How rasonable is it to ask Noah and his family to note down every single questions that might have pertained to their story thousands of years before the questioins where asked?At some point in the future 100% of humankind is going to be exterminated.
Question for ya’. Why did God create ebola? anthrax? necrotizing Staph aureus? rabies? tapeworms?
Also, if the flood story is true, how did Noah and his family survive harboring all these diseases in their bodies?
Why did they have to?
Why was it necessary that disease organisms and parasites survive the “purifying” flood?
And, did God command Noah to collect disease organisms two by two or was one of each enough?
Now, if there is a devastating pandemic of some highly virulent disease; does anyone here actually believe that God will intervene and prevent it from running its fatal course?
This type of ‘logic’ is just silly and other than splashing back some sillyness I never really pay attention to ramblings like this.