Masonic deception, or we are deceived?

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Not Catholic? No Salvation.
15. Which Catholics are excommunicated?

All those Catholics are excommunicated, who are members of secret societies, which have been excommunicated [condemned] by the Church, such as Freemasonry, and other societies affiliated with it under various names.
  1. Why have several Popes solemnly excommunicated all Freemasonry?
All Freemasons have been solemnly excommunicated by several Popes on account of the main object and spirit of Freemasonry, to establish heathenism or the Church of Satan all over the world:

a) By upsetting governments to obtain for themselves the power of governing and making impious laws for their subjects;
b) By trying to overthrow the Catholic Church, which teaches and maintains the rights and laws of God and civil society;
c) By spreading immoral and impious principles through the infidel press and other satanic means;
**d) **By establishing public schools for the infidel education of youth.
  1. Is this main object and spirit known to all Freemasons?
This satanic object and spirit is known only to the members of the highest grades of Freemasonry. But it is sufficiently known to all from the works and speeches of Freemasons, and therefore every member, even of the lowest grade, is guilty of the foul deeds of this satanic society.
. Today, we understand by a secret society, a society with secrets, having a ritual demanding an oath of allegiance and secrecy, prescribing ceremonies of a religious character, such as the use of the Bible, either by extracts therefrom, or by its being placed an altar within a lodge-room, by the use of prayers, of hymns, of religious signs and symbols, special funeral services, etc." (Rosen, “The Catholic Church and Secret Societies,” p. 2). Raich gives a more elaborate description: "Secret societies are those organizations which completely conceal their rules, corporate activity, the names of their members, their signs, passwords and usages from outsiders or the ‘profane.’ As a rule, the members of these societies are bound to the strictest secrecy concerning all the business of the association by oath or promise or word of honour, and often under the threat of severe punishment in case of its violation. Archbishop Katzer in a Pastoral (20 Jan., 1895) says: “The Catholic Church has declared that she considers those societies illicit and forbidden which (1) unite their members for the purpose of conspiring against the State or Church; (2) demand the observance of secrecy to such an extent that it must be maintained even before the rightful ecclesiastical authority; (3) exact an oath from their members or a promise of blind and absolute obedience; (4) make use of a ritual and ceremonies that constitute them sects.”
Then let’s go back to 1895… :whistle:
Consider this senario. A Catholic is a Mason. He has been assigned by the secret Masonic Society to do an illegal act that will benifit the Masons financially. The man goes to confession because of his guilt. Since he swore secrecy to the Masons he cannot confess his crime. The secrecy is detremental to his soul.
Where should I “consider this scenario” - in a Dan Brown novel ?
  • Or while taking hallucinogenic drugs ?
Take yer pick…

Dear Spoken:

It dawned on me today that you can travel the world over - and NEVER find a hospital or burn center operated by Wiccans or Satanists.

Unless you are a sociopath, one visit to the Scottish Rite Hospital for Children in Dallas would cure you of your obsession with the devil and your misguided views of Freemasonry.

No organization that would worship or adore the dark side produces the fruits exemplified by these insitutions - and the men who labor tirelessly to raise money for them - to the tune of 3 million dolllars per DAY in North America alone.

Danny Thomas, a devout Christian - became a Mason - long after founding St. Jude’s Hospital. He had learned of from St. Jude’s physicians that a child needed a specialized treatment which had been recently developed at a Shrine Hospital. The child was transferred to the Shrine Hospital, and successfully treated. Upon learning that there would be NO cost for the treatment, Mr. Thomas was shocked ! He wanted to learn more about Freemasonry, and soon petitioned for membership. He appeared in several videos and wrote several articles promoting Freemasonry.

Men such as Danny Thomas, Dave Thomas of Wendy’s, Lowell Thomas, the Reverend Dr. Peter Marshall ( author of A Man Called Peter), the Rev. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale** ( founder of *Guidepost *Magazine ) , Dr. Charles Mayo of the Mayo Clinic, Senator Claude Pepper ( advocate for senior citizens’ rights ) * - are they the type of men who would be bamboozled, hoodwinked, or “taken in” by false religion ?

