again, I’m
not saying “porn is cool, who cares?” He shouldn’t do it. But anyone she marries is going to have flaws and struggle with
something, even if it’s not this particular thing.
Recognizing that your fiancé is human does not mean giving the green light to sin. But people are people and you can’t fall apart when you encounter the less flattering side.
I mentioned the “not a deviant” thing because I get the sense, perhaps incorrect, that the OP is a touch naive about this and doesn’t get what a common issue for young men it is. Again, that doesn’t make it okay, but she shouldn’t think of her fiancé as some uniquely perverted creep.