Military Conscription

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If others can define victory as they see fit, so can I.

The US all volunteer military won the furthest-reaching and most costly war in human history: the Cold War.
Wrong. The US defeated saddam hussein’s military (which at the time was like the 6th largest army in the world) in mere days.
Further, when a male in the USA turns 18 years of age, he is required to register with the selective service in case of a draft, again obeying the law.
I would usually agree. Keep in mind, however, that if the Vatican declares a war unjust, Catholics would have fair cause for conscientious objection.
if you’ve ever said The Pledge of Allegiance, you’ve sworn to obey the laws of the land and must honor the draft.
This is why I don’t make my children say the Pledge. Children cannot give their voluntary and informed consent for a pledge. Also, there’s a wide interpretation of how to show one’s allegiance to the country.
“Impose on the citizens” is general, but the CCC also states that in a just war there is a duty to do everything necessary, then go on to say that allowances should be made for conscientious objectors.
2310 Public authorities, in this case, have the right and duty to impose on citizens the obligations necessary for national defense.
Those who are sworn to serve their country in the armed forces are servants of the security and freedom of nations.
2311 Public authorities should make equitable provision for those who for reasons of conscience refuse to bear arms; these are nonetheless obliged to serve the human community in some other way.
So while the word “conscription” is not used, the concept of doing is justified, if the requirements of a just war are met.
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Interesting choices: in every one of those, the military achieved exactly what it was sent to do, fully dominated the battlefield, and controlled the areas which it roamed.

The disgrace is that in many of these cases, what they were sent to do was stupid.. “Hey, go resist aggression, but stay on our side of the line. . . . no, give that area back . . .”

For crying out loud, when the North Vietnamese didn’t want to let our troops leave, we bombed them into submission . . . spending young lives on such crack-headed schemes was disgraceful.

Either use the military and send them to take control of the whole country, or don’t send them in the first place.

We owe them that.
Look for example at the Ukraine-Russia conflict.
Peace by any means will eventually abolish Ukrainian identity, ethnicity, and land, and Ukraine will become Russian province.
Pacifists might say that real strength is in submission and inferior meekness.
But hey-may be instead of these feminine talk , it is worthy to wake up the manliness in men?
Look,the psycho-type of Ukrainian cozac’s ancestors is unique. Ukrainian land is a unique place where there was preserved unique psychotypes of fearless warriors.
Of course, its a due to a centuries of wars,but its a unique reservuar of authentic modern white knights. Some of these warriors are smiling when severely injured or dying.
The only things Ukrainians need its a waking up of this ancient spirit, training of modern military arts, and modern wepons.
And yes, HOLYWOOD can make a great job by helping to reveal the truth about Ukrainian ancient spirit of resistance.
Otherwise , those past years of cruel, beastly extermination of Ukrainian spirit will force the males to sleep. I mean to continue to be pessimistic, unresolute and submissive.
No, God created man as a man so the warrior features are needed.
I do not discuss just war, i just say that the proverb that "the truth is in strength " is absolutely right, but the strength should belong to right and noble.
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If a draft we’re fair, I would say that people should comply.
But the history of the USA, is that the rich and well to do find a way for their sons to avoid the draft, especially at times of war.
This was the problem with the Vietnam era draft. The draft that caught Elvis Presley was not run the same way as the one where anyone could get out of it by going to college, or a rich Daddy could use influence on a Congresscritter to get Sonny out.

Plus the WWII draft was at least partly used as a way to space out the flood of recruits, many of whom would have or tried to volunteer only to be told to go home and wait for the call, so the training facilities could be built and run effectively.
One with a college deferment DID report to active duty when the deferment period ended.
God loved King David very , very much and his off spring sits on the right hand of God…

He was a great warrior and servant.
if you’ve ever said The Pledge of Allegiance, you’ve sworn to obey the laws of the land and must honor the draft.
That’s why I’m against the pledge being in schools, on top of it being written by a socialist.
Part of the problems in America today— —me, me, me—I want this, I won’t do that—Make me—You and who else?—The government needs to pay for it (schooling, smart phones, housing, health care, yada, yada, yada)— —is because kids grow up with no allegiance to anything, including their families and their country.

We used to think about the words to the Pledge of America on every school day, at every school or sports event, and at every public meeting. How long has skipping the Pledge of Allegiance been in vogue? Is there a connection between the failure to recite the Pledge and the disconnect of our younger generations to a sense of dedication and responsibility for self and others?

Since my husband died in a military plane crash before our son was born, I have difficulty understanding the thinking of people who can’t pledge allegiance to this country that’s given them so much.
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Or you could move to a better country to which you could pledge your allegiance.
Ask yourself this ?

Why did King David become such a great servant and friend to Saul and his family. Even when he knew Saul sometimes was in the wrong and did Evil things…
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(He won’t, because there’s no better country to move to)

God bless the USA, and He surely has already.
There’s nothing in the pledge about obeying the laws. It’s a pledge to the idealized republic with several key descriptors the country struggles to live up to. Indeed in that light it is a pledge to hold the idealized country above the flawed one.
In theory, yes, but there were so many loopholes and exceptions that many people basically became professional students specifically to avoid the draft.
In theory, yes, but there were so many loopholes and exceptions that many people basically became professional students specifically to avoid the draft.
There will always be takers who shame their family name, but it isn’t fair to paint all who had college deferments with the same brush stroke just because some were slackers and leeches.

I knew MANY who were true to our country and their commitment. I’ve kept up with several and they still demonstrate the traits that propelled them back then. Although they’re in their 80s and 90s, now, they’re still go-getters. If something needs doing, they do it, even if it’s a despicable chore, and move on. They don’t hide, dawdle, linger, gripe, nor complain. Thank God for those stalwarts who’ve proven their love for their country, and may He bless them abundantly, every single one!
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but it isn’t fair to paint all who had college deferments with the same brush stroke
Would you kindly point out where I did that? “Many” in no way equates to “all”.
Part of the problems in America today— —me, me, me—I want this, I won’t do that—Make me—You and who else?—The government needs to pay for it (schooling, smart phones, housing, health care, yada, yada, yada)— —is because kids grow up with no allegiance to anything, including their families and their country.

We used to think about the words to the Pledge of America on every school day, at every school or sports event, and at every public meeting. How long has skipping the Pledge of Allegiance been in vogue? Is there a connection between the failure to recite the Pledge and the disconnect of our younger generations to a sense of dedication and responsibility for self and others?

Since my husband died in a military plane crash before our son was born, I have difficulty understanding the thinking of people who can’t pledge allegiance to this country that’s given them so much.
I could not possibly agree more. My elementary school classes said the pledge, and a prayer even though it was public school.

The thing people who refuse to say the pledge, especially, “…and for the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all.” Really, really need to consider those words. We are all equal under the laws of that republic for which it stands, we all enjoy many liberties, and the benefits of the justice system. Yet, someone refuses to say the pledge or teach their kids it’s meaning? If that is the case, please take your disrespectful self, and your kids, somewhere else where you can have allegiance.

I am betting those same folks kneel during the anthem. Take a knee, whatever. I assure you, if someone does that during the anthem and they’re in close enough proximity to me, they will very quickly be unable to stand for the anthem when the music is over.
Catechism allows it. However if a draft were instituted in this country you can bet your bottom dollar I’d protest it, and I’d be ineligible anyway.
Take a knee, whatever. I assure you, if someone does that during the anthem and they’re in close enough proximity to me, they will very quickly be unable to stand for the anthem when the music is over.
How pleasant.
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The government elected leaders are not whom we pledge allegiance to. The Constitution provides structure to the government, but the government changes all the time.
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