Members of the SSPX are not heretics

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Can a chasuble designed for the Novus Ordo be used for the 1962 Missal?
—1962 rubrics do not say a word about how chasubles should be designed.
Hate to be a pedant, and this is probably completely beside the point, but they do have, for example, that there should be a large cross on the back.
I know; I assumed he was talking about fiddleback designs and other such things, not “can we have a large butterfly on the back” in a '62 liturgy, etc.

I’ll give a better example (no Alex is not correct – the bishop has the right to forbid his priest from saying Mass in Latin).
There is nothing in canon/liturgical law that prevents any priest from getting up one morning and saying the regular 10:00 AM Novus Ordo Mass in Latin.
There is indeed, and I’ll post the Canon. For example, the bishop can command that the 10 a.m. Mass must be done in the vernacular. Let’s say that Mass is attended by 500 people and it is held in the cathedral. The bishop can regulate the liturgy. This happens at St. Peter’s Basilica, for example. A priest cannot simply decide what language and what hymns he will use for Mass at the main altar. He is required to obey the canons of the Basilica, and if he is commanded by his bishop to celebrate Mass in the vernacular, he is required to obey.
Your point that the bishop has to grant faculties is true, allow them to use a church/altar, etc. and so could keep them from saying Mass in Latin are true,
Then I don’t know how you could agree with Alex. 🙂

The celebration of Mass in a specific place and time is not a universal right. Nor is the use of a certain language or, if commanded, the use of certain music. If the bishop commands that a priest must permit a certain choir to sing, the priest cannot disobey that.
but that only goes toward how a bishop may persuade or coerce a certain priest to comply with the bishop’s desire.
Again, the bishop can assign a priest to celebrate Mass for a Spanish language community. The priest cannot disobey can not go to that community. Nor can he celebrate Mass in Latin for them if he is commanded to use vernacular. The vernacular is a legitimate usage. The bishop is free to command its usage. The bishop is not at the mercy of his priests – his priests are not free to disobey a direct command on the liturgical celebration. That is simply a fact.
“Now, Father, I’m going to punish you for saying the Pauline Mass in Latin,”
Oh he absolutely could. If he commanded that vernacular must be used, then he could punish the priest for disobedience. Vernacular is a legitimate option that a bishop has the authority to command. Since he is not commanding something evil or unlawful (the use of vernacular is lawful with the discretion of the ordinary), the priest is not free to disobey.
I know; I assumed he was talking about fiddleback designs and other such things, not “can we have a large butterfly on the back” in a '62 liturgy, etc.
Yes, I sort of figured that out but I couldn’t help pointing that out, could I? 😃 There are many chasubles today (without butterflies) that do not have a cross on the back but merely decorated ophreys with another monogram.
The bishop can regulate the liturgy. This happens at St. Peter’s Basilica, for example. A priest cannot simply decide what language and what hymns he will use for Mass at the main altar. He is required to obey the canons of the Basilica, and if he is commanded by his bishop to celebrate Mass in the vernacular, he is required to obey.
Isn’t it that the main altar is reserved to the Pope or a Cardinal or someone to whom he grants the priveledge?
Reggie’s views are really the most bizarre we’ve seen in a long time here.

Latin isn’t just another language or toy for a bishop.

It’s the language of OUR RITE. It’s the NORM. The vernacular is, by definition, the exception.

Even if it’s used almost everywhere, with practically no seeming “exceptions”.

No bishop can ban its use, if the CURRENT books are used. No priest can ever be disciplined for using it.

Answer the question, Reggie. Can a bishop order a priest not to use the Roman Canon?
Reggie’s views are really the most bizarre we’ve seen in a long time here.
Wow! If that’s the most bizarre then you haven’t been reading the same threads as me. Lot’s of serious sedevacantist stuff floating around as of late.
That’s what we might call a loaded question. Show me in writing where it says he can or can’t and then I’ll give you the answer you’re looking for.
Well, my views on the rights of bishops to regulate the liturgical celebrations in their dioceses are “the most bizarre we’ve seen” – I would agree, bear – we perhaps may need to read some of the other threads around here.🙂
Once again, the obsession with documents…as if every possible, conceivable eventuality has been put in a rubric or canon.

I rest my case. You won’t answer the question.

I’ll answer it for the sake of the record. No, a bishop can’t ban the Roman Canon. He can’t ban Canon 2, or 3, or 4, etc.

They are UNIVERSAL OPTIONS for the Roman Rite. He can’t restrict a priest in ANY WAY from using them.
Once again, the obsession with documents…as if every possible, conceivable eventuality has been put in a rubric or canon.

I rest my case. You won’t answer the question.

I’ll answer it for the sake of the record. No, a bishop can’t ban the Roman Canon. He can’t ban Canon 2, or 3, or 4, etc.

