We are required to abstain from meat on Friday during Lent as an act of penance. Back in the day, when meat was the main course for most people, it was a real sacrafice. Nowadays, with all the gourmet seafood and vegetarian fair available, strictly abstaining from meat, but eating other delicacies kinda misses the point.
The purpose of abstaining from meat and fasting (required on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday) is to deprive ourselves of some comforts so we remember that we are sinners who have been redeemed by God’s grace.
Some Catholics do some form of fasting year-round, but it’s not required. Fasting is not limited to not eating for a day either. An act of fasting can be giving up meat every Friday, giving up some other favorite food regularly, or even giving up other pleasures, like watching TV.
The bottom line is that fasting is more of an internal action manifested outwardly. The point of it is to direct one’s mind and heart to God. The outward means are simply reminders. Anyway, that’s my humble opinion.