Reformed Rob:
Not being a Mason myself, but having had some Mason in me from time to time (my dentist is a Mason, and he’s had his fingers in my mouth), and knowing people who know Masons, and so on, I’ve got a question.
Yes, I’ve read the related threads on Masonry, and they never went very far, at least the ones I’ve found.
I know you are all anti-Masons, and so am I. But isn’t it odd that so many younger Masons appear unaware of all the things Catholics and Reformed folks accuse them of? Like, what we’re talking about is a different Masonic teaching than what they know.
Maybe we’ve got it all wrong? Just a thought, I’m not falling for it, I don’t want to be a Mason. But c’mon!! How is it that so many Protestant elders and deacons are Masons. Wooop, don’t forget supposed Masonic influences in Vatican II and the Novus Ordo. You’re not so whitewashed yourself Mr. Catholic!
Anybody care to comment? I’m not being argumentative, just bringing it up.
"Tell me thy company, and I’ll tell thee what thou art " .
- Miguel de Cervantes ( 1547 - 1616 ) Spanish writer
Hopefully you don’t bite your Masonic dentist’s fingers !
( Just kidding…)
How can Freemasonry be so “terrible” if George Washington and 13 other Presidents were members ?
Famous others:
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, actor
John Wayne,
Mozart ( a Catholic ),** Dave Thomas** founder of Wendy’s,
Danny Thomas ( St. Jude’s Hospital )
Frederic Bartholdi ( Statue of Liberty sculptor / Catholic ), ** Irving Berlin**, Methodist Bishop Hiram Boaz, actor** Ernest Borgnine**, Scottish poet
Robert Burns,
Winston Churchill, guitarist
Roy Clark,
Mark Twain,
Senator Bob Dole, ( the current ) Lord Elgin of Scotland, Geoffrey Fisher, 99th
Archbishop of Canterbury, actor
Glenn Ford, President
Gerald Ford,
Henry Ford, actor
Clark Gable, astronaut / Senator
John Glenn, TV host
Arthur Godfrey, the poet / writer
Goethe ( a Catholic ) , composer
Franz Haydn ( a Catholic ), patriot
Patrick Henry, balladeer
Burl Ives,
John Paul Jones ( founder of the U.S. Navy ), Senator Jack Kemp,
Rudyard Kipling, aviator
Charles Lindbergh, Methodist Bishop John Wesley Lord…
Sounds like a really gnarly and subversive group, huh ? ( That’s just a partial listing : mostly the A - L bunch ) For the M - Z list, you’re gonna have to do it on your own:
Obviously, these are the standouts, but Scripture clearly states:
“You shall know them by their fruits”.
As an active Freemason, I find the biggest curiosity of being a member of Catholic Answers Forum is the anti-masonic fervor which pops up from time to time. Most is simply misinformation, but some is really downright - um, mean.
Yes, the Fraternity and the Roman Catholic Church have had a bumpy history over the past three centuries - it reached its zenith in the late 19th century. But relations have improved dramatically overall in the past 30 years. ( That’s why younger Masons are unaware that they’re supposed to persecute Catholics, Rob ).
I don’t know what to do or say about it sometimes, and found the website ( unofficial, yet well-informed and factual ) of a brother Mason to be helpful. Ed even laughs at himself and occasional Masonic pomposity at times - a healthy attitude while discussing ( and defending ) serious topics.
Are Masons anti-Catholic ?
Are Masons “at war” with the Knights of Columbus ?
Is Freemasonry a religion ?
Didn’t the Italian Masonic Lodge bankrupt the Vatican Bank in the 1980’s ?
Hearsay, rumor and suspicions fuel bigotry - even wars.
If we’re all working for the common good, we can’t get much done with these distractions and feuds draining our energy.
I’ve never heard anti-Catholic remarks in any lodge I’ve visited or belonged to- it simply isn’t done. Quoting choice tidbits of long-dead popes and long-dead Masons ( circa 1884 ) is um, deadly. Even the Church evolves, as do all organizations - including Freemasonry.
I hope relations continue to improve - historical intolerance and misunderstandings ought to be laid aside…