Mary: Spouse of Joseph or Holy Spirit?

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I have read in Catholic books that say Mary is the spouse of St. Joseph. In another place I read spouse of the Holy Spirit. Is it possible that she is espoused to both?

My reasoning is leading me to understand that I too am espoused to Holy Spirit in addition to my wife.

What say ye?
I am not certain it is a declared dogma yet that Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit which I thought was really odd at first, then I started looking into this claim and realized not only does it make sense but most Catholic theologians believe it is the case and most of the great Marian Saints like Kolbe, JPII, DeMontfort all believe it to be true. I did have to pray about it though. Basically in a nutshell, Jesus is both human and divine, He took His human nature from His mother and His divinity from His Father. When He ascended into Heaven the Holy Trinity DID change because humanity was added to it.
You can even go back to the Annunciation Gabriel’s greeting caused Mary to wonder what it meant, Gabriel says, Hail Full of Grace, angels are higher creatures than man so it would have been angelic apostasy to salute her, with such a title and Mary knew that. Gabriel would have addressed Mary in Hebrew, and likely would have begun his annunciation with the greeting: חוה pronounced “cha-ve” meaning “Live” as in “Long live the king” or “Viva Papa” or “Viva Christo Rey.” Now then, according to Genesis 3:20, the Hebrew name of Eve is חוה or “cha-va” meaning “living” because, as the Holy Spirit explains, Eve is the “Mother of the Living.”
If our flesh nature comes from Adam and Eve our spiritual nature comes from Mary and her Son.

Don’t write off Saint Joseph though, Jesus makes it clear that in Heaven there is no Marriage. One of the roles of the Messiah that hardly ever gets talked about is His role as bridegroom, Saint John the Baptist clearly makes the distinction Jesus is the Bridegroom as Jesus does Himself and Mary does as the Wedding Feast at Cana. Cana is an odd text until you realize that one of the prophesies of the Age of the Messiah is that there is abundance of wine, even today amount of wine Jesus created would be a lot and it was the responsibility of the Bridegroom to bring the wine. A lot of people think Jesus is scolding Mary which He would never do and interestingly He calls her Woman, Genesis say on the creation of Eve, “she shall be called Woman” Moving on Jesus asks her why does that concern us but then He goes and turn the water into wine, Mary more than any other person knew the prophesies of the Messiah she thought this was the place given these conditions, lack of wine and that it is the responsibility of the bridegroom. Jesus tells her my hour has not come. Jesus is the bridegroom of the Church as Ephesians 5 says so in Heaven our human marriages get enhanced since we share in the life of the Bridegroom, our human marriages do not go away the become complete.
Thankfully, the Catholic Universe embraces mystery and is deeper and broader than all our oceans put together.

We’re a people of “both … and” and not just “either … or”.

So, yes, Our Lady truly is spouse of the Holy Spirit. But it seems like from what I understand, in heaven, she is no longer spouse of St. Joseph if I understand what eschatology I’ve learned properly.

I’m sure she loves him dearly, still, in heaven. Perhaps I"m digressing…
Jesus makes clear on several occasions, that in humans, the spiritual nature takes precedence our physical flesh nature. Mary’s motherhood, surpasses Eve’s. Adam and Eve like Mary, were both sinless when they were created but Adam and Eve sinned, Mary never did. Flesh nature comes from sinful first parents, our spiritual nature comes from Jesus who was created by a sinless mother and the Holy Spirit. It is really a shame that so many Christians do not allow Mary, their spiritual mother to mother them and even worse do not give her the respect she is do.
Saint François de Sales or Saint Jean-Marie Vianney, If I remember right it’s one of them :D, say that if the Holy Spirit had taken flesh, it would have been the blessed Virgin, for the sweetness of hers, and the perfection of the gifts in her heart. But anyway it means spiritually spouse of the holy spirit, also for her life of devotion, inspiration (as you know she preversed all that her Son said in her heart and meditated it)
What constitutes Marys marriage to Joseph anyways? He was way older, they never consummated their marriage and he was ok with that. Does the bible ever say they were married after Joseph accepted Mary’s unexpected pregnancy?

Joseph seems more like a protector than a husband in the true sense.
My reasoning is leading me to understand that I too am espoused to Holy Spirit in addition to my wife.
How does your reasoning lead you there? Our Lady’s privileges are unique. She alone was “overshadowed” by the Holy Ghost, in such a way that she conceived God Incarnate (Lk. 1:35). In virtue of her role as Mother of God, and as the most perfect human being,* she has a special and intimate relationship to the Blessed Trinity. It is in this way that she is the “spouse” of the Holy Ghost.

I suppose that in a certain sense, every Christian may be said to be a “spouse” of the Holy Ghost, insofar as we have sanctifying grace and God’s holy indwelling in our souls; but this is a different meaning from the traditional use of the expression, and in my opinion it should be reserved to our Lady alone.
  • Christ is not a human being, but a Divine Person with a human nature.
Thankfully, the Catholic Universe embraces mystery and is deeper and broader than all our oceans put together.

We’re a people of “both … and” and not just “either … or”.

