I don’t know what types of softball, tip-toeing questions you were expecting, but I think Diane was very fair in the interview.I saw that yesterday morning and felt that Sawyer is a poor excuse for a reporter. She, (again), attempted to draw Mel into an attack on his own father, which I think is in very poor taste and lousy journalism…unless of course like Sawyer, you can’t do real news and make your living off of scandal and gossip.
Moreover…and I don’t care what others think…drunks say all kinds of things and anyone who believes that it comes from the heart instead of the bottom of their last drink glass is nuts.
He does have a valid point when he explains that possibly he bears some resentment against those Jews who harshly criticised “The Passion of the Christ” as being anti-Semitic even before they had seen it and fear mongering. I can understand that…it will not excuse a drunken rant, but his sincere apology is a move in the right direction.
Most importantly I could hear the voice of my sainted grandmother reminding me to say,
but for the grace of God,
go I.”
Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum,
She asked the questions everyone wanted to know in a no nonsense manner, which is actually excellent journalism, and Mel answered them very well.
And I also want to remind you guys that this interview was VOLUNTARY. Mel consented to it…he knew what was going on, and he’s been in the entertainment business for long enough to know how to handle himself.