Ultimately we read: " Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." (Matthew 7:20)

A North American chain of 22 hospitals operated by Freemasons clearly shows “For as the body without the spirit is dead - so faith without works is dead also”. (James: 2:26) * *

Spokenword - please show me a Satanic Dyslexia Center or a Wiccan or devilish Children’s Orthopaedic Hospital.

Would a coven of witches or evil men use the words “Well done - thou good and faithful servant…Enter thou into the Joy of thy Lord” (Matthew 25:21) - Christian Scripture in the Master Mason’s initiation ceremony ? Hmmm… :hmmm:

Even a detractor of Freemasonry or a skeptic would be stretching it to truly believe this**.** It would make about as much sense as singing "We Shall Overcome " at a KKK rally !

Your unfortunate obession with the dark side worries me. I would recommend that you get out more - maybe travel some…

Happy MLK Day,
  • James
  • the men listed above are but SOME of the M thru T list of Famous Freemasons. For worldwide and US Famous Masons: or :
    • What do Masons do ? Well, they’re too dawggone busy raising money to create all the underhanded plotting and mischief they’re accused of, that’s fer shure ! I find it to be very sweet and ironic that the first thing you see on a Masonic charity web page is a quote from Mother Theresa !

I’ve been accused of trying to “recruit” Catholics in this forum by some of the its members. This is not the case - nor is it my intent or “hidden agenda”.

I only wish to exchange ideas and keep the facts “straight”. Half of what I run into on CAF are centuries-old animosities - or “something I heard” about the Masons…

Roman Catholics are expressly prohibited from joining the Masonic Lodge, and should consult with their priest with any questions. I have personally instructed members of my local lodge of this prohibition.

As an Anglican, I hope for eventual reunification of our churches, and - as Christ is my Lord - I do not harbor any malice or animosity towards my Catholic brothers and sisters - or the Catholic Church.

Spokenword is NOT a Roman Catholic, and relentlessly accuses me ( and Freemasonry ) of being " from Lucifer ", “evil”, and otherwise “satanic” ). I try to turn a negative into a positive when dealing with deep-rutted, narrow minds…

January 17 + St. Anthony, Abbot

Consider this senario. A Catholic is a Mason. He has been assigned by the secret Masonic Society to do an illegal act that will benifit the Masons financially. The man goes to confession because of his guilt. Since he swore secrecy to the Masons he cannot confess his crime. The secrecy is detremental to his soul.
The first assurance given to every candidate by the Worshipful Master of the Lodge is that nothing that the candidate will be asked to do will be contrary to his religion or to law. It is upon this precondition that the candidate agrees to pursue the initiation through the three degrees of the Blue Lodge. The same precondition would remain applicable should one pursue the honorary degrees of appendant bodies such as the Scottish Rite, York Rite, or Shriners. In fact, in the York Rite the preclusion is repeated, in more forceful terms. Should a Freemason be asked to perform an illegal act, the Lodge would have reneged upon it’s own promise made to the candidate, and the candidate would be at liberty to refuse such a request, to report such a request to the appropriate legal authorities, to report such a request to appropriate internal Masonic bodies, to make such a request known to the press or otherwise publicise the matter, to confess any complicity in illegal acts in a confessional, etcetera.

The act of making officially making an illegal request of a Masonic brother would by it’s nature nullify the oath of the brother so requested, and by extension, might nullify the oaths of ALL Freemasons. Obviously, if someone were unofficially asked by a brother Mason to commit a criminal act, there would be no obligation to honor such an request. In fact, the Mason should report such a brother or brothers to appropriate Masonic bodies, which would demit anyone involved in such a matter ‘for cause’. Bear in mind that no one can be a Freemason nor remain one who has ever been convicted of a crime. Only honorable men of good report are eligible to join the Lodge. Such men would be extremely difficult to suborn for illegal purposes.

Not to mention that the only ‘secrets’ of the Masonic organization pertain to it’s methods of recognition–it’s handshakes and passwords, neither of which are truly secret, but are in fact widely available. The Lodge is not a criminal combination or a racketeering organization. It is a fraternal body of good men committed to bettering themselves by bettering their communities through public service, ethical living broadly defined, and mutual encouragement across class, sectarian, and ethnic lines.