So, yes, Our Lady truly is spouse of the Holy Spirit. But it seems like from what I understand, in heaven, she is no longer spouse of St. Joseph if I understand what eschatology I’ve learned properly.

I’m sure she loves him dearly, still, in heaven. Perhaps I"m digressing…
Marriages don’t go away, they are complete meaning they no longer lack anything in them since we share the eternal marriage supper of the lamb. Whatever is bound on earth is still bound in Heaven but like you said Catholics are both people, Mary is/was also a virgin and a mother. At Our Lady of Knock in Ireland she brought her flesh family and her spiritual family, she brought Saint Joseph and Saint John and Jesus appeared as a lamb with angels around Him. Side note: Our Lady of Knock is kind of scary now that the Church has figured her message out, a little too late though. She says nothing at Knock and the original thinking was that because Ireland had remained so faithful to her Son, this was a gift to reward them. As time has gone on, the conclusion now is that this too was a warning of that was going to get attacked very soon, the Eucharist, the family and the priesthood. Jesus appears as the lamb on the altar with angels just like how He Appears under the species of bead and wine on the altar and we sing the Sanctus with the angels. Saint Joseph appears to show that the family is going to be attacked and Saint John appears dressed like a Bishop showing that the priesthood is going to be attacked.
What constitutes Marys marriage to Joseph anyways? He was way older, they never consummated their marriage and he was ok with that. Does the bible ever say they were married after Joseph accepted Mary’s unexpected pregnancy?

Joseph seems more like a protector than a husband in the true sense.
We don’t know that Saint Joseph was older. It was just as likely if not more likely that he was young man because like the priesthood God seeks out those who love Him more than they love themselves for special roles like this. He looks for those who have to something to give something up and control. The Church doesn’t allow castrated men to become priests because they do not have to use temperance with and control with the flesh. We also know Saint Joseph was a carpenter, old people don’t make good carpenters and the Holy Family had to flee to Egypt for a time, I think it is reasonable to believe that God would have protected His precious creations and entrusted their care to someone who was more than able to protect them and provide for them.
Joseph was more than just a protector and provider, God also chose Joseph for a specific reason, to keep a promise He made to David. Mary and Joseph’s betrothal wasn’t any ordinary marriage, it was the fulfillment of the Davidic Kingdom! Think and ponder that for a moment. After the Babylonian captivity, the Davidic line was decimated and there was never a King from David’s lineage ever again in the earthly sense of a physical land kingdom. The angel who appeared to Joseph specifically addresses Joseph as Joseph Son of David, Jesus inherits that linage from Joseph, even though Jesus is not physically his son. The ancients adopted family members all the time and Joseph and Mary were not given permission to tell anyone about the miraculous conception of Jesus, Mary could not even tell Joseph what had happened because she wasn’t told to even though she knew how much pain Joseph was in because of it. It wouldn’t be after the Resurrection and the Ascension that anyone knew that Joseph wasn’t Jesus’ father.
He ascended into Heaven the Holy Trinity DID change because humanity was added to it.
If our flesh nature comes from Adam and Eve our spiritual nature comes from Mary and her Son.

…so in Heaven our human marriages get enhanced since we share in the life of the Bridegroom, our human marriages do not go away the become complete.
Catholic sources for these?

Catholic resources for these?

When the Son of God assumed a human nature He received all His human genetic material from His Mother, by a single Act of the Will of God ( who always acts in tandem when working outside of Himself, although some acts are attributed to one of the Holy Trinity)

All humans are created in the image and likeness of God.

Our human marriages end at death.
Catholic resources for these?

When the Son of God assumed a human nature He received all His human genetic material from His Mother, by a single Act of the Will of God ( who always acts in tandem when working outside of Himself, although some acts are attributed to one of the Holy Trinity)

All humans are created in the image and likeness of God.

Our human marriages end at death.
Marriage is a sacrament it is something that gets bound on earth so it is bound in Heaven as well except noting is lacking anymore because are marriages are complete because we are now espoused to the Eternal Bridegroom in perfection. Up until recently and still in some parts of the world there was a significant need to remarry after the death of a spouse. There is no unfaithfulness in remarrying after the death of a spouse. Clearly this is what Saint Thomas more was talking about when he had this written as the epitaph of his tomb which he would share with both wives,

‘One of these ladies, my wife in the days of my youth, has made me father of a son and three daughters; the other has been as devoted to her stepchildren (a rare attainment in a stepmother) as very few mothers are to their own children. The one lived out her life with me, and the other still lives with me on such terms that I cannot decide whether I did love the one or do love the other more. O, how happily we could have lived all three together if faith and morality permitted. Well, I pray that the grave, that heaven, will bring us together. Thus death will give what life could not’.
Catholic resources for these?

When the Son of God assumed a human nature He received all His human genetic material from His Mother, by a single Act of the Will of God ( who always acts in tandem when working outside of Himself, although some acts are attributed to one of the Holy Trinity)

All humans are created in the image and likeness of God.

