Contingent existence, it’s beginning, has always existed simultaneously with the first cause, because there is no “before” the first change. I admit that. But that does not mean your existence is necessary. Your existence is still dependent upon the uncaused cause. You cannot be the cause of all change and also be changing at the same time that you cause it. That would be a contradiction.This reminds me of a riddle…where was the man when he jumped off the building? If you say that he was standing on the edge of the building, you’re wrong, because that was before he jumped off the building. If you say that he was in the air, you’re also wrong, because that was after he jumped off the building. So where was the man when he jumped off the building?
My point is, any change from my non-existence to my existence, can’t be a change in me. Because before I existed, I couldn’t change, and after I existed my change from non-existence to existence had already occurred. So it couldn’t have been me that changed. So if something changed then it must have been the thing which caused me to exist. But you claim that the uncaused cause can’t change. Which would seem to leave only one logical conclusion…nothing changed. But if nothing changed, then my existence isn’t unnecessary, it isn’t optional. It must have always been so. It wasn’t a change from potential to actual…it was always actual. I must have always existed.
You cannot have an unchanging act of existence and at the same time be the thing that is changing because that leads to a contradiction also insomuch as you have an unchanging nature and you are simultaneous with the effect. There would have to be 2 distinct beings, the unchanging cause and the changing effect. To argue otherwise would lead to a contradiction.
Insofar as you begin to exist, there has been a change insofar as you are an actualized potential and every moment after that is an actualized potential.The first moment of your existence isn’t preceded by any change, but as soon as you exist you are changing in the sense that you are never not changing. Change has a beginning, and so your changing existence has to be actualized by a being that is not changing in the sense that it is not an actualized potential…If you begin to exist, then you are dependent upon a cause that does not begin to exist, that’s assuming that you are the only effect. To argue otherwise would lead to a contradiction.
I know that i am not eternal because the entirety of my existence is an actualized potential in one way or another. If my existence was necessary that would not be the case… If my existence was necessary, no part of my being would be unactualized or unrealized or in other-words unnecessary; for the simple fact that i am necessary. To argue otherwise would lead to a contradiction.
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