(In this last respect–ethnicity–we must acknowledge that American Freemasonry at times did fall short of it’s own ideals–black Americans created their own Prince Hall lodges because so few American lodges were willing to admit persons of color. This is due to the role of slavery, and later of ‘Jim Crow’ laws in the United States. However it is worthwhile to bear in mind that British and Canadian Freemasonry never had such a policy, actually severed ties with Grand Orient and other European variants of Freemasonry partly due to their anti-Semitism, and admitted members of the British Empire without respect to their ethnic origins for centuries).
Dear Spoken:

It dawned on me today that you can travel the world over - and NEVER find a hospital or burn center operated by Wiccans or Satanists.

Unless you are a sociopath, one visit to the Scottish Rite Hospital for Children
Spokenword - please show me a Satanic Dyslexia Center or a Wiccan or devilish Children’s Orthopaedic Hospital.

Spokenword is NOT a Roman Catholic, and relentlessly accuses me ( and Freemasonry ) of being " from Lucifer ", “evil”, and otherwise “satanic” ). I try to turn a negative into a positive when dealing with deep-rutted, narrow minds…

January 17 + St. Anthony, Abbot

Hi James, Those are the some of the smoke screens satan sets up. They are drawing cards.Is satan going to draw them in by the evil he does? Smell the coffee James… Its NOT about me not being a Roman Catholic,Its about being a christian and a mason. :eek: The two do not mix. Its like putting oil and water together. You can only serve one master. Why wont you accept correction and reproof? The bible tells us in proverbs ch 4.Read it.
I have said before that I think I could put together a far more plausible, reasonable case why a Christian might have reservations about joining the Lodge than any of our conspiracy-theory friends have come up with. I am not claiming the case wouold be ‘airtight’ but then again it would not have to be. Masons don’t ‘proselytize’ for their organization, and one who had principled objections to joining a Lodge would not be pressured to do so. However–principled, reflective reasons for objecting to Lodge membership would consititute a basis for dialogue and perhaps for changed minds on either side.

I think that though no one has taken me up on the idea, I am going to use the next several posts to illustrate what I mean. Jamesclaude: feel free to ‘answer’ some of these, recognizing that I am an ally and a brother Mason who is simply hoping to move this discussion forward a tad. I am weary of the ‘Freemasonry-as-Satanic-deception’ sort of post that gets refuted only to get repeated over-and-over. Mebbe some adults will weigh in on this discussion if we raise the academic level of the exchange.
First let us start with the most prominently cited issue of Freemasonry–the issue of what are widely regarded as ‘blood oaths’, oaths in which the candidate swears to never communicate the secrets of Freemasonry in any fashion ‘under no less penalty’ than one of several gory descriptions of mayhem.

First–it should be noted that the oaths are in every case addressed to God Almighty and that the penalties, by logical extension, are His to impose and not the role of any human agency. This has been the position of the Lodge from time immemorial–that penalties of the oaths are NOT to be imposed literally. Moreover–not even God is being asked to commit mayhem upon the body of an oath-breaker–the language speaks repeatedly in each of the oaths as being a ‘no less penalty than’–in other words, the penalty is to be no less in degree or kind than one might attach to the commission of an act of decapitation, disembowlment, etcetera–but the Almighty is not being petitioned to assume the role of a ‘slasher’ from some sort of horror film in dealing with an oath-breaker.

Second–the candidates of Freemasonry are assured prior to taking the oath than nothing in the Lodge will prove to be contrary to any duties owed to their families, their religion, or the law. If one should find this untrue in any case–the Freemason would be free to renounce his affiliation with the Lodge and would be under no further obligation to the Lodge and subject to no penalties therefrom.

Finally–a Christian who has adequately studied the matter realizes that the Sermon on the Mount does not proscribe ALL oaths–God Himself swore a particularly bloody oath in to Abraham and Christ Himself swore an oath before the Sanhedrin.

