My first contact with Catholicism was the TLM. Later when I converted it was the Novus Ordo I was surprised by the difference. The parish I go to now NO and I like because we have a good priest who kind of makes “alive” because of his faith, love and sincerity. Still I know that I have in the past been perplexed by the NO.
Now I can fully appreciate the idea of wanting to bring the mass into the vernacular. There are many practical reasons for this. Still what I’m confused about is that they didn’t just start praying the Tridentine Mass in the local language. Keep the form and words and just say it in the language of the people. I don’t know if there is a rule to this that makes it impossible If so then I apologize for my ignorance. I just never could figure that out. I still have a Mariam Missal that had an excellent translation in it.
Also for the traditionalists. I’m not throwing that out there to say that the Trident shouldn’t be performed in Latin. I simply stating the above because I’ve never been able to figure out why the decision was made to change the mass as opposed translating it if they wanted more participation or understanding and such. I don’t know if any of this makes sense.
Because the language into the vernacular was only ONE element of the whole plan.
I’ll try to give a brief but adequate presentation.
The TLM is VERY “catholic beliefs/practice only” in many parts of its liturgy (incl. readings, prayers, etc.).
Examples would be:
the Mass as a true re-enactment of the SACRIFICE of Calvary.
Its Confiteor uses the praying to saints, especially Mary. Plus the asking of forgiveness of our sins.
Explicite commemoration of the deceased.
All of these are anathema to many protestant sects, especially the Lutherans & Presbyterian once-saved-always-saved.
The NO mass was
designed from top to bottom to be Ecumenical (interfaith)…so that it could be used in any MAINLINE (Episcopalian, Anglican, Luthren, Presbyterian) protestant service with very few alterations. Inoffensive to any of their beliefs. Of course it was much easier to smother the Catholic-only point of view as well.
The TLM is seen as very anti-Ecumenical and that is why it is now only under indult. An indult not allowed by about 45% of the US bishops…becuase it is offensive to the “separated brethren”.
The NO mass is “flexible” with numerous Eucharistic Prayers, some of which obscure the exclusive catholic beliefs so that they can be used by non-catholics. Plus the movements become less and less catholic-only such as communion rail kneeling, receipt on the tongue, precious metal repositories for Host & blood…err wine, genuflecting before seating in front of the Tabernacle.
In other words, one religious worship platform for all the main sects & the catholics. That was the intent.
The TLM cannot ever fit in that mold. It is way too exclusively catholic and rigid regarding innumerable variations.
Has the NO mass done what was intended? Perhaps yes or no. It has really been used too much as a platform of personal preference for the modern catholic clergy & laity which frequently gets out of hand. Instead of bringing non-catholics into this platform of worship more easily, yet maintaining reverence, it just as often drives traditional minded catholics out.
It got so bad that the church reopened the availability of the TLM in order to provide a refuge to the tradtional catholic mindset and keep them from fleeing to breakaway groups that did offer the TLM in all its catholicity…exclusive of ecumenical intrusions.
That’s where we are today.
The bizarre modifications to the NO mass by local clergy (even bishops) is becoming near impossible to restrain…a circumstance not really thought out well by the modern popes.
If the cattle have no fence, they will roam wild and so become wild. The church did not really realize (or denied) that large groups people need universal rules that can be ENFORCED. They held that man is good & will do good if given free reign. Of course history proved otherwise & so even to this day.
Disciplie & restraint is NOT natural for everyone.
In summary:
The TLM is Ecumenically unfit.
The NO is so ambiguously treated as to become uncontrollable in our own house.
Take yur pick.