They are UNIVERSAL OPTIONS for the Roman Rite. He can’t restrict a priest in ANY WAY from using them.
It would put the rest of as at peace if you would both just produce the documents that you think support your case. It’s not an obsession with documents it just the knowledge that most things can be backed up by something the masses can view. Yikes. It would seem that this should be found somewhere since it’s a popular topic.
Nope, sorry, there is no document that states explicitly “No bishop may ban an option we bothered to print in the Missal of 2002, for the sake of people who think up things bishops can do to muck with the liturgy.” No document says, “No bishop may pretend he did not read the preface to our Missal that says it may be used as soon as it is published.”

The case is closed. No bishop of the Roman Rite can forbid a priest to use the legitimate, universal options of his Rite.
Nope, sorry, there is no document that states explicitly “No bishop may ban an option we bothered to print in the Missal of 2002, for the sake of people who think up things bishops can do to muck with the liturgy.” No document says, “No bishop may pretend he did not read the preface to our Missal that says it may be used as soon as it is published.”

The case is closed. No bishop of the Roman Rite can forbid a priest to use the legitimate, universal options of his Rite.
OK, you have no document. How about you, Reggie?
The documents you’re demanding after your usual fashion don’t exist, because Rome doesn’t produce little documents that answer every possible idea someone might conjure.

Can a bishop ban the Roman Canon in his diocese? Reggie wouldn’t answer the question.

Well guess what? No document says he can ban it…and no document explicitly says he can’t.

Go figure…Rome does expect people to have a little reasoning intellect and common sense.

You can’t ban universal options of your Rite. No bishop could tell a priest he must always use the Confiteor and never the B and C options in the Novus Ordo.
A Letter of Bishop Fellay to Cardinal Castrillon
We are ready to explain our Faith to Rome, but we cannot call that which is evil good, nor that which is good evil.
So the SSPX is going it explain its faith to Rome? The SSPX has another faith? That in and of itself is an admittence of heresy and schism.
I’ve never seen such a quickness to shout “heresy” and “schism”, except where the SSPX is concerned.

For many who have sympathy for the SSPX…and I certainly do, even if I am not a “supporter” in the strict sense…it gets a bit bemusing to hear all about “heresy” and “schism” given what goes on in more than a few locales.

I was confirmed by Archbishop Lefebvre. I had a bishop once tell me I was in “schism” because Lefebvre had confirmed me. Huh? Excuse me? Do they not have classes in this sort of thing in the seminaries?

Note: at the time he told me this, the bishop knew I was attending FSSP Masses.

The two defining moments in the late archbishop’s life were when seminarians at the French College in Rome unfurled the hammer and sickle from their windows in May of 1968, and when the apostolic visitors to Econe in 1975 challenged the historicity of the Resurrection.

You might think “emergency” too under those circumstances.
I’ve never seen such a quickness to shout “heresy” and “schism”, except where the SSPX is concerned.

Pullllllllleeeeeeeeeeezzzz! Must we go back to the “You’re only mean to the SSPX” argument? Look at the title of the thread. We’re not talking about Sparks, Mahoney and the modernist club. Try going outside of this particular forum if you want to see people charging liberals with schism and heresy.
Hi Bob,

Point 1: cop out

Point 2: foolish response requiring no thought. You know, I am about as sick of hearing thoughtless responses like this as I am of hearing people tell me I’m a relic for only attending the TLM.

Remember the hippies chanting in front of LBJ"S Whitehouse?
(Hey, hey, LBJ…?) I have a new one for my Traditionalist brothers and sisters who spout such poison:

Hey, hey you who can’t keep your emotions at bay,
how many have you kept from the TLM today?

It is attitudes such as yours that kept me away for 7 years. Thanks for robbing me of the best experiences of my Lord for so long by your slander.
What are you and bear and kirk doing on these traditional boards anyway? You have the nerve to call us slanderers while you call us schismatics and give us some shpiel about experiencing “your” Lord as though you are the only ones worthy? Give me a break, whoever you are.

I’m personally glad I’m out of that Bogus Ordo I was attending for 26 years! What a waste. Too bad I didn’t know better.
What are you and bear and kirk doing on these traditional boards anyway? You have the nerve to call us slanderers while you call us schismatics and give us some shpiel about experiencing “your” Lord as though you are the only ones worthy? Give me a break, whoever you are.

I’m personally glad I’m out of that Bogus Ordo I was attending for 26 years! What a waste. Too bad I didn’t know better.
The irony here is that this is an open forum, for people to discuss their beliefs. You insult the majority of CA posters here who happen to be in the mainstream church (whether they attend indult TLM or novus ordo) and attend the novus ordo, and you slander us by calling it the bogus ordo. :rolleyes:
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