Michael Voris Tells His Story (Dr Taylor Marshall #194)

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Whoa! I did check those things out. I can’t believe that even Church Militant would say these things.
Voris and his staff fail to include positive comments about bishops because they want to focus on the negative.
As I said, “A former employee also claims that Voris and his staff fail to include positive comments about bishops because they want to focus on the negative.” I guess you’ll have to take up your concern with this young man.
I was told to write an article on Cardinal Dolan and his Making All Things New pastoral initiative. In it, many dying parishes were being closed down to save the Archdiocese of New York money. I added several quotes from distraught and sad parishioners, as the angle was clearly to portray Cardinal Dolan as a bad person. However, I made a mistake in the writing of it: I added a quote from Dolan saying how sorry he was for having to close down the parishes, and that he felt for the parishioners who were losing their parish communities.

I was told by my editor that overall the article was good, but the quote was taken out. When I asked why, I was given a shocking answer: “It made him look good, and that’s not what we want.”
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As I said, “A former employee also claims that Voris and his staff fail to include positive comments about bishops because they want to focus on the negative.” I guess you’ll have to take up your concern with this young man.
We encounter some of this zealous reporting in the prolife campaign. It can appear unfair and slanted. However, these people, like Dolan, have the very powerful liberal media on their side. It is bloated with lies of the “Militant Liberals.” They will try anything to advance their," culture of death. "

We are just getting started with our own conservative movement media like the Church Militant and Dr. Talor Marshal. Eventually we will have an empire of conservative media. I agree we need to be “fair and balanced.” The comment that the person made about making Dolan look good was probably someone who needs to be careful about their personal sentiment. In most prolife organizations we are told to consult with directors about what is appropriate to say in a more tactful manner. Some information is withheld so certain groups will not be offended. Dealing with these liberals is an ugly spiritual war. It brings out the best and the worst in people. Someone is bound to get hurt from time to time.
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As I said, “A former employee also claims that Voris and his staff fail to include positive comments about bishops because they want to focus on the negative.” I guess you’ll have to take up your concern with this young man.
“We”? 🤨 Your claim that shady methods are somehow justified aside, did you read the full article I shared?
I read the article. If you are liberal you won’t like the empire of conservative media. However, as long as they report the facts they are getting it right. If they lie, that would be unacceptable, we need to adopt the best practice of reporting. Have you ever looked at what some of the bishops are doing? It needs to be reported. Most people would rather hear the truth than to try and candy coat the reality of what is going on. You have to be honest and consider what is at stake. The Church is involved with social engineering and that is not what the Church is about. Maybe social engineering is a sub category of the faith but only indirectly without adopting liberal false teaching. The Church can never compromise the truth to accommodate liberals to make them feel more at home with the Catholic teaching.
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If you are liberal you won’t like the empire of conservative media.
I’m 100% pro-life. Truth is truth. It doesn’t need to be massaged or spun. The charge of this former employee is that CM massages content to disparage bishops of which it disapproves.
Have you ever looked at what some of the bishops are doing? It needs to be reported. Most people would rather hear the truth than to try and candy coat the reality of what is going on. You have to be honest and consider what is at stake. The Church is involved with social engineering and that is not what the Church is about.
What? Who said all bishops are wonderful? Who said we should be shielded from the truth?
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His story proves that homosexuals can overcome their lust and live chastely.
How do we account for him being so angry, disrespectful and divisive? Definitely wouldn’t let my kids listen to him… that’s a red flag

I try to stay away from any news source where their Bishop forbids them from calling themselves Catholic.
Regardless of how one digest Michael Voris reporting, his reporting is not without merit. There are sexual issues going on in the Church. His focus is based on the theme of ‘Church Militant’ which were Christians on earth who struggled as soldiers of Christ. An interesting historical fact about Michael Voris is he was an alter boy for Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. His faith and upbringing in Catholicism is based on that pivotal fact, which clearly shows he has a great passion for the Church.

