Here is what Gregory the Great said about Mary in Homily 33. The translation may not be the greatest, but it gives the idea. It starts off by quoting Luke7;36-50 then;
in reflection for myself about the repentance of Mary, with much weeping, she poured out more than words can say. Indeed would those tears of this sinful woman not soften even the stony heart by a model of repentant? She has considered in somuch as what she has done, and she was unwilling to control what she might have been doing. While they were eating she entered, she came uncommanded, during the meal and she presented tears. Learn about the pain which is burning, during the meal she is not ashamed to cry. This woman, in truth, whom Luke calls the sinfull woman, John names Mary, that woman we believe to be the Mary from whom seven demons were ejected according to Mark. And what by the seven demons, if not all the vices are denoted? Because the whole time is understood to be with seven days, correctly the whole is formed by a total of seven. Therefore Mary had seven demons, which she was full with the whole vices. But behold because she looked at the taint of her own shame, having to be cleansed she has run to the source of compassion, she was not ashamed while they ate. For since she was deeply ashamed within herself, she understood that nothing outside of herself could embarrass her. For at what should we marvel, brethren, Mary’s coming or the Lord’s receiving her? Receiving or drawing? I say rather, drawing *and *receiving, for certainly he drew in by mercy, that which he received through the door of gentleness.