Mary, Mother of God, and Our Mother ... Your Experiences?

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I have read your private message to me and your public message to the MODERATOR, and I have read the Forum rules.

It is my conclusion that you do not understand what the forum rules mean by “approved” private revelation. They are talking about private revelation that the Church has publicly condemned as being heresy or not in line with Church teachings. Mine are not “unapproved” because this is the first time I am sharing them publicly.

Do you ever get an “inspiration from the Holy Spirit?” If it edifies the Body of Christ, do you share it? That is all I have done. I don’t believe I have said anything that “contradicts” church doctrine, but IF I have, I’ll wait for the Vatican to condemn it, before I count it “UNapproved.”

Otherwise, most adults know the difference between private revelation and the “revealed” truth of the Holy Magisterium. If the Forum doesn’t know the difference, and fails to let individuals post “spiritual inspirations” that do not contradict Church doctrine, than I am on the wrong Forum anyway.

I’ve listened to Catholic Radio, Karl Keating, Jimmy Akins, Jerry Usher and the group, I believe they **know ** the difference.

I will pray for you.
Dear CatholicSam:

Thanks for making things clearer for me. While I’ve previously heard of the Pilgrim Virgin Statue in relationship to the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima, I got confused when I saw you mention this “same-named” statue in connection with the Legion of Mary. Well, just goes to show you can learn something new every day. :cool: 👍

Dear tj miller:

Just read your post in the Praying the Rosary thread. How awesome that you’ve come to the realization of who Mary is, that she’s brought you into the Church, and that you’ve been led to a Carmelite spirituality. 🙂 Myself being someone who sees Mary pretty much on an intellectual level, IMHO, you were EXTREMELY blessed by the very fact that your conversion experience wasn’t strictly intellectual !!!

Dear John Russell Jr:

Wow! What a witness of Mary’s motherly care in your life! How humble that she would use feast days meant to honor her to help others, like yourself, one of her grateful children. 🙂

Dear seabird3579:

If I have misinterpreted forum rules, I apologize. Thank you for your prayers.

~~ the phoenix
Although I accept all the Church’s teachings about Mary and understand that it is appropriate to honor Mary, I myself do not have great devotion to Mary. I wish I did, and I see this as one of the weaknesses of my spiritual life. I just don’t seem able to connect with her. I don’t pray the Rosary very often, because I never really feel like I’ve prayed when I’m done with it. At least, I could have said this until last night.

I was in Eucharistic Adoration, and I was feeling sad. Yesterday was an emotionally lower day for me for a number of reasons. I was praying to Jesus, and I suddenly felt the word “Rosary” come into my head. Normally, I don’t feel like I hear God speaking to me when I pray, but I definitely felt as though He had spoken the word “Rosary” to me. (Just to clarify, I definitely did not hear an audible voice.) This surprised me, because as I said I don’t have much Marian devotion and rarely pray the Rosary. I didn’t really ask a question, but more sent Jesus my feeling of surprise and confusion. Again, I felt like He was saying. “Rosary. It will bring you comfort.” I explained to the Lord that the Rosary had never brought me anything in the past, but that I would pray it if He said I should. It was kind of like the disciples saying, “Lord, we haven’t caught anything all night, but if you say so, we’ll lower the nets again.” As you can see, I have a long way to go; on the rare occasion that I feel God telling me something concrete, I argue with Him! I got my Rosary out of my pocket and began to pray. To my surprise, it did bring me comfort. It wasn’t just the comfort of distraction from my troubles or an escape from my troubles, but rather a deep comfort that enabled me to have peace in the midst of my difficulties.

Thank You, Jesus, for the gift of our Mother, Mary.
Grace and Glory:
As you can see, I have a long way to go; on the rare occasion that I feel God telling me something concrete, I argue with Him!
Grace and Glory, thanks for telling your story; I believe we all have similar circumstances. It just seems like the flesh is constantly warring with the spirit. Your experience inspired this thought – you know, many of us would like to “experience” the type of prayer that feels like parachuting off a high cliff onto a soft green pasture. And, unless we know we have that parachute on and we can See the green pasture – we’re not going there! But, sometimes saying the Rosary is more a step in faith. It is almost as if the Lord is saying to you at the bottom of a steep canyon. Do you see this narrow path twisting and turning to the top of that sharp pointed rock, I want you to scale it carefully and observe every stone, don’t fall off and keep your eye focused on the tip of the rock. (What a dredge! you might think) He would say, “Yes, but the VIEW makes up for it.”

