Mexico Demands U.S. Allow More Immigration

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No, it shows the two-faced attitude the USA has to illegals. You don’t want them, but you couldn’t live without them either, doing the low-paid jobs.

Mike you are correct and what we need to do is pressure our government to go after businesses who hire illegals because of low wages. Go after the landlords who house them.

By the way the USCCB dedicated this week as Migration week. I saw the poster at our church. Lovely.:banghead:
No, it shows the two-faced attitude the USA has to illegals. You don’t want them, but you couldn’t live without them either, doing the low-paid jobs.

We could live without them. We have before. If they were gone, the wages wouldn’t be as low as they are, and unions would still have the power. You don’t live here, so please quit judging our situation. Legitimate contractors are constantly getting under cut by contractors who import illegals, and then they have to go redo it again for less than they would have had to originally had they originally gotten the contract. It happens all of the time. Mike, you really do not know our situation. All of my ancestors came and immigrated legally. I am not against legal immigration.
Mike you are correct and what we need to do is pressure our government to go after businesses who hire illegals because of low wages. Go after the landlords who house them.

By the way the USCCB dedicated this week as Migration week. I saw the poster at our church. Lovely.:banghead:
Low wages do hurt our people!!! This is a true story, A second generation Hispanic young man (age 21) was hired for a job by the Boss’s son (he was on Vacation) his parents are legal, of course, and he was born here. When the boss returned and heard how well he spoke English:rolleyes: asked how much are you paying him, his son said the same as John (token American:rolleyes: ) boss’s reply in front of the young man “Are you F____ kidding me, we could hire 3 for the price of him” He told his son “Get rid of him or I’ll get rid of you” (nice guy) Next day the young man was let go because “business is slow” The business is still up and running and more illegals are working there. Go figure!
Semper Fi:
We could live without them. We have before. If they were gone, the wages wouldn’t be as low as they are, and unions would still have the power. You don’t live here, so please quit judging our situation.
I did live in the States a couple of years ago. I saw who did what jobs, who got public transportation, etc.
Legitimate contractors are constantly getting under cut by contractors who import illegals, and then they have to go redo it again for less than they would have had to originally had they originally gotten the contract. It happens all of the time.
I agree - the government should be much harder on people who employ illegal aliens in order to cut their wage bills. Despite your optimism that things would be fine if you deported all of them, however, I don’t think people in government share your confidence, hence their continued reluctance to action (from politicians of all colours).
All of my ancestors came and immigrated legally.
As did I 🙂 (only on a non-immigrant visa, mind).

I agree, insomuch as having illegal immigrants is a bad thing, for both them and for the country. What to do about it is another matter.

Mike you are correct and what we need to do is pressure our government to go after businesses who hire illegals because of low wages. Go after the landlords who house them.
I agree. It is unfair on both the legal residents who need jobs, and the illegal residents who are being exploited by companies who can have a lower payroll.

Despite your optimism that things would be fine if you deported all of them, however, I don’t think people in government share your confidence, hence their continued reluctance to action (from politicians of all colours).

A great number of politicians are finally starting to get the courage to speak up about the problem they know has been brewing for a long time. Just look at the recently passed bills, and the current bills in the House. A couple of years ago, my congressman Tom Tancredo was called eccentric, racist, xenophobic and all those nice words for sticking up for America’s sovereignty. Yet now more and more congressman and senators are giving him the time of day. It seems to be changing. I know American Hispanics, 2nd generation ones and 1st generation ones who came over here legally, went through the process of learning the language and assimilating, going to school to better themselves etc. Their forefathers came over legally and love this land and don’t fly Mexican flags or go to Cinco de Mayo parades ON AMERICAN SOIL. This is what I hate, America is being asked to forfeit its identity and culture to the identity of the few, when all who came before them had to assimilate, be they Italians, Irish, Mexicans, whatever.
Maybe we ought to just Annex Mexico, and be done with it… 😃
Maybe… 😉 There would be too many Catholics in the US then. LOL.
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