Yes, Mexico has been growing and will likely continue to grow but it cannot handle it’s vast poverty, right now, even of those who are working today. And, we have gained from their growth. But, it’s not a matter that we “can” play a role in their growth, it’s a matter that we “want” to profit from that growth too. We would be foolish to not cultivate our role in their growth. However, handling future needs does not mean that we can ignore the plight of the poor today especially when their labor satisfies a mutual need and that what I understood “tough love” to mean. That would be inhumane. Our relationship is a mutually dependent one, we need each other.Apparently you didn’t read the rest of my post. The U.S. could provide economic and technical assistance to Mexico in order to provide jobs in Mexico. The Mexican government has the resources to do right by its citizens – it just won’t do it while it has the United States to fall back on. Why is this less humane than the way it is now? Seems to me it would be more humane.