Mathew 16:23

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Why Did Jesus Call Peter Satan if he intended him to be the leader of the church?

BTW I’m Catholic just trying to figure out how to respond to my mother in law about this.

Thanks for your help.
Why Did Jesus Call Peter Satan if he intended him to be the leader of the church?

BTW I’m Catholic just trying to figure out how to respond to my mother in law about this.

Thanks for your help.
He was following his own desires to see Jesus stay alive rather than God’s Will and what prophecy says of the Suffering Servant Messiah. Just being human, following carnal wishes.
I think Jesus was being dramatic. Jesus explains Himself in that same verse when he says, to Peter, “Get away from me, Satan! You are an obstacle in my way, because these thoughts of yours don’t come from God, but from man.” Just tell your mother-in-law to finish reading the verse.
Why Did Jesus Call Peter Satan if he intended him to be the leader of the church?

BTW I’m Catholic just trying to figure out how to respond to my mother in law about this.

Thanks for your help.
Oh, I see a mother in law popping out from this.:eek:

Because,. unlike Satan, St Peter cleaned up his act.
Why Did Jesus Call Peter Satan if he intended him to be the leader of the church?
BTW I’m Catholic just trying to figure out how to respond to my mother in law about this.
We use ‘satan’ as a proper noun.

How was it used in the Gospel quote???

Peter was only acting like the rest of us humans - before we receive the Holy Spirit. He was thinking with his human mind and not as God thinks.

If you read when Jesus called Peter “rock”- Cephas, where were they? They were in Cesarea Phillipi (sp?). They were very near where the head waters of the Jordan River begin. The Jordan is the river that gives life to the region. They were also in the shadow of a HUGE rock outcopping. I don’t think the symbolism would’ve been lost on the rest of the Apostles.

If you remember, before Jesus ascended into heaven, He had “breakfast” with Peter on the shores of the Galilee (with all those fish they “caught” with Jesus’ help. What was that about being “fishers of men”?). He gave Peter the opportunity to “make right” his denials. Then He asked Peter to "Feed my sheep and “tend my sheep.” He knew that Peter would be the rock that He knew him to be. Jesus even prayed for Peter in the Garden, that he would strenthen his brethren (why would He pray for Peter to strengthen his brethren if he was just gonna be “one of the guys”?) and that’s exactly what Peter would do throughout his life and even in his death.

Peter was always present at the major events during Jesus’ ministry. Peter is always the one named first when the Apostles are named. I think the writers did this for a reason.

In Acts, at Pentecost, when they all received the Holy Spirit, it was Peter that went out to the crowds and converted about 3000 people that day telling them they needed to repent and be baptized. Not a bad start for someone who previously had been thinking with his human mind and who had a really bad case of “foot in mouth” disease!

I think Jesus knew what He was doing. He knew Peter/Cephas would be the rock He knew him to be!
Why Did Jesus Call Peter Satan if he intended him to be the leader of the church?

BTW I’m Catholic just trying to figure out how to respond to my mother in law about this.

Thanks for your help.


  • temptation can come even from those who might be thought to be immune to it
  • Christ was tempted even by one of His own closest followers
    • so he was not spared even that
  • the malice & insolence of the devil are as great as its ingenuity
  • great falls can come soon after very great graces
  • the Cross cannot be avoided, under any pretext -not even by Christ Himself
  • we must rest our confidence in no man’s strength, but in that of Christ Alone
  • The misunderstanding of Christ by His own family extended to His own Apostles
    There must be others.
Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.”

Peter obviously was not Satan, just as he was not God when he said these:

Mt 16:16-17
Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. …”

Jesus saw from where the wisdom came from respectively and rightly said so accordingly. He never meant Peter was Satan.
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