Mexico Demands U.S. Allow More Immigration

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I guess Mexico and Central America think they dictate US policies:
Mexico Demands U.S. Allow More Immigration
Jan 10 2:09 AM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

Diplomats from Mexico and Central America on Monday demanded guest worker programs and the legalization of undocumented migrants in the United States, while criticizing a U.S. proposal for tougher border enforcement.

Meeting in Mexico’s capital, the regional officials pledged to do more to fight migrant trafficking, but indirectly condemned a U.S. bill that would make illegal entry a felony and extend border walls.

Full Story
I guess Mexico and Central America think they dictate US policies:PF
No problemo. I guess the US should demand that Mexico and Central America improve their economies and standard of living, so their people stop feeling the need to come here. 😃
No problemo. I guess the US should demand that Mexico and Central America improve their economies and standard of living, so their people stop feeling the need to come here. 😃
Now you are meddling in their internal affairs and disrespecting their sovereignty. Rules are that they are allowed unlimited criticism of us, but we mustn’t meddle. :rolleyes:
Diplomats from Mexico and Central America on Monday demanded guest worker programs and the legalization of undocumented migrants in the United States
Or they’ll what?
I see no problem with allowing Mexicans and Central Americans to immigrate to the United States. However, I do not think it is right for Mexico to demand such stuff of us. Personally, I’d like to know why they are in such a hurry to get rid of their own citizens anyway.
Mexico is wrong, the immigration is a great problem, with many difficulties.
I see no problem with allowing Mexicans and Central Americans to immigrate to the United States. However, I do not think it is right for Mexico to demand such stuff of us. Personally, I’d like to know why they are in such a hurry to get rid of their own citizens anyway.
Holly, America has always been a “melting pot” and we are a country of immigrants. But what is happening now is people pouring across the border illegally, putting our country at risk for a terrorist attack. What they are doing is breaking the law and the stress they put on the economy is enormous.

As to why Mexico wants to “get rid” of their citizens is because these illegals come to this country, get jobs, and send much of the money they make back to their families in Mexico. This money is in the billions of dollars each year, so why would they not want this practice to continue.

This is a little simplistic, but I hope this answers your question.
I see no problem with allowing Mexicans and Central Americans to immigrate to the United States. However, I do not think it is right for Mexico to demand such stuff of us. Personally, I’d like to know why they are in such a hurry to get rid of their own citizens anyway.
We educate and provide health care for many of their citizens with our lenient border policies now. They can’t afford their own citizens anymore. It is a sad state of affairs.
We educate and provide health care for many of their citizens with our lenient border policies now. They can’t afford their own citizens anymore. It is a sad state of affairs.
How true is this…When my daughter was expecting her first child, her husband just got a great higher paying job unfortunately the health insurance would not “kick in” until after 2 months after the baby was born, hence, she had to go to a clinic. The Mexican unmarried girls were given so many “extra” services. None of these girls knew any English yet were having their 2nd or 3rd child out of wedlock. I knew this because I am married to a Chilean man, (who came here through the proper channels) although I can not speak Spanish very well, I understand everything they said. My white (yet get this, half Hispanic) daughter who is blonde and fair, was treated like dirt. Made to wait longer, and no one in the office would answer her questions, yet if a Mexican girl had a question an Spanish speaking nurse would come right away and help her. The final straw was diaper samples passed out to “only Spanish girls” because the booklet was in Spanish, when I questioned, if my daughter could have one, they said, "These are for the Spanish speaking patients:rolleyes: " (babies need diapers they don’t care what language the pamplet is) Nobody knew she was Hispanic because unlike the other girls she was married with her husband’s name. The kick in the pants is my daughter and son-in-law had to pay a percentage for this sub-standard health care because he was earing money and unlike these other girls, my daughter knew exactly who her was her “Baby’s Daddy” or shall I say “Padre de mi hijo” and if you think I’m bitter about this nearly six years later, you should hear my Chilean American Husband.:hmmm:
Well, heck! Why don’t we just turn over the whole country to them, and get it overwith? If our government had any nerve at all, they would tell Fox where to go in short order. I don’t like the idea of their “demands”.
Another thing Medicaid is given right away to a pregnant illegal, and then we pay for this child and anymore she wishes to have out of wedlock. A unmarried or even married American girl must jump through “the hoops” to get any help, and most of the time they are denied any help. As I stated in my earlier post, my daughter had no health insurance at the time of her 1st child’s birth, because her husband was employed, they were not eligbile for Medicaid.
Another thing Medicaid is given right away to a pregnant illegal, and then we pay for this child and anymore she wishes to have out of wedlock. A unmarried or even married American girl must jump through “the hoops” to get any help, and most of the time they are denied any help. As I stated in my earlier post, my daughter had no health insurance at the time of her 1st child’s birth, because her husband was employed, they were not eligbile for Medicaid.
I know this seems unfair - but what would you rather? Women having to go through the pregnancy and birth with no medical help? The injustice here is the way the US medical system works, not with immigrants. If everyone was covered, like in the UK, then the imbalance wouldn’t occur.

I know this seems unfair - but what would you rather? Women having to go through the pregnancy and birth with no medical help? The injustice here is the way the US medical system works, not with immigrants. If everyone was covered, like in the UK, then the imbalance wouldn’t occur.