HOWEVER–Christ’s words at the Sermon on the Mount cannot be entirely dismissed vis’a’vis this topic. A Christian is clearly being forbidden from swearing any oath which might be termed ‘frivolous’ or not rooted in a serious matter. From this perspective: for what purpose does a Freemason swear an oath? Quite simply, to preserve ‘secrets’ which are not truly secret–details of ritual, particularly means of recognition such as handshakes and secret passwords. And this merely to permit the conduct of business meetings without the intrusion of non-members–business which will itself in most cases NOT involve anything particularly private or secret. (Lodge meetings are basically meetings in which one discusses the details of the next ‘pancake breakfast’ or charitable endeavors or during which one votes upon how to best ensure the local electric bills get paid in a more timely fashion). No one questions that the Lodge, like any other organization, is privileged to keep it’s private business affairs private, except to appropriate governmental bodies. Swearing solemn oaths before God on such a light set of matters, however, seems scarcely appropos. For many Christians–even after getting past the ‘bloody’ aspects of these oaths and recognizing that the language of Masonic ritual is a peculiar mixture of hyperbole and British legal language–it will ever be difficult or impossible to swear in good conscience for such purposes.

More later–sorry we have ‘dial-up’ and my family needs the phone.
Reprinted from "The Protocol of Zion, 1905

“Ours is an invisible force, for which Gentile Freemasonry unknowingly serves as a screen. . . The aims of our organization of secret masonry are not even suspected by these goy cattle attracted to it.”

"We shall multiply Masonic Lodges as a means of gathering under our eye all those goyim who (promise to become prominent in public activity), particularly all agents of international police, for these are useful both to enforce and to screen our activity. We puff up their foolish egotism, their need for any little success, in order to keep them in line, for these tigers in appearance have the souls of sheep . . . They are incapable of the analysis and observation required for foresight, hence the inevitable subjection to ours of the brute mind of the goyim.

“Who will ever suspect that all these people have been stage managed by us according to a political plan which no one has guessed at these many centuries?”

Reformed Rob:

Not being a Mason myself, but having had some Mason in me from time to time (my dentist is a Mason, and he’s had his fingers in my mouth), and knowing people who know Masons, and so on, I’ve got a question.

Yes, I’ve read the related threads on Masonry, and they never went very far, at least the ones I’ve found.

I know you are all anti-Masons, and so am I. But isn’t it odd that so many younger Masons appear unaware of all the things Catholics and Reformed folks accuse them of? Like, what we’re talking about is a different Masonic teaching than what they know.

Maybe we’ve got it all wrong? Just a thought, I’m not falling for it, I don’t want to be a Mason. But c’mon!! How is it that so many Protestant elders and deacons are Masons. Wooop, don’t forget supposed Masonic influences in Vatican II and the Novus Ordo. You’re not so whitewashed yourself Mr. Catholic!

Anybody care to comment? I’m not being argumentative, just bringing it up.
CrusaderNY said:
Reprinted from "The Protocol of Zion, 1905

“Ours is an invisible force, for which Gentile Freemasonry unknowingly serves as a screen. . . The aims of our organization of secret masonry are not even suspected by these goy cattle attracted to it.”

"We shall multiply Masonic Lodges as a means of gathering under our eye all those goyim who (promise to become prominent in public activity), particularly all agents of international police, for these are useful both to enforce and to screen our activity. We puff up their foolish egotism, their need for any little success, in order to keep them in line, for these tigers in appearance have the souls of sheep . . . They are incapable of the analysis and observation required for foresight, hence the inevitable subjection to ours of the brute mind of the goyim.

“Who will ever suspect that all these people have been stage managed by us according to a political plan which no one has guessed at these many centuries?”

Hi Crusader, When was the last time someone in the church spoke out about no being involved in masonry? Just Curious!! :confused: God Bless
First let us start with the most prominently cited issue of Freemasonry–the issue of what are widely regarded as ‘blood oaths’, oaths in which the candidate swears to never communicate the secrets of Freemasonry in any fashion ‘under no less penalty’ than one of several gory descriptions of mayhem.

