Menopause Thread

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The only other thing I notice is, er, a small goatee developing. :o
WhiteDove, there’s an email going around in which the writer refuses to call these hairs a beard, but rather, stray eyebrows!

Surgical Menopause Ladies!! There’s a great website called The Hormone Jungle
to help with these difficult issues. Its sister site, Hyster Sisters is really great for people preparing for and/or recovering from a hysterectomy.

What happens to you, Annunciata? Do you panic, too?

Panic is part of my life…so I never know when it’s from my (anxiety disorder) or if it’s physical so I’ve learned to go w/ the flow… do my breathing exercises, take meds. (Only if really needed), and, I pray a lot! Annunciata:banghead:
The only other thing I notice is, er, a small goatee developing. :o
I prefer to call those long black hairs, “stray eyelashes”.:eek:
The drugstore carries a line of products for getting rid of stray hair. I don’t like the cream stuff, although I have friends who do. I’m using Sally Hansen’s waxing strips. I cut 'em to size for the area I’m working on (brows, chin) and follow the directions.

There are a LOT of good resources at our local health food store, too, for reading and for treatment.
Good Morning

I had a total hysterectomy 28 years ago when I was 40. My doctor put me on hormones which I took for two weeks. I read an article that they might increase chances of breast cancer so against my doctors advise, I quit the pills. I am really happy now that I did as the article was right.
I had hot flashes and some symptoms. However, they are natural part of female living. The hot flashes aren’t half bad in the winter time.
Menopause had some really positive things. First of all, I felt a lot better after my surgery than I did before. But other things went away. I had horrible migraine headaches most of my life. I never had another one after surgery.
I don’t think anticipating problems is a good idea. Take it as a natural part of being a woman and do your best to ignore it.
In other words, “don’t sweat the small stuff.”
Save your energy for big problems. When you don’t feel great, do deep breathing and take a walk. Works wonders.
The most disturbing probem I’m having is that my hair is thinning on top. I never expected this, since our family elders have full heads of hair. It’s not too bad yet, but it will get worse–“female pattern baldness,” confirmed by my dermatologist. I’m gonna talk to her about HRT, which I’ll gladly take if it will help.

I don’t consider this vanity. There are some basic necessities in life for women, and I consider not going bald to be one of them.

What say you?
little nail:
The most disturbing probem I’m having is that my hair is thinning on top. I never expected this, since our family elders have full heads of hair. It’s not too bad yet, but it will get worse–“female pattern baldness,” confirmed by my dermatologist. I’m gonna talk to her about HRT, which I’ll gladly take if it will help.

I don’t consider this vanity. There are some basic necessities in life for women, and I consider not going bald to be one of them.

What say you?
I agree - women should not go bald like a man. Have you looked into Rogaine?

I was in chemically induced menapause for a year due to chemo for breast cancer.

I had no mood swings.

I had no periods and some hot flashes. I gave up caffene and started drinking decafe green tea. It worked.

My ovaries apparently healed themselves… :rolleyes: and my periods started again with a vengenance. This is good news as it in a indication of overall good health and that my cells can regenerate themselves …but then again… 😛

So it looks like I get to go through all this again!

I can’t take hormone therapy because of the breast cancer…so I don’t know what I will do the next time around.

My mom went absolutely psycho during her menapause! I’m serious. She was paranoid, claimed that we were always telling lies on her and that her Pastor at the time was aiming all of his sermons toward HER!
I was glad when all that stopped…but it went on for about two years. I hope I don’t put my family through all that.

dream wanderer
Baltobetsy, thanks for those links! I think they will be of great help, since knowledge is power. If we know that we are not the only ones experiencing this, and that all our strange symptoms are “normal”, we can relax a bit. I do think one of the best defenses is a sense of humor, 😛 but you have to know who to share it with. Not everyone “gets” menopausal humor!

Brenda M.
I went through a Sugical Menopause and found a wonderfull Menopause Dr. that stated me on natural hormone replacements ( Rx compound) at my request…if you want more info on this I would be gald to go into more detail…just send me a private message.
Okay Ladies, I’ve been avoiding this thread, but here goes. I sometimes wake up just before my alarm goes off and am very hot so I throw the covers off. I take my temperature (for NFP) and its usually not very high (eg. 97.3). My temps haven’t been very high in the past 4 months since practicing NFP and my periods are usually no more than 4 days late? I am on day 16 in my cycle and haven’t seen a drastic change in mucus, mostly dry or non-wet (sticky) days. I am nearing 38. Could this be a sign of premenopause?
In regards to hot flashes, ask your doctor about Effexor.

