Is there any evidence that he did so?I wonder whether Constantine had anything to do with it. Might he have had a reason for suggesting to Sylvester that it would be better if he stayed behind in Rome?
Is there any evidence that he did so?I wonder whether Constantine had anything to do with it. Might he have had a reason for suggesting to Sylvester that it would be better if he stayed behind in Rome?
He was the one giving the orders with regard to the convening of this Council, which is one of the reasons that many historians agree that Papal primacy was a historical development over time.Not that I know of. It’s just that, from what is known about the relationship between the two, Constantine seems to have been the one giving the orders.
I don’t think Sylvester had much influence over Constantine, from my vague recollection of one or two books I read a long time ago.Did the Emperor Constantine adopted the bishop of Rome, Sylvester, as his Christian counselor? Did he have a Christian counselor?
I think you are struggling with a doctrinal explanation, because there is none. What usually happens is that someone grabs a text from scriptures, that does not address a view of ecclesiastical authority, and anachronistically overlays centuries of historical development into the text, rather than just admitting that ecclesiastical structure was never addressed by Christ, or even the apostles. The ecclesiastical structure of the Church should really be looked at, in my opinion, as a matter of canon law, a manmade construction that has changed and still may change based on the needs of the Church, rather than doctrine which was revealed by the Holy Spirit. Take from that whatever you will. It is my personal opinion, not doctrine, but I think it is grounded in what the scriptures actually sayThis is why I am struggling with a “Doctrinal Explanation”.
By the time of the Council of Nicaea, Constantine’s functional capital of the Roman Empire was Constantinople. Nicaea was essentially a resort town on the Black Sea, northeast of the capital.Do you guys know where was the residence of the Emperor Constantine during the Nicean Concil? Was his residence in Rome of in the Asia Minor (Byzantium, Nicomedia, Nicea & surrounding areas)?
No. In fact, by the end of his life Constantine broke with Orthodox Catholicism in favor of Arianism. He elevated Eusebius of Nicomedia, an Arian Bishop, to be the Bishop of Constantinople, essentially making him the see of the most important city in the Roman Empire at the time, and he was baptized shortly before his death as an Arian by Eusebius. Sylvester was dead by this time, and a new Roman bishop was in place.Did the Emperor Constantine adopted the bishop of Rome, Sylvester, as his Christian counselor? Did he have a Christian counselor?
Absolutely not, there is no evidence that this was the case, and I would argue that there is far more evidence given what occurred over the next fifty years with the rise of Arianism all throughout the empire that the bishop of Constantinople was far more influential empire wide than was the bishop of Rome. During this time (under the successors of Constantine) you see Athanasius fighting for the heart of orthodox Christianity, essentially alone. Even the Roman pontiff was forced during this time to accede to Arianism. It wasn’t until Theodosius reigned in the 380s and 390s when the Arian tide was turned, mostly due to infighting for power amongst themselves, and the patronage of Theodosius. When we look at great Christian Roman Emperors, I hold Theodosius in far higher regard for his importance in the influence on orthodox Christianity than Constantine. Theodosius cared far more about doctrine, whereas Constantine took a much more pragmatic outlook on doctrine as a source of unification.Now some speculation: Do you guys believe that Constantine was taught by his Christian masters that the Bishop of Rome had to have the position of Bishop over all bishops?
JESUS CHRISH HIMSELF HAS ESTABLISHED HIS TRUE CHURCH ON EARTH AND THE SUCESSOR OF ST PETER, THE POPES **Matthew 16:16-18 ** And Jesus answering, said to him: Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona: because flesh and blood hath not revealed it to thee, but my Father who is in heaven.18 And I say to thee : That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.I believe that the most important ecclesiology tenet is the understanding that the right interpretation of the “Thou art Peter” passage in Matthew 16 is that our Lord was instituting the Bishop of Rome to have the authority over all other bishop in the Christian world.
There are many historian who believe and prove Jesus Has No History nor existed ,its surprising people base their belief on what some person’s personal opinions.It was not brought about for the first time in 590 AD with Saint Gregory the Great as the bishop of Rome.Recently I heard on TV a historian who said that this “thesis” (Thou art Peter >> Bishop of Rome) was brought about for the first time in 590 AD with Saint Gregory the Great as the bishop of Rome.According to the historian, before this time, the Matthew 16 passage had never been used to defend the preeminence of the Bishop of Rome.
its wrong to say it just started in 590 AD by Saint Gregory the Great ,rather **he popularize ** the importance of the successor of Peter and the Catholic Church pointing towards what Jesus Himself established in Matthew 16:16-18 , that how its truly is but an authority derived from a delegation of God’s sovereignty." it should be taught right from this verse Matthew 16:16-18 till the present Pope Francis the Successor of St Peter . In 590 AD Saint Gregory the Great as the bishop of Rome only to popularize it or rather promoted the title since the Catholic Church was spreading to different countries and both locally and many false heresies were wide spread.Isaiah 22:22 And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.“In other words, Peter would give decisions, based on the teachings of Jesus, which would be bound in heaven; that is, honored by God.”.The Church is the pillar and ground of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15).Is this true?
If this is true, should it be taught to young Catholics?
It should be taught from the very beginning right from Matthew 16:16-18 which Jesus established the True Church on Earth 2000 Years ago That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it..It is false and wrong to say there is a 500 years of interval or has not been obeyed and practiced for 500 years.Right from St Peter till the present Pope Francis there is no intervals always a Pope . In 590 AD Saint Gregory the Great as the bishop of Rome only to popularize it what was taught by Jesus either in word or letter coming from the lips of Christ and the Apostles teachings as in the Catholic Traditions.Should we use an explanation to clarify why this has not been obeyed and practiced for 500 years?
I personally guess that there must be a reason for this “500 year interval”.
Perhaps the early Christian never understood this point correctly in the Bible.
Or perhaps the early Christian interpreted these passages a different way.
What do you think?
The answer is to be found, I think, not in trying to puzzle out what different people thought Jesus meant, but in the history of the Church’s long and difficult struggle to build itself in conformity with the plain statement, “Upon this rock …”. Prior to 312, Christianity was one religion among many in the Roman Empire and Christians were often hated, harassed and victimized by their non-Christian neighbors, even when they weren’t being actively persecuted by the authorities. The Church had no official standing in that period, and at times was regarded as a criminal organization, guilty of the crime of failing to honor the Empire’s official gods and goddesses. Each local unit, each little Christian community, had a tough time just staying alive. It’s expecting too much of them, in those conditions, to demand that they should function as a fully structured organization operating a clearly defined chain of command from the Pope downward.I personally guess that there must be a reason for this “500 year interval”.
Perhaps the early Christian never understood this point correctly in the Bible.
Or perhaps the early Christian interpreted these passages a different way.