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I’m addicted and I’m doing all I can to get rid of addiction of porn/mastrubation. Is it grave sin if I fall into temptation, to be precise can I take communion.
Thank you for your time.
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Generally speaking you should refrain from receiving. You are always obliged to attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation, but you are only obliged to receive communion once a year during the Easter season.
A regular confessor may discern that your culpability is reduced and advise you when you may receive… but generally you need to wait until after confession as these sins are objectively grave matter.
Hi Michael7. I am very sorry for what you are going through. I will be praying for you. As twf said, I would refrain from taking the Holy Eucharist. Receiving the Holy Eucharist is a great grace and gift we have from God. This amazing gift strengthens us to resist temptations. But being the the state of mortal sin and receiving with full consent would be sacrilege and make us incline more towards sin. To help with your problem I would distant myself from what is tempting you. Maybe have a friend or someone help monitor your activity. And keep going to confession frequently, this will also strengthen you in your fight. And when you are in the state of grace, you can receive Him, and he will give you so much grace to help you. I hope that this will help you. Never give up hope, keep on fighting. Always go to Mary. As our mother, she wants to help us get to heaven. She will help you with whatever you need. Another saint you can pray to is St. Mary Magdalene. Again, I will be praying for you. God Bless.
the sins against the 6th commandment are the easiest, most pleasing sins, and which are accompanied by the strongest passions, coming from ourselves (concupiscence) as coming from outside (the occasions of falling). Those sins are always grave whenever they are committed, there is not a low degree of commission of that sin that can make it venial .
Almost all other sins have a low degree that makes them venial, except sin against the 6th commandment.
Many will go to hell because of this sin alone. And if we take away this sin from the Decalogue, many will go to Heaven.
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It is grave matter. Addiction and habit can reduce your culpability (not that it makes it okay), so I can’t advise if it’s mortal or not.

It’s good you’re trying to break the habit. Go to confession when you need to. God isn’t going to turn you away. It’s a matter of you turning back to God whenever you go off the wrong path.
Yeah, its sinful and you knew it already otherwise you won’t ask the question. Lol! Okay, what is happening is that masturbation causes your brain to release a lot of endorphins or “Happy Hormones”. This feels great of course but could really scar your spiritual life. I suggest getting your happy hormones from other healthier activities like doing exercise. It can make you just as happy too. Try it. 😉

When you give it enough time, your brain will rewire itself to exercising rather than masturbation for its source of happiness.
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I’m addicted and I’m doing all I can to get rid of addiction of porn/mastrubation. Is it grave sin if I fall into temptation, to be precise can I take communion.
Thank you for your time.
Be sure to avoid the near and voluntary occasion of sin. That is a necessary intention to receive absolution.

Baltimore Catechism
Q. 770. What do you mean by a firm purpose of sinning no more?
A. By a firm purpose of sinning no more I mean a fixed resolve not only to avoid all mortal sin, but also its near occasions.
Q. 771. What do you mean by the near occasions of sin?
A. By the near occasions of sin I mean all the persons, places and things that may easily lead us into sin.
Q. 772. Why are we bound to avoid occasions of sin?
A. We are bound to avoid occasions of sin because Our Lord has said: “He who loves the danger will perish in it”; and as we are bound to avoid the loss of our souls, so we are bound to avoid the danger of their loss. The occasion is the cause of sin, and you cannot take away the evil without removing its cause.
Q. 773. Is a person who is determined to avoid the sin, but who is unwilling to give up its near occasion when it is possible to do so, rightly disposed for confession?
A. A person who is determined to avoid the sin, but who is unwilling to give up its near occasion when it is possible to do so, is not rightly disposed for confession, and he will not be absolved if he makes known to the priest the true state of his conscience.
Q. 774. How many kinds of occasions of sin are there?
A. There are four kinds of occasions of sin:
1. Near occasions, through which we always fall;
2. Remote occasions, through which we sometimes fall;
3. Voluntary occasions or those we can avoid; and
4. Involuntary occasions or those we cannot avoid. A person who lives in a near and voluntary occasion of sin need not expect forgiveness while he continues in that state.
Q. 775. What persons, places and things are usually occasions of sin?
A. 1. The persons who are occasions of sin are all those in whose company we sin, whether they be bad of themselves or bad only while in our company, in which case we also become occasions of sin for them;
2. The places are usually liquor saloons, low theaters, indecent dances, entertainments, amusements, exhibitions, and all immoral resorts of any kind, whether we sin in them or not;
3. The things are all bad books, indecent pictures, songs, jokes and the like, even when they are tolerated by public opinion and found in public places.
It is grave matter. Addiction and habit can reduce your culpability (not that it makes it okay), so I can’t advise if it’s mortal or not.
I do not see the interest of this kind of speculation as to whether or not we have the three conditions of a mortal sin, if it is not to encouraged the sinner to be lukewarm, and to have a false hope.
according to the precautionary principle in case of doubt we must take great precautions, that is to say we must always admit that we have committed a mortal sin whenever the matter is serious and we have doubts, we must then do a just penance. If we do it, when indeed the sin was venial, then we will just gain a lot more merit.
it’s a paid service (nominal, i think like $16/mo), but if you can have someone in your life who cares about the good for you … you can sign up for Covenant Eyes, it’s an accountability program
Almost all other sins have a low degree that makes them venial, except sin against the 6th commandment.
What is your source for this? Sins are not objectively mortal or venial. It depends not only on the gravity of the object of the sin, but also on the culpability of the subject, hence we have the three conditions. A grave matter can be committed without full knowledge or free consent and thus not be a mortal sin.

Aside from this, what you say about the degree to which this kind of sin is bad is also a little off. St Thomas tells us in the Summa that sins committed due to the passions are less severe than sins committed out of malice. Sins of weakness are still sins, but do not distance us from God as much as sins of malice, which offend against charity.

This is precisely what the devil is after by tempting us to fall into sins of the flesh. They are easy to fall into, and we imagine that they are the very worst kind of sin, and we fall into despair. But if we put them into perspective and see them as the weakness and sins of passion that they are, they lose that power to make us despair.

See my posts here for more.
This is not only not true, it is bad advice to give to someone who might struggle with scrupulosity or with an addiction/habitual sin which is only exacerbated by shame and nervousness.

I do not know if my translator will translate this correctly:
“I never said that the sin against the 6th commndement was the most serious of the sins, I said that its subject is always serious”.
You basically said that there can be no venial sin against the sixth commandment. This is plainly not true. Clarify what you mean by that or cite a source.
can you quote explicitly what I said about it? like this, next time I will correct my vocabulary
I’ll be glad you quote me again. It’s so complicated to find what I said and quote again?
Ok I found.
Presque tous les autres péchés ont un faible degré qui les rend véniels, sauf le péché contre le 6ème commandement.
I said that some sin is veniel because of low degree of the act or its consequences. For example, stealing a penny from a billionaire, who does not even perceive that something has diminished in his fortune is a venial sin. If I lie without my lying hurting anyone directly or indirectly it is a venial sin.
But the sin against the 6th commandment even if it is venial, it is never because the act posed is low or will have low consequence on the neighbor. It may be venial for another reason, but not because the act posed would have had a low degree.
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