First–it should be noted that the oaths are in every case addressed to God Almighty and that the penalties, by logical extension, are His to impose and not the role of any human agency.========================================================================================== Hi Flames,Which God are you talking about? You have Muslums, hindus, buddists, satanists,ect. Is this the God of you choice? :eek:
Hi Crusader, When was the last time someone in the church spoke out about no being involved in masonry? Just Curious!! :confused: God Bless
You are not allowed to be a freemason,PERIOD.The Church is clear about that.Come Home Spoken:crying: God Bless
You are not allowed to be a freemason,PERIOD.The Church is clear about that.Come Home Spoken:crying: God Bless
Hi Lisa > I know that christians are not to be involved in masonry. I was making a point that its not talked about from the pulpit in the Rcc. Why would any one want to be involved in masonry with satan as its Head. Look at the inside of their buildings and you will see serpents as one of their symbols.What do serpents represent? Give you one guess?[garden of eden] :eek: God Bless
Spoken word,

Where has your information come from? If this is such the secret society, then how do you know what oath they take. Who would take information out of a secret society to share with others unless they are disgruntled.
I do not profess to know much about the masons other than my non catholic father is a 32 degree mason and he does not worship the devil! He is one of the most devout men I have ever met. He is now 90 years old and would die before he would deny Jesus. I have spent many evenings as a child at the masonic hall for dinners and special activities. I have never seen anything remotely suspicious. Or of the devil.
I understand and respect the fact that Catholics are not to be masons. Not an issue. I try to be the best Catholic and Christian I can be. But I am truely offended by the accusations that masons worship the devil.
Yes, Satan does try to use smoke screens, but years of doing good works are more than just a smoke screen. Have you ever seen the “Passion Play” that is performed at the masonic temple at Bloomington, Illinois every spring? I have been many times and it is the most moving experience. One that the devil would never allow.
My mother is a member of the Eastern Star. Is she also a Satanist? They raised me to be a very devout Christian and have never objected to my becoming a Catholic.
My parents are not satanists and I suspect that many more good people who belong to the masons are not satanist either.
CrusaderNY said:
Reprinted from "The Protocol of Zion, 1905

“Ours is an invisible force, for which Gentile Freemasonry unknowingly serves as a screen. . . The aims of our organization of secret masonry are not even suspected by these goy cattle attracted to it.”

"We shall multiply Masonic Lodges as a means of gathering under our eye all those goyim who (promise to become prominent in public activity), particularly all agents of international police, for these are useful both to enforce and to screen our activity. We puff up their foolish egotism, their need for any little success, in order to keep them in line, for these tigers in appearance have the souls of sheep . . . They are incapable of the analysis and observation required for foresight, hence the inevitable subjection to ours of the brute mind of the goyim.

“Who will ever suspect that all these people have been stage managed by us according to a political plan which no one has guessed at these many centuries?”


I have nothing to do with Masonry, forbid. There is actually a website that was sent to me that is set up by the Masons which refutes that they had anything to do with plots against the Catholic Church. There have set up chapters in Israel now, with the intention of rebuilding the Temple that was destroyed in 70AD. Some “end of the world” sayers say that the Masons are there to rebuild and then the anti-christ and you know the rest. Who knows?
Hi Crusader, When was the last time someone in the church spoke out about no being involved in masonry? Just Curious!! :confused: God Bless
Being computor illitorate[and spelling] 😃 maybe someone can repost these images of the inside of a masonic temple. They are in ; Freemasonary not being warned about thread,post #192 dated July 31,2004. Thank for your help in advance. God Bless
Reprinted from "The Protocol of Zion, 1905

“Ours is an invisible force, for which Gentile Freemasonry unknowingly serves as a screen. . . The aims of our organization of secret masonry are not even suspected by these goy cattle attracted to it.”

"We shall multiply Masonic Lodges as a means of gathering under our eye all those goyim who (promise to become prominent in public activity), particularly all agents of international police, for these are useful both to enforce and to screen our activity. We puff up their foolish egotism, their need for any little success, in order to keep them in line, for these tigers in appearance have the souls of sheep . . . They are incapable of the analysis and observation required for foresight, hence the inevitable subjection to ours of the brute mind of the goyim.

“Who will ever suspect that all these people have been stage managed by us according to a political plan which no one has guessed at these many centuries?”

As CrusasderNY posted this relic of the past with absolutely no commentary ( just tossed it out there ! ), I won’t address this response directly to him/her.

OK, here we go…

Please note the date : 1905. The ongoing propoganda war between some Freemasons and some Catholics was at its zenith. Most of the most virulent anti-Catholic and anti-Masonic literature will be from this time period.

