John 17 3 said:Matthew 16:18
A survey of patristic writings show that 17 of the early church fathers felt the passage means that the church was built on Peter. This includes Origen and Jerome.
A second view of the church fathers was that the church was built on all the apostles, not simply upon Peter. But a majority of the 45 of the church fathers felt that these words are to be understood of the Faith which Peter had confessed, that is, that this Faith, this profession of faith, by which we believe that Christ is Son of the living God, is the eternal and immovable foundation of the Church.
This is by far the more common interpretation, and it is attested to by the Eastern church fathers Gregory of Nyssa, Cyril of Alexandria, Chrysostom, Theodoret, and Theophylact. It is supposed by such Western fathers as Hilary, Ambrose, Augustine, and Gregory the Great.
That the rock was Peter would not be fully espoused until Siricius, bishop of Rome, in 385 wrote a letter to the bishop Himerius of Tarragona, Spain, arguing for the primacy of Peter.
Though it is a faulty hermeneutical argument, the interpretation that Christ is the Rock does not take away from the third interpretation, held by most of the fathers, that it is upon Peter’s confession that the church rests. In fact some feel that both views are acceptable. Hence Dionysius the Carthusian gives the two interpretations as equally expressing the meaning of the words, saying, "And upon this rock, that is, upon the firmness and foundation of his Faith (i.e., upon that of Peter], or upon this Rock which thou hast confessed, that is Myself, the chief-corner-stone, the lofty mountain of which the Apostle says other foundation can no man lay.
But one of the major rules of biblical interpretation is that there is almost always just one meaning for a given passage. It would be rare for two very distinct ideas to be embedded in one sentence or short paragraph.
**The weight of early church history points to the fact that most church fathers believed that Christ’s statement in regard to the rock has to do with Peter’s confession of who Jesus really is. It is upon that confession that the church will be built. **
This letter that this is based on (that the majority of the Early Fathers were of the opinion that Peter was not the Rock) is a forgery. I would like to see who these 45 Church Fathers are. Please give me their quotes. We will try to find a quote saying they did believe in the Petrine ministry.