As a long time member of the Seattle Archdiocese I say to have experienced a solid orthodox Catholic retreat would have been wonderful but a fluke.
Who is creating what website? Am I missing something here?I appreciate your time and effort in creating this web site; however, I would like to see a web site exposing the “wolves in sheep’s clothings” people within the Church.![]()
Post #18–NFP Works mentioned at the end of her post that she created a website called “Natural Family Planning Works.”Who is creating what website? Am I missing something here?
I don’t think it would even be legal to publish people’s names and accuse them of heresy and dissent (or idiocy, etc. …).I appreciate your time and effort in creating this web site; however, I would like to see a web site exposing the “wolves in sheep’s clothings” people within the Church.![]()
No. But it sure would be fun to watch them get all defensive.I don’t think it would even be legal to publish people’s names and accuse them of heresy and dissent (or idiocy, etc. …).
I already know how that would go - We would be accused of being unloving, judgemental, and Pharasaical. And we would be barred from holding any volunteer positions in the Church because we are such horrible monsters, with wanting people to know the Truth, instead of just singing happy-joy-joy songs, and dancing and skipping joyously hand in hand into the bottom-most pits of Hell.No. But it sure would be fun to watch them get all defensive.
Not in my parish. There’s not to many people volunteering to do some of the “ministry work” in our parish. So, if someone dosen’t like what I do or say, fire me!I already know how that would go - We would be accused of being unloving, judgemental, and Pharasaical. And we would be barred from holding any volunteer positions in the Church because we are such horrible monsters, with wanting people to know the Truth, instead of just singing happy-joy-joy songs, and dancing and skipping joyously hand in hand into the bottom-most pits of Hell.