LOL, I know exactly what you mean! The dreaded “oh my…what did I do?” feeling! MY husband was thrilled when we found out we were expecting our first, and me - well, scared out of my pants! I worried about me being too lazy of a mom, being “tied down”, thought about all the things I would miss out on. Then I felt the first kick, and boy did he knock some sense into me!
Having a baby can seem overwelming at first, but honestly, to me, being a mom is such a breeze. When I first found out I was pregnant I quit my job to devote time to “baby”. Well, when the little bugger was 8 weeks old and sleeping ALL day, I was ready to go back to work! He was this perfect little angel, and I stared at him all day. When he was 8 weeks old (at my post-partum visit), we found out #2 was on her way! DO NOT believe the myth that breastfeeding is a natural means of b/c!!! Then when she was a couple months old, #3 was on his way (so much for using NFP while postpartum). Anyway - my point. No matter what happens, IT WILL ALL BE FINE. If you told me three years ago that I would be a mom of three in less than 2 years, I would have blown a gasket. But as soon as you hold that little bundle, your life will change, you get a job for life - being a mom (though you pass some of that off when they get married, at least I wish my MIL would do that!)
Congrats! Babycenter will help you out tremendously (if you are, in fact, preggo). They have the birth club boards that can calm fears since all the other women will be experiencing things the same time you are. They saved my husband and my doctor from hearing a ton of worries from me!!!