It’s true Mike, but when married American women are are getting sub-standard care and force to pay out of pocket (because these clinics are all they can afford) while these ones are recieving medicaid, everything and more. It should be coverage for all. Many American women delay prenatal care because they do not have the money to get it, but make “to much” for medicaid.
It’s true Mike, but when married American women are are getting sub-standard care and force to pay out of pocket (because these clinics are all they can afford) while these ones are recieving medicaid, everything and more. It should be coverage for all. Many American women delay prenatal care because they do not have the money to get it, but make “to much” for medicaid.
I agree entirely, it is a disgraceful situation. I want people to blame the powerful (the politicians) for a situation they can do something about yet refuse, rather than the downtrodden powerless immigrants though. We see this in the UK too - it is far too easy to blame immigrants, legal or illegal, for troubles in our society that are actually the fault of the politicians.

I know this seems unfair - but what would you rather? Women having to go through the pregnancy and birth with no medical help? The injustice here is the way the US medical system works, not with immigrants. If everyone was covered, like in the UK, then the imbalance wouldn’t occur.

Illegal immigrants surely are not covered under U.K. healthcare are they? If I went there I couldn’t run up a $200,000 bill there and expect you to pay for it could I?
I agree entirely, it is a disgraceful situation. I want people to blame the powerful (the politicians) for a situation they can do something about yet refuse, rather than the downtrodden powerless immigrants though. We see this in the UK too - it is far too easy to blame immigrants, legal or illegal, for troubles in our society that are actually the fault of the politicians.

IMO, in this country, the politicians ARE the cause of the problem. They are not willing to inforce the laws that have been written. There are steps clearly set out for immigration into this country and they are not being followed. i.e. in California illegals are being given a big tuition break while out of state students are paying a lot more. I don’t know about you, but I do not think this is fair.

Our health care system is being stretched to the limits by illegals appearing at the E.R. and service is given, often better care than is given to American citizens who cannot afford to pay and have no insurance.

When the time ever comes, if it ever does, that politicians care more about our citizens than they do their own reelection, perhaps many of our problems will decrease. I don’t blame illegals for wanting to come here, this is a wonderful country. But there is the right way and the wrong way and we are rewarding those that come the wrong way.
mary bobo:
Our health care system is being stretched to the limits by illegals appearing at the E.R. and service is given, often better care than is given to American citizens who cannot afford to pay and have no insurance.
And many hospitals have been closed down because they cannot afford to pay for the illegals anymore, and more Americans have probably died as a result of not having a hospital near by. Many illegals use E.R. as their primary care physician and will go there if they stub their toe or have a cold. Even up here in CO, the E.R. is packed with illegals. Normal Americans are getting fed up with politicians not enforcing the laws so as not to offend the illegal immigrant community and so they won’t be called ‘racist’.
Semper Fi:
Illegal immigrants surely are not covered under U.K. healthcare are they? If I went there I couldn’t run up a $200,000 bill there and expect you to pay for it could I?
Until recently you could - though you’d find it quite difficult to run up a bill that large in the NHS to start with, certainly if you were well enough to plan to somehow get here illegally and then succumb to your disease. The alternative of course is that you fall ill while you are here. What should we do then - hope you’re well enough to get on a plane home or rich enough to pay, else we’ll let you die?

There have been recent changes that make illegals pay their costs if discovered to be so, and they end up illegal after appeals, etc. The result - an ill underclass that doesn’t seek medical help, rather than a well one. No wonder things like TB are returning in epidemic proportions.

British people find the idea of the doctor having to check you are ‘eligible’ to be treated before he/she gives you life-saving treatment abhorrent, and rightly so. The doctors here wouldn’t do it anyway.

mary bobo:
IMO, in this country, the politicians ARE the cause of the problem. They are not willing to inforce the laws that have been written. There are steps clearly set out for immigration into this country and they are not being followed. i.e. in California illegals are being given a big tuition break while out of state students are paying a lot more. I don’t know about you, but I do not think this is fair.
No, it shows the two-faced attitude the USA has to illegals. You don’t want them, but you couldn’t live without them either, doing the low-paid jobs.

I could not agree more with kaymart. When my son broke his leg at the age of 21 months (jumping off the bed-- grrr) I remember going to the urgent care and seeing the waiting room filled with Hispanics (I cannot tell if they are legal or not) waiting for an interpreter to explain the medicaid and other free services they get, while my husband (who is also part Hispanic on his mother’s side) works a decent job to pay for insurance that makes us cough up $50 copay for urgent/emergency room care. I am beyond bitter and angry at the politicians who are having enough guts to enforce this issue. However in Butler County, Ohio the sheriff is actually trying to do something about this. However, it does not help that our pastor is on the side of illegals and every Sunday my blood pressure gets up because I sit through his politically correct homilies. When I hear this I get so offended because my parents came here from Hungary via the correct channels and tried to assimilate with American society. My parents never dreamed of taking money from the Government. In addition my father fought the Hungarian Revolt to try to change the government. The illegals are not doing anything to change things back home so they do not have to migrate for a better opportunity here.

I can go on and on with this issue.
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