Michael Moore sets up Scholarships for Rebels at school that cancelled his appearance

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http://www.chicagotribune.com/images/clear.gifhttp://www.chicagotribune.com/images/clear.gifMoore sets up scholarship for rebels

By Associated Press
Published April 21, 2005

SAN MARCOS, Calif. – Filmmaker and Michigan native Michael Moore has established a scholarship for students who defy the administration at California State University, San Marcos – the same school that canceled his talk last year.

The Michael Moore Freedom of Speech Scholarship will award two $2,500 annual scholarships to Cal State San Marcos students “who have done the most to fight for issues of student rights by standing up to the administration,” according to a news release issued Wednesday.

The first scholarships will be awarded in the 2005-2006 academic year. Winners will be announced in June.

Cal State San Marcos President Karen Hynes revoked Moore’s invitation to speak on campus last fall because she said the school was prohibited from spending state money on partisan political activity. Hynes said she did not believe there would be enough time to find a speaker whose opinions could balance Moore’s liberal views.

A call to Hynes’ office was referred to Cal State San Marcos spokesman Rick Moore, who has no relation to the filmmaker and said he did not wish to discuss the merits of the scholarship that encourages students to stand up to administrators.

“Mr. Moore has the right to do whatever he wishes to do and we’re glad to see another scholarship available to students who go to our school,” he said.

In October 2004, the “Fahrenheit 9/11” filmmaker spoke to 10,000 people off campus at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, where he announced his plans to start what he called a “hellraiser” scholarship.
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I’m not sure whether to say “good for him” or “A fool and his money…” 😉

I noticed people bringing up this topic so I thought I would post the link for the info on this scholorship.


I personnally don’t think there is anything wrong with letting young adults stand up for what they want and believe in! And what is wrong with someone giving out money to kids for college! I think sometimes people are more afraid of what they don’t know about!! I hope this link helps!!👍

I’m not trying to sound mad or upset I just wanted to post this link and let everyone read this info for themselves!!

I noticed people bringing up this topic so I thought I would post the link for the info on this scholorship.


I personnally don’t think there is anything wrong with letting young adults stand up for what they want and believe in! And what is wrong with someone giving out money to kids for college! I think sometimes people are more afraid of what they don’t know about!! I hope this link helps!!👍

I’m not trying to sound mad or upset I just wanted to post this link and let everyone read this info for themselves!!
I don’t go to Michael Moore’s site because I really can’t stand his politics. I went though college during the days of great unrest during the Vietnam Era. I have heard enough Michael Moore types to last me a life time. You migth think it is glamorous or cool to be rebellious. I don’t think that at all. I think it is flirting with danger and I saw a lot of people in my day that never made it past those rebelious times of drugs, sex, and illegal actions. Their lives were ruined.

I think what he is doing is counter productive and much like his movies- laced with lies. Suit yourself. Just be careful who your heroes are.
I don’t go to Michael Moore’s site because I really can’t stand his politics. I went though college during the days of great unrest during the Vietnam Era. I have heard enough Michael Moore types to last me a life time. You migth think it is glamorous or cool to be rebellious. I don’t think that at all. I think it is flirting with danger and I saw a lot of people in my day that never made it past those rebelious times of drugs, sex, and illegal actions. Their lives were ruined.

I think what he is doing is counter productive and much like his movies- laced with lies. Suit yourself. Just be careful who your heroes are.
You probably won’t believe me, but, I am one of the most I guess conservative of all of my friends and family! I don’t swear, I don’t drink (maybe ocasionally if that), I don’t steal I try really really hard to do everything the way I am supposed too. My husband asks me all of the time if I grew up in a bubble!! I tell him no all of the time, I have just chosen to not do certain things. Moore isn’t my hero, but I thinkt that it is hard to say that one side is the perfect side. I was just surprised that it would bother people that young adults would stand up for their rights!
I was just surprised that it would bother people that young adults would stand up for their rights!
It does not bother me that someone would stand up for their rights, however to award scholarship based on being rebellious is rather upsetting. It is misguided.
It does not bother me that someone would stand up for their rights, however to award scholarship based on being rebellious is rather upsetting. It is misguided.
But we also don’t know the whole story about what really happened between the students and the school. So maybe the students were really in the right for doing it the way they did. I guess I just always think that there is always a 2 sides to every story and I don’t judge before I know what to think about it first. Even though it can be hard to do sometimes, but I do try!!
But we also don’t know the whole story about what really happened between the students and the school. So maybe the students were really in the right for doing it the way they did. I guess I just always think that there is always a 2 sides to every story and I don’t judge before I know what to think about it first. Even though it can be hard to do sometimes, but I do try!!
Since most colleges and universities are liberal and Michael Moore has how many documented lies in his last movie,was it 57? I guess I will just say that the college must have had good reason, for they usually allow fairly liberal speech and actions.
Since most colleges and universities are liberal and Michael Moore has how many documented lies in his last movie,was it 57? I guess I will just say that the college must have had good reason, for they usually allow fairly liberal speech and actions.
I agree they probably had good reasons! But I still say that just because these kids went and got him anyway doesn’t mean they are bad kids!
I agree they probably had good reasons! But I still say that just because these kids went and got him anyway doesn’t mean they are bad kids!
In my opinion there are no bad kids, but kids that are being taught wrong. One of the reasons I don’t like what Michael Moore did with this scholarship is that he did it to get even with the Unversity administration. He was giving the message that his money could undermine their authority. If it were my child I would not want them to get that message, accept his money, or be involved with him in any way.
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