Meet the Press

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Did anyone see “Meet the Press” on Easter? I was wondering what you thought.
I caught about the last 30 minutes on MSNBC last night.

The most amazing thing about the whole panel is that I think the journalist from Newsweek and Joe Lieberman made the best case and spoke the most eloquently on the role of religion in the public square. The priest wasn’t making any sense to me at all. Jim Wallis was just showing his leftism, although some of what he said was true, and the protestant reverend wasn’t very articulate.
Dear Michael C,

I saw it yesterday at my parent’s home. I was very disappointed with Father Drinan’s comments. They did not appear to be in line with church teachings and wonder if he had permission by his bishop to be a guest on this show. I feel as though he did not represent our faith very well. On the other hand, Lieberman made more sense then he did. Love and God Bless, Joanna Marie
Here is a copy of an article by American Life League on Drinan:


ALL to protest Villanova University appearance
by Fr. Robert Drinan, pro-abortion Jesuit priest

Joseph M. Starrs, director of American Life League’s Crusade for the Defense of Our Catholic Church, issued the following statement in announcing a peaceful protest of tomorrow’s appearance by the pro-abortion Jesuit priest, Fr. Robert Drinan, S.J., at Villanova University: It is truly scandalous that Villanova University, a Catholic institution of higher learning, is allowing a radical, pro-abortion priest whose beliefs are antithetical to those of the Catholic Church to speak on campus. Pro-life Catholics will band together to protest the event and to send the clear message to Fr. Drinan that you can’t be Catholic and pro-abortion.

The topic of Fr. Drinan’s address at Villanova is Pursuing Economic Justice at Home and Abroad: A Worthy Goal for Our Nation. Such justice will be impossible to achieve, however, in light of his professed beliefs on abortion. Fr. Drinan has sought no such justice for preborn children, and in fact would deny them such justice. Fr. Drinan has publicly defended the Roe v. Wade decision which decriminalized killing through abortion, defended the 1996 veto of the partial-birth abortion bill, and praised Planned Parenthood - the nation’s leading abortion provider - for providing “excellent information.” This is obviously not a man who understands and accepts the Catholic Church’s clear teachings concerning the grave evil of abortion. Villanova’s mission statement states that “in matters theological it recognizes its obligations to the Magisterium of the Church.” With that in mind, we respectfully implore the leadership of Villanova University and Cardinal Justin Rigali, the archbishop of Philadelphia, to cancel Fr. Drinan’s appearance.
I don’t think Fr. Drinan represented us well at all. When asked a theological question about Sarah Smith and her situation he started speaking about gun control. He wasn’t addressing the question. One of the protestant ministers was shaking his head no as Fr. Drinan was talking and I was too. Wallis dribbled on about how Jesus didn’t found a Church, but a movement and Fr. Drinan said nothing. How do these shows always find the worst person to represent the Catholic Church?
Drinan? That old cootster? He and that trendy vicar from Notre Dame are still grabbing the spotlight all the time. Don’t these has beens have anything better to do? Still playing that dissent card.
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