Studies show about a 65% reduction in hot flashes. Only low doses are necessar. Effexor XR 37.5 mg works for some. Effexor XR 75 mg works for most. The nice thing is it works immediatly, when it works. So you should feel it working within the first 3 days or so. If it is not working increase to the 75 mg. If this doesn’t work then it won’t work. Side effects: dry mouth, some times some queeziness during the first few days, and sometimes some decrease appetite. Occassionally women say they don’t like how they feel on it. Its all about quality of life so if it helps it might be worth it. There is no clinical evidence that Effexor increases the risk of breast cancer. In fact it is used in breast cancer patients all of the time. It works particularly well in those who have acute hot flashes such as those with surgical menopause.
Hi, I’m new to this site but this menopause thread caught my eye.

I’m perimenopausal now, and it’s no picnic. My mama gave me a book called, “Before the Change”, by Ann Louise Gittleman, M.S., C.N.S.
I’m embarrassed to say I have not even broken the cover, but I’m going to and I’ll let you know how it goes, because, let’s face it girls, this is some strange stuff.
Just spotted this thread and read all of it. It has helped me to realize just how fortunate I am! 😛

I had a hysterectomy 11 years ago, when I was 50. Up to then, I had suffered from fibroids for about 10 years, heavy periods, and nothing else.

When I was discharged from hospital, the doctor made an appointment for me to see him two weeks later. At that time he told me that by the time I came to see him I would have whatever menopause symptoms I would be getting.

I had none! 😃

He put me on HRT, which I followed until early last year, when there was a lot of publicity about the breast cancer link.

Basically, I never expected to get any problems with menopause - I figured that since I had never suffered from morning sickness in my pregnancies, I would not get any hot flashes, etc. That may not have been logical, but - I didn’t get hot flashes. I may have had some night sweats - but, since I live in a tropical country, and the nights are seldom cool, I’m not sure!!

My only problems are the stray hairs (white, in my case, as I inherited early graying from both of my parents) and weight gain in places I never gained weight before!! 😦
I get hot flashes and was taking a natural remedy of which the main ingredient was dong quai. I can’t find it anymore and have not taken anything for a few days. Not really any change in the flashes. I have noticed that if I am hot, I get more of them. If I am cool, they are not too bad.

At Easter Vigil, they had the heat on because the candidate was being baptized by immersion. I got a hot flash that would not quit and had to walk out of the church. (I’m in the choir). That was the worst one.

I take good natural vitamins and Evening Primrose Oil. I don’t have mood swings, my memory is fine. I’ve always had a weight problem but find that now, even though I stay on my diet and go to Curves, it is a fight to lose an ounce. But what’s the alternative?
I just found this but had a couple of ideas, the progeteron cream is wonderful. Dr. Phil was on and talked about some herbs which I purchased, and having alot of problems with endometriocis I have had problems for years he had several herbs listed on was evening prim rose oil. Works great it especially stopped alot of the pain I was having. My sister is in a later stage and she said the company I think it is spelled Schiff has a great menopausal vitamin and she swears by it.
I went to Wild Oats today to stock up on supplements.
A very helpful clerk recommended Udo’s Choice – High Lignan Oil Blend. I also picked up bottles of Magnesium, B-6, B-12, and Vitamin C along with a tube of pro-gest cream. Are you getting a sense that I’m worried? If misery loves company, I’ve found the right thread.
Hey, lots of great advise. My period has still not come, I feel fine though.

I’m in really top physical shape right now. Plus, I have never had a bit of female trouble in my life, other that a few cramps and irregularities in my teen years. I had 6 children without a hitch at home, never suffered severe PMS or post-partum depression. Plus, I eat an above average diet.

So, I’m hopeful that I’ll experience minimal symptoms. One weakness I have is for cafe lattes, I have my own machine. I hope I don’t have to cut those out! :eek:
Annunciata - did you mean about the prickly thing? I don’t think I have that. It’s really a feeling of anxiety - all psychological - that precedes the flash. And the darn thing fools me half the time - I wonder what it is that I’m scared of, then I start getting hot and laugh at myself!

Do you get prickly with a panic attack? That must be really nasty!

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