Albeit I to find at times I don’t want to listen to the same News over and over again, I will never accuse Michael Voris of being disrespectful or divisive. He’s neither of those characteristics. He is one of us…part of the Church.
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Gracepoole. That is great to see that you want to know the truth. Give them another chance. Like I said we are just getting started. It is hard to know the effects words have on someone. They need to reign it in if they are massaging the content. We will confront them on this if it is true. There are others who will monitor them for accuracy involving great bishops and priests and laity. They are better at it than me or you. Trust in the Church Militant and Dr. Taylor Marshal. I think they have a positive impact that will come out fantastic in the end. There are bishops and priests who want to control our blogs and Youtube posts. This goes against our freedom.
Trust in the Church Militant
It just published a piece comparing the Vatican under Francis to North Korea calling his pontificate a “Reign of Terror”. Another piece relayed rumors about the conclave that elected Pope Francis being invalid. This stuff is completely bonkers! I wonder how it is all even possible?

My strong advice is to avoid church Militant!
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It just published a piece comparing the Vatican under Francis to North Korea calling his pontificate a “Reign of Terror”.
I keep seeing things like this and have to wonder if he really believes the gates of hell will not prevail.
“We” are the conservatives fighting for the truth. If we don’t get our own media empire things are going to get rough for Catholics and anyone else on the side of truth. The world as we know it will become violent toward those who live for family, pro-life, the true presence in the eucharist, and true doctrine of the church. You haven’t seen the worst it could get. It would be better to prevent a world like that than to just let it get worse and stand by and do nothing. This is very serious. Nothing like this has ever happened in history. You think Hitler was bad? Let this continue and see what this world becomes.
“Reign of Terror”
Someone needs to criticize Pope Francis. The saints criticized the pope in the past history of the church. He is saying things that are completely “bonkers.” What is this about the Amazon synod and earth worship? The globalist agenda he has adopted? The bishops are saying end abortion on one side and they do things in politics to increase abortion and uethanasia. “Global climate” change is being used to herd people into slavery. Not going to happen. He is clearly protecting the homosexuals in the church. I think what the Church Militant is saying to the Pope and bishops is appropriate. They need to maintain the Catholic doctrine or gracefully bow out. At least the protestants had the grace to leave.
No subtlety from Voris, Huh?! 🧐

I will say that I watched the long video over several nights out of curiosity. In his (i.e. Voris) mind he very likely believes he’s right. I can’t follow his thought process though. It just seems like an avalanche of fear and anger lashing out at everything. It feels like I’m missing something. I wish Mr. Voris would well, but @Sundiver be careful with this stuff.
I watched Dr. Taylor Marshall’s video about who is invited to the Amazon synod today. It was all interesting but especially the part about a certain diocese, Bishop and certain website. I never thought before about how precarious the walk is for those Catholics that try to hold tightly to free speech and Truth.
I never thought before about how precarious the walk is for those Catholics that try to hold tightly to free speech and Truth.
Just curious. What do you mean? Are you saying we need to give up free speech?
No don’t give up free speech.
Under normal circumstances I and many others wouldn’t give Voris or Marshall the time of day. I think though…these characters and probably very good people are called to be heard at this particular time. The situation really is dire. Catholic Answers has also played an important and impressive role for much longer. Continued conversation is vital.
Right. I agree. When Voris says something it is shocking and you wonder what is true and what is hearsay. It takes a long time to verify these things with the facts. However, when I combine it with personal experiences and the experiences of the people I know who have had similar experiences it is very easy to believe Michael Voris and Taylor Marshal. I don’t want to hear horrifying things about the Church. It is abrasive to my soul. I can imagine a better state of life and I try to live it.
Furthermore, if you think about it. Voris or Marshall probably never imagined these times anymore than the rest of us. Imagine the burden they carry as they are called out to speak. Here we hide behind user names.
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I know. Voris and Marshal have said they would accept martyrdom. I guess we all are in the same boat. I think I will start a blog with a positive light on the Church and church doctrine and link up with other Catholic writers. CAF is a lot of fun but, it has limitations. Some things you can’t express because of the guidelines.
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