Messages from God

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That is one reason to discern any message and determine its source. If it is God, trust in Him. If it not of God, let it go totally. If you do not know, pray on it until you do know.

If it has futuristic aspects, further discernment is important. Is it a warning of what might be? Is it a warning to prepare for what will be? Is it instructions so that you might be ready for what you have to do when it comes? Often, we will not truly understand God’s purpose with the message and have to surrender to him our lack of understand and trust in Him and His Will.
The message was a positive one about an event which will occur in the future. It hasn’t happened yet, but I feel that God gave me the message because I was having a particularly hellish time in almost every area of my life. This was four years ago, things are still very difficult - at times unbearable - and this message keeps me going. The doubts arise because I can’t see how it will be fulfilled - kind of like Mary questioning the angel Gabriel. Yet, in my heart it feels right, and my immediate response upon receiving the message was, “Yes! Deep in my soul I always knew that it would happen!”.

I have “tested the spirits” in the following way: I asked God to remove the desire for this event from my heart completely if it was not His will, yet the desire has remained. Is this a good way to discern? :confused:

Hi Sharon,
I do get the doubts at times that maybe I did not really hear what I think my voice in my heart (God) said…but then it is my mind doubting things.
And I am certain WHO puts doubt into my head…the squirley devil.

So stand firm to what God put in your heart, not the devil in your mind. for the devil wants us to lose hope.
That is just how I feel - sometimes I can’t figure out how the message/prophecy will come to pass, yet at the same time I know deep in my soul that it HAS to.
Greetings Church
Over the years, I have had the Lord speak in many different ways. I have even heard Him speak audibly. Mostly it is the sort of impressions or words spoken to my Spirit as many of you have described as “mental”.
Many times He has spoken to me through other people. This is pretty common.
He almost always speaks through scripture.
The most profound was in 1982 through a very powerful Mystical experience. I don’t think I should go into the entire thing. It involved seeing the Holy Trinity one day but another day, Jesus actually taught me scripture, I Corinthinan Ch 13. This particular day, I did hear His voice. He explained this scripture to me.
On another occaision in 1992, I heard the Church in Prayer. I was able to hear audibly this time too.
I had to journalize all of this and was under Church scrutiny for many years and finally it was declared to be valid, and that is only because there were things I could not know about in any natural way and nothing was against Church Doctrine and teaching.
I have been having a very interesting experience since I came here. Not a great major experience but nonetheless, something that appears to be God or the Holy Spirit working.

Almost the first time I posted to Annunciata, we have been in perfect tune Spiritually. We have the most amazing things in common. I wish I could remember them to post here, maybe she can help out.
I am a Charismatic Catholic, and she use to be involved, but I think it was quite some time ago. Here is a good example of what I mean.
In another post, a person was letting folks know about a Charismatic Conference in AL this Fall.
I then mentioned the one on the West Coast, put on by SCRC.
The theme of the conference is MY GRACE IS ALL YOU NEED.
Annunciata was in this thread too an mentioned that the last conference she attended the theme was MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT.
At the same time, I was reading her post in this thread. She was mentioning the old book Hinds Feet in High Places that she read many years ago.
This past weekend, I had pulled out my copy of this same book that was life changing for me just as many years ago, and had the urge to read it again.
You see, I have only been here since last month but I knew quickly that she and I were Spiritual sisters. Somehow, God would use one of us for the Spiritual growth or well being of the other.
I find this quite amazing and one very great way God communicates with us. He very often shows me these signs to get my full attention.
I have “tested the spirits” in the following way: I asked God to remove the desire for this event from my heart completely if it was not His will, yet the desire has remained. Is this a good way to discern? :confused:

I think Jesus said, “Thou shalt not put the Lord your God to the test”. After all, our free will can choose against God and of course we can choose a specific event if our free will wants to.
Good Morning Church

Good Morning SharonL
Sharon, I think it is very normal to feel doubts after an experience like you have had.
When I had my first big experience back in 1982, I had all sorts of feelings. You said you experience God’s Power. Yes! That is the first and most lasting thing I experienced as well. It was frightening to me to the point I thought I was dying but at the same time knew I was not ill. I was in very good health in fact. That power was almost more than I believed I could endure and continue to live.
When the vision or experience was over, I knew I had to speak to my Pastor, who became my Spiritual Director (he was a former Religious Priest and trained in this area…God was so good to me this way). At the same time, I had great doubts. I thought I might be losing my mind or at the least othe folks would think I was. I knew nothing at all about Mystical experiences.
I think a Spiritual Director is the one who tests these Spiritual Experiences. Mine immediately asked me to write down every detail that I could of the “experience” . Part of the test I was to find out because it is almost impossible to do this. There just are not human words to discribe these things.
However, this is not the end of the testing. Father at some point gave my journals to the Bishop and more testing began. This lasted for a very long time. It was over 10 years before Father told me anything. All along I was urged to pray, pray, pray and remain as open as I could to the Lord.

I have you in my prayers.

I would urge you to find a good Spiritual Director and also to begin journalizing. This is a very good thing for anyone who has a very active prayer life.
I have experienced doubts as well. Not that I doubt the word of God (that would be folly), but I doubted that the words I heard were from God. I came to the conclusion that I would wait and see. Lo and behold, the words were truth. As St. Paul said, “Test everything. Hold fast to what is good.”
Dr. Colossus:
I have experienced doubts as well. Not that I doubt the word of God (that would be folly), but I doubted that the words I heard were from God. I came to the conclusion that I would wait and see. Lo and behold, the words were truth. As St. Paul said, “Test everything. Hold fast to what is good.”
This thread makes me feel so much better. Even this morning, in my dream - like state, God told me to do something and gave me the words to use in doing such, but when I woke, I agonized over the message. I am praying for discernment and courage to do what I believe I need to do - but oh the horrible doubts that come into your mind.

