Michael Voris Tells His Story (Dr Taylor Marshall #194)

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I have never been a fan of Church Militante. I had no idea the suffering Michael Voris had lived through in his life. He is a courageous man and may God bless him and his desire for authentic Christian living.
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His story proves that homosexuals can overcome their lust and live chastely.
I use to be a die hard Church Militant fan. I left after Vorris called for Pope Francis resignation.
It made me spiritually uncomfortable.

Aside from that Vorris is an incredible man. I owe my Catachesis to his One True faith series.
Should we watch Michael Voris? Social Justice
I am coming into the Catholic Church. I should be starting RCIA at the end of summer sometime. What initially drew me into the Church was watching The One True Faith with Michael Voris back in 2006 or so. I’ve done a lot of studying over the years with plenty of internal struggles. I know that the Catholic Church is the Fullness of Truth that Jesus Christ created. I watch Church Militant frequently which is Michael Voris’s website as I’m sure most know. It seems that he only looks for the …
Yes, it is bashing, and whether it is true or not is pretty much a matter of opinion, since some of his points require an omniscience, that like judgement, should be reserved to God alone. I would prefer to call it rash judgement.
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His story proves that homosexuals can overcome their lust and live chastely.
How do we account for him being so angry, disrespectful and divisive? Definitely wouldn’t let my kids listen to him… that’s a red flag

I try to stay away from any news source where their Bishop forbids them from calling themselves Catholic.
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Yes, Voris seems to go overboard on issues related to homosexuality, perhaps for obvious reasons. A former employee also claims that Voris and his staff fail to include positive comments about bishops because they want to focus on the negative. That’s…problematic. And a lay person asking the Holy Father to resign is bizarre.

I feel for him in some ways. Certainly his personal history and reversion is powerful stuff. I think, though, that at times he does more harm than good.
I personally am not a fan. When I was a Methodist he was very very unChristian and unCatholic in his response to a question I had. He basically called me a pagan and that my Catholic boyfriend should dump me because I would lead him astray.
I converted years later and the now ex-boyfriend is unfortunately an Atheist.
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Some people who suffer deeply or had experienced intense suffering can become very hard with others people. I guess it is also true for Michael Voris.
He didn’t “overcome” his lust. He still deals with it but he’s managing it. It’s a very difficult road but HaShem bless him for staying chaste.
While I strongly disagree ith him asking our holy father to resign and think that Church militant is specialised only on exposing Church scandals, I have find his interview very fascinating.
Of course he speaks too much of himslef, with many details, but as a paradox, I am very interested.

I will continue to heard him until the end, I think.

I encourage the listening of the video!
I have respect for anyone who struggles.

Having said that, I am inclined, having watched some of his videos, to say that we might all be better off without him broadcasting his opinions far and wide. While I might agree to some extent about the subject matter upon which he opines, I find him to be far more of a pot-stirrer than helpful.
Can someone give me a brief summary of his struggles as discussed in the interview?
He grew up Catholic, then engaged in homosexual activity for several years, then rejected those acts and returned to full communion with the Church. He credits his mother’s prayers and sufferings for his faithfulness. He has consecrated his chastity to Our Lady.
Not acting on a wicked habitual vice and living in its opposite virtue instead is overcoming the vice.
Moral Theology 101
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