That’s why folks like CrusaderNY will grab one, and toss it out to see what happens - guaranteed trouble every time !

This particular hoax is so worn out, that I’m actually a bit surprised to see it here. I will let Ed King explain it - since he already has gone to the trouble to do so :

[](The Elders of Zion)

Anti-Masons used to use the Protocol a lot more - mostly in print media.

It was before folks could log onto the internet and check out the background / tactics / facts.

Masonic detractors toss these luscious “jewels” and tidbits out to stir up trouble and deliberately promote ignorance and strife…

Here are the reasons why the religious intolerant loves to yank yer chain:

[](Religious Intolerants - A Description)

  • James
**MIDWEST MOM, you wrote,"**My mother is a member of the Eastern Star. Is she also a Satanist?"

The members on the lowest levels of Freemasonry are not told the conversations/decisions of the Highest Levels of Freemasonry.

The lady who lives next door had been the “Worthy Matron” of a local “Eastern Star” for several years. Last year I was there and saw a medium-sized book on the coffee table. It had the Symbol of Masonry on the cover. I asked if I could look at it.She said it was the official Protocol that the officers say at their meetings. I asked if there were prayers in it. She said,“Yes”. I looked at every page. I was looking to see if I could see the word “Jesus or Christ”. I told her the book has some things that may be prayers why didn’t they say the word Jesus? She tried to change the subject. I was in her house so I dropped it. Their meetings are NOT Christian. The Masons are open to all religions, come one come all.

DO you know that in the middle east some Muslims and Jews are Masons? Do you know that about 20 years ago an American Freemason (of the highest degree possible) drove with several Jews to a mountain about 40 miles North of Jerusalem. They found a small house on the mountain(we dont know the Mt’s name). Some other cars full of people. But only 12 men were allowed to enter the house. These man were Europeans, Arabs and one Black man. After about an hour they came out. The American had stayed in the car. Later that night the American was given an assignment, what it was I don’t know. That was all. What do I suspect? I think this meeting was about building the Jewish Temple. Money was to be funneled to Israel. But why would a Muslim or a Arab support Israel? The reason is that the Masons give other Masons a “break” in business as it is done in the US. Some men in the US join so they can get a job!
Freemasonry is a secret society. My father, God rest his soul, was a 32nd Degree Mason, a Shriner and a huge supporter of those organizations. I remember my father and my mother (a past Grand Worthy Matron of Eastern Star…a whole 'nuther thing) memorizing out of small little books that we were never, never, never to have access to.

When my father died, my mother had to call a mason - same or higher degree to come and get his books. She told me that she was not permitted to read what was in his books. My deal is…huh? Whatever is in my house, I will read, if I so choose!

My father died of Alzheimer’s. Before his death, his caregivers told us that he would take his ring off and refused to permit them to put it back on his finger. He would become angry when they attempted to put it on his finger and would throw it across the room. Since he wore two rings, one a large diamond and the other his masonic ring, I thought that it was his diamond ring that he wanted off for safe keeping.

We went across to the office to get the ring that he was irritated with and PRAISE GOD! - it was the masonic ring. My father, through his fogged mind was able to, due to the prayers of many, come out of his masonic strong hold and throw away the bondage that had held him for years.

Shortly after I collected his ring, I noticed that my father had a calm and a peace about him. When I was feeding him for the last time, he looked at me with eyes that could only be described as Christ’s eyes - full of love and compassion for me, his daughter, who he had struggled liking all of his life.

You all can argue all you want about masons being benign, but I know first hand what they did to my family - the hatred of the Catholic Church that came through the masons (I am a convert) the killing of their own grandchild by a “brother” mason, the denying of a marriage to a Catholic by my brother - the love of his life, the bigamy of my grandfather - also a mason…etc. etc.

Yes, they do “good works” but I will never use any of their crippled children’s hospitals for I know that the money comes from the masons who pay HUGE dollar for their different degrees.

To say that all religions are the same - which they do - is to deny Christ - plain and simple.

I praise God that my father was able to denounce his masonic ties and my prayer is that my mother will one day do the same - through the grace of God.

Peace be with you all -
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