Military Conscription

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According to Just War Doctrine, is military conscription (draft) ever justifiable?
Depends on the situation.

Wether or not a draft is practical is a different issue. Spoiler Alert
It’s not practical as drafted soliders are inferior to those that genuinely want to be there
According to Just War Doctrine, is military conscription (draft) ever justifiable?
I speak only as a US citizen and retired soldier, but I would personally think that if there were a draft, complying is obeying the law of the land (“Render unto Caesar…”). Further, when a male in the USA turns 18 years of age, he is required to register with the selective service in case of a draft, again obeying the law.
I wholly believe that unless there is an issue verifiable by an MD that reasonably prevents one from serving, and there is a draft, compliance should be a given.

St Padre Pio complied with the draft but was put out of service due to poor physical health. Since he was canonized, I would think that’s a good example to take as well.

Lastly, an able bodied person who “dodges the draft”, IMO, should have their citizenship revoked. If one desires the freedoms of our country, they need to fight for our country if called upon to do so.
Depends on the situation.

Spoiler Alert
It’s not practical as drafted soliders are inferior to those that genuinely want to be there
Proof of this can be found . . . where? Do you have a citation?
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The Vietnam War

The US instituted a draft. Not only did the citizens hate this, the soldiers that were drafted hated being there. Solider hates being there = low morale. Low morale = low combat effectiveness. Low combat effectiveness = inferior quality of solider.

Think about it this way. If the draft was effective and produced quality soldiers the US would still be drafting people today. The draft is reserved for emergencies because the military knows conscripts don’t want to be there but the fate of the nation is at stake.
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if you’ve ever said The Pledge of Allegiance, you’ve sworn to obey the laws of the land and must honor the draft.
The country has proven over the past 48 years that a voluntary military is far more formidable than a regular draft. If things were to get bad enough, of course we’d need a draft, but the voluntary forces are a better way to go.
If a draft we’re fair, I would say that people should comply.
But the history of the USA, is that the rich and well to do find a way for their sons to avoid the draft, especially at times of war.
In recent history, few of the wars have been “our” wars. We always seem to be fighting for others.
Can you cite an study that demonstrates a conscript is inferior to a volunteer?
I expect that conscripts may have lower morale, but that doesn’t prove that they’re inferior soldiers. The U.S. also had large numbers of conscripts in WW1 and WW2. We won those wars.
The country has proven over the past 48 years that a voluntary military is far more formidable than a regular draft.
Except the U.S. hasn’t really won a war since 1945. The most that the mightiest fighting force the world has ever seen can hope for is a draw.
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Wars were not lost by our military. They were handcuffed by government leaders.
Uh, What do you call Gulf Wars I & II?

Further, the US military has largely kept the peace worldwide since 1945. No combination of Britain, France, Germany, whoever, has been nearly the deterrent to the USSR, china, etc., as has the US military.
Yeaaaah, I’m not so sure about that. There’ve been some very pointed criticisms about the U.S. military culture that’s losing its edge.

Whatever. I’m not a veteran, and in 2020 therefore not entitled to be critical of the U.S. warrior class.
Our military did not lose any of those conflicts. We won the military battles. They were limited in their mission unlike the complete defeats of WWII.
The interesting thing is with the voluntary forces, the military reflects a wide range of demographics of the US, including many from well to do families.
Yeeeeaaaaaahhhh, what aren’t you sure of? Do you think the UK,
France, et at have had the same level of deterrence that has had the US military?

The sheep bleat but run to the Shepherd when the wolves come…
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