Dominus, this is LOC’s Modus Operandi, to make a big deal out of nothing. Get people to question the authenticity of the Magisterium by creating a seeming discrepancy with what the Church teaches and what “the bible says”. (Personally, I have had my bible for 7 years, and it hasn’t said a darn thing yet, not even to yelp when I drop it on the floor.) However, telped as I am to also yawn, this guy can create a crack in one of the younger person’s faith. Thank you for taking the time to thoroughly debunk this inane claim. I, and others here, appreciate it.
It isn’t Catholic dogma that Mary delivered Jesus without issue of blood, or even without pain This is just pious tradition, and one which even exists within Protestantism. That having been said, it is, as far as I know, the unanimous conviction of every single early Church Father; they profess it as if it came directly from the Apostles.
I really don’t think there’s a need to get into a whole big discussion over this.
Even if she didn’t suffer labor pains, she still would have gone through with the Purification ritual, for the sake of not causing scandal and her demonstrating her complete obedience to the Law.
It’s for this same reason that Jesus received John’s baptism “for the forgiveness of sins” and even payed the Temple tax for himself and Peter, after telling Peter that he was, in fact, not obliged to pay it.
You honestly think that there’s an objection you cane come up with that hasn’t crossed the minds of the Church’s greatest saints and doctors, most of whome knew the Bible better than you know the back of your hand? C’mon . . .