And the waiting is soooo hard.

As with Sharon, in the natural world, what God has told me seems impossible. My friends and family think my waiting on God’s plan is a worthless waste of time - because it seems impossible. But I believe I am told to hope and close to God in waiting.

Thanks to all who have encouraging experiences to share - for those of us in trial.
Good Morning Church

I think a Spiritual Director is the one who tests these Spiritual Experiences. Mine immediately asked me to write down every detail that I could of the “experience” . Part of the test I was to find out because it is almost impossible to do this. There just are not human words to discribe these things.
I know what you mean - I experienced so many thoughts and sensations in that split second that it would take me a while to explain it all. I felt as though I was momentarily transported to an eternal realm, and it seemed as though time stood still.

I tried to explain this to a priest at confession afterwards, and he completely disregarded my experience, telling me that he did not believe in personal divine revelations. Needless to say, I was in tears when I left. I spoke to another priest who was completely open to my experience and suggested spiritual counselling. Unfortunately, life is somewhat hectic and I never did have time to find a spiritual director.
This thread makes me feel so much better. Even this morning, in my dream - like state, God told me to do something and gave me the words to use in doing such, but when I woke, I agonized over the message. I am praying for discernment and courage to do what I believe I need to do - but oh the horrible doubts that come into your mind.

And the waiting is soooo hard.
Yes, the waiting is maddening, but I guess God has to get everything synchronized in other peoples’ lives before the prophecy can be fulfilled. I had revelations when I was younger (usually via dreams) and these were often promptly fulfilled. However, I was a “new” Christian then, so I suppose God was spoonfeeding me.
After a lot of confusion about what I should do about religion and spirituality and how to believe, I prayed to God very hard…after doing this I heard an inner voice say “don’t worry, just let go of your confusion and follow me”. I knew it was God!!
Greetings Church

At the same time, I was reading her post in this thread. She was mentioning the old book Hinds Feet in High Places that she read many years ago.
This past weekend, I had pulled out my copy of this same book that was life changing for me just as many years ago, and had the urge to read it again.
You see, I have only been here since last month but I knew quickly that she and I were Spiritual sisters. Somehow, God would use one of us for the Spiritual growth or well being of the other.
I find this quite amazing and one very great way God communicates with us. He very often shows me these signs to get my full attention.
St. Teresa of Avila told Fr. Diego de Yepes, who was one of her early biographers, about receiving in a flash the Way of Perfection. In her description of the* second dwelling places*, she says:* Here we have have rooms set apart for those who have taken some first steps int the practice of prayer, who are more receptive to the promptings and invitations of Christ’s grace which comes especially through external means such as books, sermons, good friendships, and through trial."*

Whether we are in the second dwelling place or have moved on, I believe these are ways in which God continues to speak to us.
Whenever I don’t understand something, I will ask Jesus or Mary a question and it usually get’s answered one way or another. I will get an answer, not a particular voice but I know they are talking to me, it’s hard to explain. Sometimes, I will ask a question and I don’t hear a reply but I’m drawn to a book, bible or even a web site and lo and behold, there is my answer. I have to feel very close to God when I do this. I will give an example:
I watch EWTN a lot and see old shows of Mother Angelica and I see what wonderful things she has done for church and for bringing us closer to God. I don’t understand why her voice would be taken away when she is such an asset to spreading the word of God. So I asked, “Jesus why would you allow this?”. I got my answer right away," I can’t stop the process of aging". Then I say, “why don’t you give her back her voice” and he replied,** “not enough people are praying for her”**. It was clear as if he was sitting right beside me talking. I know what I have to do and I pray that others reading this will help her, we need her back. God bless Mother Angelica
I watch EWTN a lot and see old shows of Mother Angelica and I see what wonderful things she has done for church and for bringing us closer to God. I don’t understand why her voice would be taken away when she is such an asset to spreading the word of God. So I asked, “Jesus why would you allow this?”. I got my answer right away," I can’t stop the process of aging". Then I say, “why don’t you give her back her voice” and he replied,** “not enough people are praying for her”**. It was clear as if he was sitting right beside me talking. I know what I have to do and I pray that others reading this will help her, we need her back. God bless Mother Angelica
I wonder…maybe He is using this handicap of Mother’s to draw people to prayer… after all look what happend to Father Groeschel? God is good, Annunciata:)
I believe that I have heard a voice of the Eucharistic Jesus. :bowdown2:

Private revelations for me are usually just something for my spiritual growth. Like when I was asked when I would finally come to His banquet and stop denying myself receiving my Savior in the Blessed Sacrament. I had been stalled out in making the official steps to convert at that time. I definitely got going on the conversion.

I can not will the contact – even at times when I would love a concrete answer. I haven’t had to ask the voice who it is or whether it is Jesus. The private messages are usually simple and straight forward enough that I am not confused by the potential source.

Now the nudging of the Holy Spirit is different and I just try to be faithful to the urgings of that silent, but motivating force. I am sure that makes no sense. There are times when I say something or write a letter that makes me wonder why I did that – only to find that Holy Spirit had plans and I was small part of them. Truly awesome and humbling to be a useful servant for my Lord.❤️

Pax et bonum,
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