Marrying someone you don't like?

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@AdamPeter, congratulations on your recent marriage! I will keep you and your new wife in my prayers.
Will do. That sounds terrible! For a nation of immigrants, it seems America is very intolerant of immigrants. It’s very different in Ireland. If we had a foreign priest, we’d be thankful he’d traveled from his home to serve us!
@AdamPeter, no it is not, but unless you are not the majority race you are considered less. There are a few people who will treat you decently, but most will look down on you. Even priests are subject to their disapproval! Sadly, rumors were started about priests, scandals, police being called. It was a sad sight. Even priests who have been more traditional have had to be removed after what the priests would refer to as “complaints” against them. I feel ostracized sometimes in this community, but most surrounding parishes are similar. Luckily different races are slowly trickling in. Please keep this community in your prayers. :crossrc: :gopray2:
That’s heartbreaking. Praying for you and your parish.

I’m the only American - indeed, the only native speaker of English - in my very French parish. Not that I want to, but I couldn’t hide the fact that I’m not from around here even if I never spoke because I’m ethnically Asian and thus visibly different. There has been a degree of ostracization, but nothing like what you describe.
Try to remember that God doesn’t want you to be ostracized it’s just that parishes are made up of ordinary flawed people.
What should you do if a person you don’t like sys they love you and want to marry you? Is it wrong to say no? What if they say they will fit up finding someone who will love them?
Marriage, though wonderful is hard work and you need all the love, support and enjoyment you can get. It would be crazy to marry someone you don’t like.

If you don’t like them now imagine after 3 sleepless nights with small children ! God bless.
GFGirl, the man you are describing is an abuser. You did well not to become one of his victims.
@AdamPeter, no it is not, but unless you are not the majority race you are considered less. There are a few people who will treat you decently, but most will look down on you. Even priests are subject to their disapproval! Sadly, rumors were started about priests, scandals, police being called. It was a sad sight. Even priests who have been more traditional have had to be removed after what the priests would refer to as “complaints” against them. I feel ostracized sometimes in this community, but most surrounding parishes are similar. Luckily different races are slowly trickling in. Please keep this community in your prayers. :crossrc: :gopray2:
Sounds like India. Don’t marry this guy or anyone that acts like that. Also, consider politely telling the typical nosy relationship fixers to mind their own business. Friends like that think they know everything, but you have to live with the consequences.
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