Sometimes, the Rosary feels like a dredge, but once we know the goal and we start up the path – the spiritual insights are incredible. God is faithful.
About 2 years ago i was insanley and deeply depressed , It had been probably 2 and a half months since i had felt hapiness , i was soo used to the feeling of sadness and emptyness , there was a constant feeling in my stomach/chest of nothing , but it was such a heavy and evident feeling. I started to give up hope , i was ready to do anything to stop it , stop the constant ssadness and feeling of lonliness. I had asked God for help, and for courage but i wasnt really persistant with it , i felt that i needed to do it on my own , that maybe i wasnt deserving, that it was sin to ask him to make me happy again or help make me happy again. Dont get me wrong i still prayed to him everyday, its just i didnt ask him to help me directly. Than on the first Wednesday of Lent ( Easter season lol i get mixed up between advent n lent) and i decided to pray the rosary and at the end of it i asked the Holy Mother for help , I said i was ready to give up that if this continued i feared the outcome greatly. That day , i remember what happy was and since than I haven’t been depressed for no reason, the feeling was gone from that moment on . Since than I have prayed the rosary every day and have not missed a day since. I sincerly believed that Mary helped me and I owe The Trinity, The Church which is the ministry of Christ , and the Holy Mother my life. I usually dont tell many people that story but iunno i guess 2 years is long enough. Most people would think im crazy but if my faithfullness in Christ and the Holy Mother makes me crazy than i couldnt be prouder to say that I am .🙂

Yours in Christ

Lauderat Deus
Praise be to God for our Heavenly Mother. She is always there for us . But sometimes she calls us to be there for others through her. Through the rosary. I have been awaken at night with the knowledge that I had to pray the rosary for others. I say “knowledge” because it’s something I just know. I don’t know who needs the prayers, I just know they need it.Recently, on Dec. 29th, it happened. I woke up at 3:00 and I offered the rosary for whoever needed it.I prayed for almost 2 hours. On the 1st, a friend called and said her brother and nephew were killed in an auto accident in Arizona. I’m in Texas, they were coming home to their family and they had the accident that night. I had never met them before and this friend is not a friend like you go to the movies with. She is a friend who I see occasionally, but she is a very devout Christian. Not Catholic. It may have been, that night, the rosary was for them, and I may have been 1 of hundreds of people called to pray for them. I truly believe that Mary our Mother calls us to pray the rosary for others. We should never just pray it without an intention. Offer it for lonely people, someone who is thinking of suicide, or maybe is contemplating abortion. Or for world peace, the conversion of souls.Be creative and thoughtful. Our Mother is our intercessor and calls us to intercede for others as well.
QUOTE=Grace and Glory]Although I accept all the Church’s teachings about Mary and understand that it is appropriate to honor Mary, I myself do not have great devotion to Mary. I wish I did, and I see this as one of the weaknesses of my spiritual life. I just don’t seem able to connect with her. I don’t pray the Rosary very often, because I never really feel like I’ve prayed when I’m done with it. At least, I could have said this until last night.
Might I suggest you read “true devotion to Mary” by St. Louis de Montfort, or “Love of Eternal Wisdom” by same.]
These are excellent books btw.
When I realized what Christ was doing when he said to the disciple “He loved” the admonition to “behold your mother” I was in awe, and it changed my entire thinking on “Marianism.”

Why can’t any of us who love Christ be “the disciple that Jesus loved” in this context, and understand what Christ is doing. He is saying we are close friends, adopted into His Family by His own actions, to the extent that we share both the blessings and responsibility for His own mother, in addition to our own human mother. It like doubles the number of mothers we have but multiplies the graces.

:amen: :blessyou:
Dear Grace and Glory:

Regarding your arguing with the Lord, I like your Bible verse and would like to remind you of a Biblical parable: The one where a father had two sons and asked each to go work in the field. One son said “Yes” but did not go, the other said “No” but went. Sounds to me like you’re the one who did His Father’s Will. 👍

Dear willy:

So many people here serve as a good example to me, and you’re one of them. 🙂

Dear joyfulmess:

How awesome that you so generously answer the call to pray, even in the middle of the night, for strangers, acquaintances, friends alike, without knowing in advance even who you’re praying for !!! That’s the beauty of the Mystical Body of Christ, which makes us all family. :cool:

~~ the phoenix
the phoenix:
Dear willy:

So many people here serve as a good example to me, and you’re one of them. 🙂
I am glad that i could be of service to you. Today i am overjoyous because I had been deciding whether God was calling me to be ordained ( although im only 17) and i went and talked to my parish priest and now i have a spiritual director who will guide me through the process. Praise God and his Infinite Glory.😃 :bowdown2:
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