Mel-Gibson Catholic?

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Is Mel-Gibson Catholic, the reason is because i have heard him talk bad about the pope, so is he?
he is but he does not follow the Pope’s teachings, alot like piusx(spell?)
well in my opinion, that aint catholic, what does everyone else think
From everything I’ve read, Mel is a rather traditionalist Catholic. Probably more Catholic than most in this country. From his statements he acknowledges the authority of the Pope, although he may have opinions about the Pope’s actions.
Is Mel-Gibson Catholic, the reason is because i have heard him talk bad about the pope, so is he?
can you be more specific? What did he say?
Tom of Assisi:
can you be more specific? What did he say?
I Heard other say he has talked bad about the pope. i also heard that his father wrote an article called " is the Pope still CAtholic". Does he consider himself an easten or a western Catholic?
He’s not a Pius X Catholic. He is a traditional Roman Catholic. He was hurt by the Vatican when they retracted the Pope’s comment on the movie (“it is how it was”), but I never heard of anything that he said that was negative toward JP2.
Yes he is Catholic.

Yes he is a traditionalist, but moreover he is devoted to the Rite of St. Pius V (Tridentine).

Yes he holds to the authority of the pope, but he is saddened by some of the things done and said either by the pope or on his behalf… haven’t we all to one extent or another?

Yes his father is known to have publicly critiqued the pontiff in a most unflattering manner… is Mel to be held responsible for the sin of his father?… Are any of us?

Your unworthy brother in Christ and by the Grace of God a future Maronite priest,

Mel Gibson is not SSPX. Mel believes “The Church” to be in a state of emergency. He is “sede vacantist” He does not believe JP II is a true pope. He attends the Latin Mass and does not follow anything after Vatican II (Whether the pope accepted his movie or not was irrelevent to him) He is part of these pockets of Catholics that can be found the world over that believe “The Church” is underground. He does however support anyone who is upholding “The Faith” like the group of nuns subject to JPII, where he left a large donation.

When I was homeschooling my children, they corresponded with a newsletter that involved a school group of kids that Mel’s nieces and nephews were part of in Texas.

I have also heard that Mel’s oldest daughter is a nun, I don’t however know if this is truth or not.

You can say what you like about his position with “The Church” but one things for certain, you will be hard pressed to find a more devout Catholic!
You can say what you like about his position with “The Church” but one things for certain, you will be hard pressed to find a more devout Catholic!
Mandi, I do not know what Mel’s beliefs are as he really hasn’t stated them in a manner that we can know the answer of this question.

You say that Mell is “sede vacantist”, that he does not believe that the pope is a true pope nor that he follows the Church after Vatican II. If this is so then he is not a devout Catholic, he would be nothing more than a protestant (as all sede vacantists are as well as SSPX’ers) because they deny the Church and raise themselves up as the sole authority (in place of the Church).
As far as I know, although Mel’s father is a sedevacantist, he apparently is not - I read that in an article recently, but of course, I can’t remember in which magazine. He is a Traditionalist Catholic, and only attends the Tridentine Mass, but differs in many ways from the beliefs his father holds. So…the bottom line is - he’s Catholic.

God bless,
Mel Gibson has to my knowledge never said anything in public about the Pope not being the Pope. If someone has documentation from his own mouth (and not 'I heard this from from a friend) that he has done so I would be interested in reading it.

He is a Traditional Catholic who loves the Latin Mass and he loves his father and will not disagree or denounce him in a public setting. That is probably how he interprets the "Honor thy Father’ commandment. That is in essence all we really know about him.

They inteviewed him on EWTN. I have a hard time believing they would have him on if he were practising something heritical.

dream wanderer
I saw an interview he did and all I know was that he didn’t seem to thrilled with the Pope so sorry If I got that wrong, google it and you’ll probably find out quite a bit more. 🙂
Sorry for any confusion, I was just stating a guess.

I just googled “what type of Catholic is Mel Gibson”
It brought up several intervies Mel himself has done and when asked his reply was this " I go to an all-pre-vatican ll Latin mass
And once I read that I did recall the interview he gave to I think it was Primetime live with Diane Sawyer or one of those on the ABC station and he said the same. 🙂
Mel is a Traditionalist Catholic in line with Rome. His dad is a sedevecantist. Mel is not.

EWTN would not have interviewed him if he were not in line with Rome.

And the National Catholic Register would not have done extensive articles on the movie either. They also interviewed the priest who said Mass and was his confessor while filming the movie in Italy.

They’ve also interviewed some of his cousins, one of which is a priest in a Chicago parish. He has several cousins who are priests and nuns.
Yeah, but he made a movie, at great personal expense, that reinvigorated the Faith of millions of Christians around the world. And Satan can’t stand that, so he wants us to sully Mel’s reputation using innuendo and half-truths.

Come on, sling some mud for the Gripper! :rolleyes:
Paul W:
Yeah, but he made a movie, at great personal expense, that reinvigorated the Faith of millions of Christians around the world. And Satan can’t stand that, so he wants us to sully Mel’s reputation using innuendo and half-truths.

Come on, sling some mud for the Gripper! :rolleyes:
As I said, we can only go by what Mel has said and, in my opinion, he has not said enough to think that he is not Catholic. Yes he is a Catholic that only attends the Trad Latin Mass, but there is nothing wrong with that.

He has said a couple of things that puzzle me, but it is not enough.

So I agree that we shouldn’t “Mel’s reputation using innuendo and half-truths.” as you say but…

I also do not think we should over state the movie he made. Its not like he didn’t make a profit out of it. You say he made the movie at “great personal expense” but he also profited greatly from it.

In my opinion he has stared in some movies of questional content and protrayed some very questional characters.

Mel is a man like everyone else. Not perfect, a fallen being.

“sede vacantist”​

What are these folks? I am seeing that all over Catholic Forums with no official meaning with it. It, almost, sounds like a bad word!
i read that his father was a sede vacantist (?) but he wasn’t. He actually denounced his father’s faith (but in a nice way). He can’t be judged on the actions of his father.

I think a sede vacantist is someone who does not believe in the authoirty of the pope or anything post-vatican II, but someone can answer that way better than i.

Lilyofthevalley said:
“sede vacantist”

Lilyofthevalley said:
What are these folks? I am seeing that all over Catholic Forums with no official meaning with it. It, almost, sounds like a bad word!

I’m not an expert, but as I understand it, a “sedevacantist” is someone who believes that “the chair is vacant” literally. In other words, they believe that we do not currently have a valid Pope. Their view generally holds that all the recent Popes (beginning with John XXIII, I think) have not been valid because they either initiated or promoted the teachings of the Second Vatican Council. They feel that Vatican II was a boo boo of the highest order. :cool:

Sedevacantism obviously sets one apart from the communion of the Catholic church. Promoting it on the forums can also get your fanny banned most urgently.

There were some threads discussing it (generally in a very non-charitable manner) but I think the threads have all been taken down.

Note to Moderators: I’m only explaining it. Not promoting it. Please don’t kill the messenger. 😉 Go JPII ! 👍

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