Masons Appoint Catholic Priest to Lodge

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I used to work for the Shriners (who are 32nd-Degree Masons). They were more concerned with drinking large quantities of alcohol and playing golf than they were with religion.
I believe it is a BIG no-no and not only can the priest be defrocked, but excommunicated. I hope the priest is identified and delt with.

This is anecdotal evidence - nothing more. The Code of Canon Law is clear however a bout Catholic having membership in Masonry. The underlying philosophy in Masonry is directly opposed to Christianity. The University of Bradford has one of the largest archive’s of Masonic material The Web of Hiriam ( including the writings of one of the world’s most famous Masons Walter Leslie Wilmshurst (1867-1939), a member of the various Lodges, including the The Grand Lodge from 1929-1939. In his book entitled The Meaning of Masonry, in Chapter 2, Mr. wilmshurst describes the philosophy of Masonry.

A quote from Mr. Wilmhurst on the Philosophy of Masonry
The point is too obvious to need pressing further, and the answer to it is to be found by a reference to a great doctrine that forms the philosophic basis of all systems of religion, and all the great systems of the Mysteries and of Initiation of antiquity, viz., that which is popularly known as the Fall of Man. However we may choose to regard this event - and throughout the history of the human race it has been taught in innumerable ways and in all manner of parables, allegories, myths and legends - its sole and single meaning is that humanity as a whole has fallen away from its original parent source and place; that from being imbedded in the eternal centre of life man has become projected to the circumference; and that in this present world of ours he is undergoing a period of restriction, of ignorance, of discipline and experience, that shall ultimately fit him to return to the centre whence he came and to which he properly belongs. “Paradise Lost” is the real theme of Masonry no less than of Milton, as it is also of all the ancient systems of the Mysteries. The Masonic doctrine focuses and emphasizes the fact and the sense of this loss. Beneath a veil of allegory describing the intention to build a certain temple that could not be finished because of an untimely disaster, Masonry implies that Humanity is the real temple whose building became obstructed, and that we, who are both the craftsmen and the building

I don’t have the time or space to go in much depth. But the short of it is that Masonry while believing in “The Fall” teaches that slavation come not through Jesus Christ but through knowledge (Gnosis) within Man Himself. In part of the essay cited above Wilmhurst describes how St. Paul was in effect (if not in fact according to Wilmhurst) an early Mason who used Masonic language to describe our bodies as a Temple of God. See how Masons twist things as the Gnostics did?
They were more concerned with drinking large quantities of alcohol and playing golf than they were with religion.
No different than the KofC.
A website with angry anti-Catholics that I visited posted this story as well. The main thing is, the priest is unnamed. If he were identified, he would be swiftly dealt with, I am sure.
No different than the KofC.
As a member of the KofC, I resent that little comment. You may have some problems with the Church, but do not slander the largest, most charitable group of faithful Catholic laymen in the world.
No different than the KofC.
The Knights of Columbus is a wonderful organization- though some councils are probably little more than social gatherings for men, some councils do live up to the expectations of the organization, and many Knights I know are wonderful examples of how a good Catholic man should be.
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