Our human marriages end at death.
The Incarnation is the only instance where the Son willed the mother and the Mother willed the Son. Mary as the rest of should absolutely marvel at the Humility of God who asked Mary to be the mother of His Son. God will not infringe on our free will and thus Mary gave her fiat to God, may it be done to me according to your will.

Fulton Sheen in “The World’s First Love.”
The Incarnation is the only instance where the Son willed the mother and the Mother willed the Son. Mary as the rest of should absolutely marvel at the Humility of God who asked Mary to be the mother of His Son. God will not infringe on our free will and thus Mary gave her fiat to God, may it be done to me according to your will.

Fulton Sheen in “The World’s First Love.”
Ok I see I have lost you-I wanted sources for YOUR quotes.We are espoused to Jesus as His Church (through the Holy Spirit) and through Him we will be in communion with the Holy Trinity in Heaven-which begins here on earth at Mass.

God Bless
Mathew 1:…
[16] And Jacob begot Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ. [17] So all the generations, from Abraham to David, are fourteen generations. And from David to the transmigration of Babylon, are fourteen generations: and from the transmigration of Babylon to Christ are fourteen generations. [18] Now the generation of Christ was in this wise. When as his mother** Mary was espoused to Joseph **, before they came together, she was found with child, of the Holy Ghost. [19] Whereupon Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing publicly to expose her, was minded to put her away privately. [20] But while he thought on these things, behold the angel of the Lord appeared to him in his sleep, saying: Joseph, son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her, is of the Holy Ghost.

What is unclear?🤷
Sources: Catechism of the Catholic Church 456-511, 721, 964-972, Vatican II Chapter 8 Sections 60-65, Total Consecration to Mary by Louis DeMonfort, The World’s First Love by Fulton Sheen, Jesus the Bridegroom by Dr. Brant Pitre, Hail Holy Queen and A Father who keeps His Promises by Scott Hahn, Mary Mother of the Son Volume II by Mark Shea and John Paul II 's letter On the Dignity & Vocation of Women.
Ok I see I have lost you-I wanted sources for YOUR quotes.We are espoused to Jesus as His Church (through the Holy Spirit) and through Him we will be in communion with the Holy Trinity in Heaven-which begins here on earth at Mass.

God Bless
Sources: Catechism of the Catholic Church 456-511, 721, 964-972, Vatican II Lumen Gentium Chapter 8 Sections 60-65, Total Consecration to Mary by Louis DeMonfort, The World’s First Love by Fulton Sheen, Jesus the Bridegroom by Dr. Brant Pitre, Hail Holy Queen and A Father who keeps His Promises by Scott Hahn, Mary Mother of the Son Volume II by Mark Shea and John Paul II 's letter On the Dignity & Vocation of Women.
In the world to come people will not be getting married nor do we need martial relations because martial relations keep the human race going, there is no death so there will be no need for procreation. Earthly Marriage is a sacrament, and an outward sign that points us to the eternal wedding of God and His people which completes itself in Heaven, we can’t love like we need to in Ephesians 5, we need supernatural help, from Christ. Marriage and the Priesthood are both vocations to serve the others. in their salvation. We are still ourselves and have our memory of our earthly life, you will still know your spouse but you and everyone else who was married will have you marriage fulfilled and completed in Heaven when you are married to God.
What constitutes Marys marriage to Joseph anyways? He was way older, they never consummated their marriage and he was ok with that. Does the bible ever say they were married after Joseph accepted Mary’s unexpected pregnancy?

Joseph seems more like a protector than a husband in the true sense.
Take a look at these Bible Verses. All verses and explanations are from The Ignatius Study Bible: The Gospel of Matthew, which uses the Revised Standard Version - Second Catholic Edition of the Bible.
  1. Matthew 1:15-16 - “and Eli’ud the father of Elea’zar, and Elea’zar the father of Matthan, and Matthan the father of Jacob, and Jacob the father of Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom Jesus was born, who is called Christ.”
    → "1:16 the husband of: The final link in the genealogy breaks with the preceding pattern. Joseph is not called the father of Jesus but only the husband of Mary…Joseph is, however, the legal foster-father of Jesus and exercises his paternal duty by naming the Child (1:25) and protecting the Holy Family (2:13-22). Following Jewish custom, Jesus received full hereditary rights through Joseph, even though he was adopted (CCC 437, 496). In Catholic tradition, the fatherhood of Joseph is also held to be spiritual and real, albeit virginal, just as the Fatherhood of God is spiritual and non-physical.
  2. Matthew 1:18 “…When His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found to be with child of the Holy Spirit;”
    –>“1:18 betrothed to Joseph: Betrothal in ancient Judaism was unlike modern-day engagements. It was a temporary period (up to one year) between the covenant of marriage itself and the time when spouses lived together. Because couples were legally married during this intervening phase, a betrothal could be terminated only by death or divorce (Deut 24:1-4)…”
  3. Matthew 1:20 - “But as he considered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, 'Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit;”
    –>“1:20 Joseph: The angel’s message is urgent: Joseph must maintain his marriage in order to be the foster-father of Jesus. As a descendant of King David, he imparts to Jesus Davidic (royal) rights of inheritance…”
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